Development Flashcards
What are significant causes of delayed puberty?
Constitutional delay (usually familial) Chronic illness Poor nutrition Chromosomal abnormalities eg Turner syndrome Gonadal failure
What is precocious puberty?
Appearance of puberty
What investigations could be considered in precocious puberty?
FSH, LH, gonadal steroid (testosterone or oestrodiol), bone age, MRI brain if FSH or LH increased
What are growing pains?
Diffuse aches and pain in legs of children usually aged 3-7. May wake them at night. Poorly localised. Lasts 20-30minutes then self resolves. Normal examination
Check ESR if in doubt
What investigation should you consider in developmental disability and delay?
Screen for congenital infection eg rubella, toxoplasmosis, CMV)
Chromosome studies (karyotyping)
Urine metabolic screen eg PKU
Creatine phosphokinase in males (Spinal muscular atrophy)
Thyroid function tests
DNA tests eg prader willi, fragile x, williams
CT scan/ MRI
What are the 2 most common sizes of intellectual disability?
Trisomy 21 and fragile x
What is cerebral palsy?
A persistent motor disorder of movement and posture resulting from prenatal developmental abnormalities, or peri or postnatal CNS damage
What is delayed puberty?
Absence of pubertal development in girls > 14 and boys >15