Development Flashcards
What is development?
Development is any improvement in the standard of living of the people living In a country
How is development measured
Using development indicators
What are the 3 indicators
Social, economic, composite
What is a economic indicator
Measures the wealth of a country
What is a social indicator
Shows how a country uses its wealth to improve the quality of life of its people
What are examples of social indicators
Birth rate
Death rate
Infant mortality
Adult literacy
Life expectancy
Number of people per doctor
What are examples of economic indicators
GNP/ GNP per capita
Cars in household
Computer per 1000 people
What is a composite indicator
A composite indicator combines several measures into 1 score. This gives a more accurate reflection of the level of development.
What composite indicator does the United Nations use ?
A HDI ( Human development index) this indicator is made up of GNP/GNP per capita, number of years schooling and life expectancy
What do social indicators measure
Health, diet , person and education, adult literacy