Detection Methods Flashcards
Performed using touch preparations
Tissues (smear)
Sample that Must be rolled back and forth across a dry, clean slide
Aspirates or body fluid Prep if high number of organisms are expected and if the specimen is thick
Single-drop smear
Aspirates or body fluid Prep if a small number of organisms is expected
Centrifuged smear
Aspirates or body fluid Prep used for low-volume specimens
A drop is placed on slide and allowed to dry. Another drop is placed on top of dried smear
Layered Smear
Aspirates or body fluid Prep where an aliquot of the specimen is spun directly into a slide
Cytocentrifuged smear
May be added to CSF to help cellular materials adhere to the slide
May be added to extremely mucoid specimens
What is gram stain?
A staining method that places bacteria into one or two groups (g+,g-) and determines g/s characteristic
Gram stain reagent contact times: Crystal violet Gram’s iodine Acetone-alcohol Safranin Red
1 min
1 min
3-5 seconds, rinse with water
1 min
G/S Primary stain
Crystal violet
G/S mordant
Gram’s iodine
G/S decolorizer
G/S counterstain
Safranin red
G+ cell wall color after gram stain
G- cell wall after gram stain
Color of G- cell wall when not decolorized
What does gram stain have that acid-fast stain does not have?
Acid-fast stain is primarily used to detect…
Mycobacterium species (TB)