detective lines Flashcards
THERAPIST. All three children –
B. Gone.
B. Can you image?
A. Their poor mother.
Was there anything different about that night?
MOTHER. It was supposed to be Wendy’s last night in the
They’ve all slept in the same room since they were
But it was time.
Wendy was at That Age.
What age is that?
BOY. What was her name again?
THERAPIST. Those children.
They’re back.
WENDY. He said come away with me. He said forever. I said That’s an awfully long time and I guess we were just saying pretty words Even though it felt Big and Real. Boys make big promises. Girls know better than to believe them, but they go along with them anyway. ... I went along with him anyway.
No official statement has been given.
WENDY. They asked me a lot of questions when I got back.
Were they in danger? These boys? Is that why you brought them with you? Was it him? Peter? What can you tell me about him?
A. He loves stories.
B. One night I heard him crying when he thought I was asleep.
C. I never asked why.
What can you tell me about him?
WENDY. Nothing.
Did he hurt you?
WENDY. I fell down and scraped my knee and my elbow,
When we were running one night.
What were you running from?
WENDY. We were running to, not from.
What were you running to?
WENDY. Who can remember.
We were always running.
It was magical.
And scary.
Scary how?
WENDY. Everyone wants to know about scary, no one wants
to know about magical.
Okay then, how was it magical?
WENDY. Literally.
There was magic everywhere.
In the air, in the water, in the trees…
And how was it scary?
WENDY. How long was I gone?
How long do you think you were gone?
WENDY. A year?
Nine days.
DETECTIVE. Nine days.
You’re mother says you haven’t stopped crying, why?
A. Did you hear –?
BOY. Do you remember –?
B. That girl.
Wendy Darling
BOY. She doesn’t even try, they say.
NINA. How long has it been?
Long enough.
B. Remember?
DOCTOR. Three children disappear.
Seven come back.
C. But wait –
A. Did you hear about the fliers?
She’s looking for him.
WENDY. Flying isn’t real anymore. This was a stupid idea. (An office.) (The DETECTIVE works at his desk.) Hello. Do you remember me?
How could I forget the famous Wendy Darling
WENDY. I need your help.
I need to find him.
Case is closed.
There haven’t been any missings that follow his pattern in quite some time. The last one took place within a year after you returned.
WENDY. What was his pattern?
It doesn’t matter anymore.
C. Everything sounded so new then.
You sabotaged things.
You gave your doctor and therapist false information.
You slept with the window open - even though it gave you a cold
Your mother put a lock on it - you broke the lock.
WENDY. Please.
Please, I –
Help me.
If I were you, I´d start with the letters.
DOCTOR. People mail all kinds of letters
Santa Claus – The North Pole
BOY. Second star to the right
Straight on till morning.