a lines Flashcards
WENDY. The first time I saw him, I saw his shadow first.
It was around the time I stopped thinking that staying
up late was a victory.
It was an awfully long time ago.
Did you hear–?
NINA. That girl and her two brothers –
DOCTOR. But the doors were still locked.
B. Can you imagine?
Their poor mother
WENDY. Then two.
Then no minutes at all
Did you hear?
WENDY. The first time I kissed him, it felt more like flying
than flying did.
She doesn’t sleep, they say
B. With strange names –
C. Toodles?
DETECTIVE. Were they in danger? These boys? Is that why you brought them with you? Was it him? Peter? (WENDY says nothing.) What can you tell me about him?
He loves stories
DETECTIVE. What were you running to?
C. A fairy dance.
B. A pirate ship
A mermaid lagoon
B. There wasn’t a mermaid lagoon.
C. Was there?
Of course there was– how could you forget
WENDY. Because of the magic.
Because it was everywhere.
Because of him.
C. I had never felt those kinds of feelings
They were so big, it felt dangerous
B. There are two groups of people in this world –
Those who shine with a holy light
C. And those who notice
He shone
B. The first time I saw him
I screamed
He was at my window
WENDY. Well.
John and Michael went with him.
They didn’t like everyone talking about them.
They were louder than me,
so it’s quieter now.
And he was big, my father.
So now there’s this big emptiness he left behind
and everything else is a different size…
I guess my mom and I always hid behind him, on
different sides?
So it’s good that all this other stuff is going on.
Now we have other things to hide behind.
Did you hear?
C. Besides those boys.
B. “The Lost Boys.”
I forgot about those boys
B. But he was supposed to come back.
He promised
BOY. She’s still in that room.
The room where she met him
THERAPIST. You’d be surprised at how quickly they can add up. Especially if you leave the house. Forty people. Just try.
WENDY. You can’t rush these things.
WENDY. Forty-two?
It didn’t work?
Sometimes it happens when you least expect it
C. I hate when they say that.
But sometimes
C. How do you know when it’s a lasting connection?
It depends
C. Now it feels different.
Now it means different things
B. I noticed.
I told him stories
C. I thought I saw him yesterday morning.
His lips were chapped
B. His eyes were blue.
His eyes were brown
B. His hands were the first hands I ever held in that special
The way that gives you butterflies
C. Just from hands.
Who knew?
B. I had never felt those kinds of feelings.
They were so big, it felt dangerous
I thought you knew.
I thought she knew!
Do you remember
NINA. Why was Wendy the famous one?
Instead of them
BOY. Because she never got past it.
C. But wait –
Did you hear about the fliers
B. He said he’d be back
He said I should wait
DETECTIVE. Straight on ’til morning.
He said once that he didn’t get any letters
B. So he doesn’t get lost when he comes back.
So he can find me
NIBS. I told you.
Did you hear
B. Everyone leaves her.
C. Why?
Theres no real reason
B. There are a lot of reasons.
Maybe it’s her fault
C. Poor thing.
B. I feel sorry for her.
C. We tore through the forest like we were being chased.
But sometimes we were being chased
B. I got a splinter in my foot one time.
It hurt so bad
WENDY. But you can only pretend so long.
There weren’t any grown-ups
B. It hurt to run.
I missed home