Development Flashcards
What does HDI measure?
Quality of life using factors like life expectancy, literacy rate, income and access to clean water
What is birth rate?
The number of births in a year per every 1,000 people in a population
What is death rate?
The number of deaths in a year for every thousand people in a population
What is GDP(gross domestic product)
monetary meausure of all the goods and services produced in a time period
What is GDP per capita?
What is fertility rate?
average number of children per woman
What is life expectancy?
the number of years a person can be expected to live
What is literacy rate?
The percentage of a country’s people who can read and write
What is dependancy ratio?
The number of people too old or too young to be in the workforce compared to those in the workforce
What is infant mortality rate?
The percentage of children who die before their first birthday
What is India?
A MEDC(more economically developed country) and an emerging nation
Where is India located?
Near China and the Middle East. Great position for trade.
What is one poor part of India?
What is one rich part of India?
Explain population pyramids
Poor countries have bigger base as less people llive to old age. They also have lots of children as not all of them may survive. Children often also help with workl.
Rich countries have more even population pyramid as more people live ot an older age and more women get an education and focus on that not family. Farms going out of fashion. Uk has an ageing population.
What is outsourcing?
Agreement wher e companies hire another company to be responsible for an activity(helping eachother)
What is a FDI(foreign direct investment)?
Things such as BT call centres
Explain the positives and negatives of BT call centres
+They do not have to pay the workers as much.
+time zone difference so customers can have 24/7 service
- profit goes to Uk not India
- Some employees ma experience racial abuse
Explain the political significance of India
Worlds largest democracy and aprt of G20 and UN(also a BRIC)
Explian the social significance of India
Second largest population and worst urban slums among the world
Explain the environmental sigbificance of India
Richest biodiversity in the world and worst pollution. 3rd largest producer of greenhouse gasses
Explain the cultural significance of India
4 large religions(birthplace) largest film industry(bollywood)
Explains Frank’s dependancy model
Poor countries cannot grow(out of date and does not take into account for natural disasters)

Explain the Clark-Fisher model
changes in employment through a period of time

Explain Rostows theory
- primary
- secondary
- rapid growth and oversea investments
- growth and technology
- comfort and society decides how to spend wealth

What are the negatives of Rostows theory?
Forgets uniqueness of different countries and it is out of date and based on Europe nit the whole world
Brandt line
Line that seperates the poor south from the wealthy north. Outdated and many countries south are now much wealthier than before
low income country and high income country
What is Malawi
LEDC. Lots of diseases and problems with agricultural sector
What is top down development?
funded by large companies or decisions made by the national government
Local people do not get involved much+
more people impacted+
easy to sustain+
produces new jobs+
could trickle down+
does not help people as much-
What is bottom up development?
Helps small villages or towns
local people get involved+
government does not make decision
helps people significantly+
helps less people+
harder to sustain-
Three Gorges Dam
+used to generate hydroelectric energy for China. Shanghai will be helped which is home to 13 million people. Helping central and eastern.
+environmentally friendly as it produces renewable energy
+job opportunities
+replacing coal so stopping climate change
- high cost(25 billion pounds)
- fishermen ordered to leave and now cannot make a living
- 2million people had to move house
- increased erosion due to less sediment transported
- increased chances of landslides
- habitats disrupted
Water aid
Uk company
formed to help people in Africa who need access to clean water
+helps improve peoples lifes durastically
+less wildlife disrupted
+helps Africa to develop
- hard to sustain(a lot of villages are back to how they were before due to lack of money)
- less people helped
- 360million pounds has been wasted on warer infrastructure
- population pressures as size increases(more people want to live there due to access to clean water source)