Development 2 Flashcards
Whar are the 2 parts of the pituitary developed from
• The pituitary has ectoderm AND neurectoderm origins
• Rathke’s pouch is the Ectoderm component
- Anterior pituitary
• Infundibulum is Neurectoderm component (derived from neuroectoderm)
- Posterior pituitary and stalk
Little bit of ectoderm becomes specialised - grows up as rates pouch. Infundibulum grows down - a bit of neuroectoderm. They join together
Then bones get ossified. Removes link between rathkes pouch and oropharynx.
Descirb the infunibulum
- Neural tube component
- Downward out-growth of the forebrain
- grows towards the roof of the pharynx
What is rathkes pouch
- Out-pocketing of ectoderm of the stomatodeum
- An evagination of the roof of the (oro-) pharynx
- Grows dorsally towards the developing forebrain
What is the lingual frenulum
Cord that tethered the base of tongue to floor of oral cavity
What is the sulcus terminalis
Boundary between anterior 2/3 and posterior 1/3 of the tongue
V shape
Point of the V is the foramen cecum
When does the tongue begin to develop
• Primordia of the tongue appear at about the same time as the palate begins to form
• Receives a component from
each of the Pharyngeal arches
What are the lingual swellings
Lingual swellings grow up from loot of pharynx. Each is a mass of tissue.
• 2 lateral lingual swellings
From Ph Arch 1
• 3 median lingual swellings:
- Ph Arch 1: Tuberculum impar
- Ph Arch 2 & 3 (+4): Cupola
- Ph Arch 4: Epiglottal swelling
How do the lingual swellings develop
• Lateral lingual swellings over-grow the tuberculum impar
• The 3rd arch component of the
cupola over-grows the 2nd arch component
• Extensive degeneration occurs,
freeing tongue from the floor of the oral cavity
• lingual frenulum - mainatains connection
Describe teh sensory innervation of the tongue
- Mucosa of anterior 2/3s derived from Ph As 1 & 3 therefore General sensory innervation CN V & IX
- Posterior 1/3 derived from Ph A 3 (& 4) therefore General & special sensory CN IX & X
• taste buds develop in papillae - Special sensory innervation CN VII
Describe the development of chorda tympani
- branch of CN VII, nerve of second arch • BUT
- passes into first arch
- passes through middle ear (which is a structure which develops between ph arch 1-2)
Describe teh motor innervation of the tongue
• Both intrinsic & extrinsic muscles of the tongue develop from myogenic precursors that MIGRATE into the developing tongue
Myogenic precursors come from somites.. each somite receives a branch from the cn xii. Move caudal to cranial, taking cn xii with them. Allows function of the tongue movement - changing shape and position
Where foes the thyroid gland initially appear
• Primordium of the thyroid gland appears in
the floor of the pharynx between the tuberculum impar and the cupola
• Final position is anterior neck
• HOW????
Describe the descent of the thyroid
- Point of origin for the descent of the thyroid is later marked by foramen cecum
- Bifurcates and descends as a bi-lobed diverticulum connected by the isthmus
- During its descent the thyroid gland remains connected to the tongue by the thyroglossal duct
- Pyramidal lobe (remnant of duct)
- Approx 50% of population
What a re some thyroid abnormalities
• Thyroglossal cysts & fistulae
Fluid filled cyst -
Sometimes duct can have abnormal opening onto surface - fistulae but these are less common
• Ectopic thyroid tissue - At some point along the descent - some gets left behind
How can you tell the difference between a thyroglossal cyst and a bronchial cyst
Thyroiglossal cyst will like along path of decent of thyroid. A bronchial cyst is a remnant of one of the pharyngeal cleft - the anatomical landmark to determine is the SCM
What is fist arch syndrome
• First arch syndrome
• spectrum of defects in development of the eyes, ears, mandible &
• Thought to result from failure of colonisation of the 1st arch with
neural crest cells
• Example – Treacher Collins Syndrome
What is treacher-Collins syndrome
• Characterised by hypoplasia of mandible & facial bones
• Inherited, autosomal dominant condition
• Haploinsufficiency of Treacle, a serine/alanine rich nucleolar phosphoprotein. It is involved in
ribosomal DNA gene transcription as well as in processing of the pre-ribosomal RNA. Deficiency of
treacle leads to insufficient ribosome biogenesis, and impacts on NC migration
Describ eteh syndromes resulting from the abnormal deveopment of first and second pharyngeal arches
What is di-George syndrome
- Congenital thymic aplasia & absence of parathyroid glands
- Syndrome including a variety of additional defects
- “C!TCH22”
- Deletion on Chromosome 22
- Disruption of development of 3rd and 4th pharyngeal pouches
- Abnormal development of neural crest
What is charge syndrome
• CHD7 (chromodomain helicase DNA- binding domain, ATP-dependant chromatin remodeller) • CHARGE syndrome - CHD7 heterozygous mutation • CHD7 expression essential for the production of multipotent NC