Development Flashcards
When is the Apgar score assessed?
1 minute and 5 minutes following labour. It is an assessment of newborn vital signs on a 10 point scale (p.59)
What does Apgar score measure and what do the scores mean?
Appearance, Pulse, Grimace, Activity, Respiration. Greater than/ equal to 7 = good; 4-6 = assist and stimulate; <4 = resuscitate (p.59)
Define low birth weight and list potential problems/ complications.
Defined as <2500g. Associated with increased risk of SIDS and increased overall mortality. Other problems: impaired thermoregulation/ immune function, hypoglycemia, polycythemia (inc. RBCs), imparied development. Complications: respiratory distress syndrome, necrotizing enterocolitis, intraventricular hemorrhage, persistent fetal circulation (p.59)
What are the motor milestones for an infant aged birth-3 mos?
Rooting reflex, holds head up, moro reflex disappears (p.59)
What are the social milestones for an infant aged birth-3 mos?
Social smile (p.59)
What are the verbal/cognitive milestones for an infant aged birth-3 mos?
Orients and responds to voice (p.59)
What are the motor milestones for an infant aged 7-9 mos?
Sits alone, crawls, transfers toys from hand to hand (p.59)
What are the social milestones for an infant aged 7-9 mos?
Stranger anxiety (p.59)
What are the verbal/cognitive milestones for an infant aged 7-9 mos?
Responds to name and simple instructions, uses gestures, plays peek-a-boo (p.59)
What are the motor milestones for an infant aged 12-15 mos?
Walks, Babinski sign disappears (p.59)
What are the social milestones for an infant aged 12-15 mos?
Separation anxiety (p.59)
What are the verbal/cognitive milestones for an infant aged 12-15 mos?
Few words (p.59)
What are the motor milestones for a toddler aged 12-24 mos?
Climbs stairs, stacks 3 blocks at 1 year, 6 blocks at 2 years (p.59)
What are the social milestones for a toddler aged 12-24 mos?
Rapprochement (moves away from then returns to mother) (p.59)
What are the verbal/cognitive milestones for a toddler aged 12-24 mos?
200 words and 2 word phrases (p.59)
What are the motor milestones for a toddler aged 24-36 mos?
Feeds self with fork and spoon, kicks ball (p.59)
What are the social milestones for a toddler aged 24-36 mos?
Core gender identity, parallel play (p.59)
What are the verbal/cognitive milestones for a toddler aged 24-36 mos?
Toliet training (p.59)
What are the motor milestones for a child aged 3 years?
Rides tricycle, copies line or circle drawings (p.59)
What are the social milestones for a child aged 3 years?
Comfortably spends part of day away from mother (p.59)
What are the verbal/cognitive milestones for a child aged 3 years?
900 words and complete sentances (p.59)
What are the motor milestones for a child aged 4 years?
Uses buttons and zippers, grooms self (brushes teeth), hops on 1 foot, makes simple drawings (stick figures) (p.59)
What are the social milestones for a child aged 4 years?
Cooperative play, imaginary friends (p.59)
What are the verbal/cognitive milestones for a child aged 4 years?
Can tell detailed stories and use propositions (p.59)
What sexual changes occur in elderly males?
Slower erection/ejaculation, longer refractory period (p.60)
What sexual changes occur in elderly females?
Vaginal shortening, thinning, and dryness (p.60)
What sleep changes occur in elderly patients?
Decreased REM and slow wave sleep, increased latency and awakenings (p.60)
Name several other changes that occur in elderly patients.
Increased suicide rate, decreased vision, hearing, immune response, bladder control, decreased renal, pulmonary, GI function, decreased muscle mass, increased fat (p.60)
Compare normal bereavement to pathologic grief.
Normal bereavement is characterized by shock, denial, guilt, and somatic symptoms. It can last up to one year and the patient may experience illusions. Pathologic grief includes excessively intense grief or prolonged grief lasting more than 2-6 months; or grief that is delayed, inhibited, or denied. Patients may experience depressive symptoms, delusions, and hallucinations (p.60).