development Flashcards
Explain how the brain develops in the womb
Name and explain the functions of the four main structures of the brain
Name and explain the main functions of the four lobes of the cortex
Explain the difference between nature and nurture
Outline Piaget’s theory of how our intelligence develops through the development of schemas (include ‘assimilation’ and ‘accommodation’)
Name Piaget’s four stages of development and explain what cognitive skills children are learning at each stage
Evaluate Piaget’s stage theory of development
Explain two ways in which education is influenced by Piaget’s theories
Outline and evaluate McGarrigle and Donaldson’s naughty teddy study
Outline and evaluate Hughes’ policeman doll study
Outline and evaluate Dweck’s theory of mindsets
Explain how praise effects learning (mention ‘person/process praise’)
Define the term ‘self-efficacy’ and explain ways in which self-efficacy can be achieved
Explain what is meant by a verbaliser and a visualiser
Outline and evaluate Willingham’s learning theory