Development Flashcards
What is the definition of development?
Development is the process of change whereby people’s lives will get bettwer
What does HIC stand for?
A High income country
What does MIC stand for?
A Middle income country
What does LIC stand for?
A Low-income country
What does NEE stand for?
A Newly emerging economy
What does Life expectancy at birth mean?
An estimated age a baby will live for
What does Infant mortality mean?
How many babies die before their first birthday per 1000 people
What does Birth rate mean?
The number of live births per 1000 people per year
What does GNI per capita (ppp) mean?
The total income recieved by the country from its residents
What does Fertillity rate mean?
The average number of children a mother would have
What does the Median age mean?
The age whereby half the population are above and half below that age.
What is the Stool of Sustainability?
To develop fully, a country cannot have just economic development. It needs to be socially and evironmentally developed to. The stool of Sustainablility shows this, to make a country developed you need the three things. Economic, social and environmental development.
What is a development gap?
A development gap is the term used to show the gap between the poor countries and the rich countries
What are some reasons for a development gap?
A development gap can be caused by wars or not having very much resources because if some countries don’t have wars then they can develop but the countries with wars can’t and if some countries have the recourses to develop they will but other countries that don’t cannot.
What does Pastoral mean?
If animals are being reared then it Pastoral
What does Arable mean?
If crops are grown it is Arable
What does Mixed mean?
If crops are grown and animals are reared then it is Mixed
What does Subsistence Agriculture mean?
If the product is consumed by the farmer and their family then it is Subsistence Agriculture does Commercial Agriculture mean?
If the product is produced to be sold for profit then is Commercial Argriculture
What does Intensive mean?
If the farm has lots of time, money and/or labour invested then it is called Intensive
What does Extensive mean?
If the farm does not have lots of time, money and/or labour then it is known as Extensive
Does income levels affect people’s access to food and consequently, their health
Do agricultural practices contribute to climate change?
Yes, agricultural practiices contribute to climate change, such as deforestation for soya beans, cattle lots and rice farming
What is the definition of food security?
Food security means that all people, at all times, have a physical, social, and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutrititious food