Design & Innovation Flashcards
What are the key aspects of design process?
-Market/Demand pull.
-Technology push
What is market/demand pull?
When consumers see a product they want to buy.
What is technology push?
When a technological advance such as new materials or production method exists that pushes the development for new products.
What is an example of new materials created by scientists being put to use by designers?
When PTFE Resin was discovered by a chemist, designers used them on saucepans as they are non stick and heat resistant
What people are the main roles in the design process?
What is the role of the client?
Person with commission who:
-Provides the designer with the problems or need,
-A clear brief,
-Completes market research
-Has money for project.
What is the role of the designer?
The person who solves the problem by designing a product following design process.
What is the role of the maker?
Plans and manufactures, safely and efficiently, a quality end product that will profit
What is the role of the retailer?
Gives the customers what they want reasonably
What is the role of the user?
Gets high quality product that functions well, has fulfilled a need and is value for money.
What are the following techniques that can be used to generate ideas?
- Brain storming
- Morphological analysis
- Disassembly of existing products
How is disassembling existing products used to generate ideas?
Helps find out how a current products is made and how it works. Will also give information about the processes and materials used
What is brainstorming?
Thinking any questions, key words and initial thoughts you have about your problem, idea or product.
What is morphological analysis?
Breaking ideas into features and designing the product in different ways. Then looking at technology, aesthetics, materials and dimensions to explore ideas.
What are aesthetics?
The way a product looks and feels. First impression of a product is visual.
What is ergonomics?
The study of people in their environment. Means making the product fit the user.
What are the ergonomic factors?
-Body dimensions
What are anthropometrics?
The study of the human body and the movement of each part.
What data do designers work for in anthropometrics?
5th to 95th percentile which is 90% of the population
What measurements do anthropometry tables give usually?
Different body parts for men and women. Split into different nationalities and age groups.
What is Function over form?
The main driver for the design of the product is the way it works. E.g Household black bin
Why is less effort and time placed on how a product looks in Function over form?
So more time is placed on its efficiency in use.
What is Form over Function?
Aesthetics and image are the main driver during the design of the product. E.g Ornament
What is the important of aesthetics in Form over Function?
Contributes to the aesthetics of the environment it is used in
What are the names of some designers?
-Edward Barber and Jay Osgerby
-Philippe Starck
-Bethan Gray
Where did Edward Barber and Jay Osgerby graduate from and what degrees did they get?
They graduated from the Royal College of Art in London with degrees in Architecture
When was Edward Barber and Jay Osgerbys studio founded?
What was Edward Barber and Jay Osgerby first piece that was widely acclaimed?
The “Loop table” in 1997
What did a lot of Edward Barber and Jay Osgerbys early work consist of?
Folding and shaping of sheet material such as Perspex and Plywood
What are some popular designs from Edward Barber and Jay Osgerby?
-the Tip Ton Chair (2011)
-They designed the London 2012 Olympic torch (in 2011)
Who is Philippe Starck?
A French designer known for his wide range of designs.
Where did Starck Study?
In Paris but dropped out after 2 years
What did Phillippe Starck first company mostly design?
Inflatable objects, including chairs and other furniture
When did Starck start gaining popularity?
What designs brought Starck to Worldwide fame?
-His designs for the interiors of Café Costas in Paris in 1984
-His 3 legged chair
What was starcks most successful design?
-The world’s first completely transparent polycarbonate chair. It became the world’s best selling designer chair selling over 1.5 million units
When was Starck Productions founded?
What are some of Starcks other most popular designs (outside of furniture)
-The optical mouse for Microsoft
-The Juicy Salif Juicer, he designed for Alessi
Who is Bethan Gray? Where is she from?
An award winning Welsh designer. Born in Cardiff with roots in India.
Where did Bethan Gray graduate from? What degree did she get?
De Montfort University. With a degree in Three-dimensional design
What award did Bethan Gray win in 2013/14?
“best British designer”
What does Bethan Grays signature style reveal?
A love of detail and tactile textures. Using luxurious materials such as semi-precious stones, marble and wood.
What does Bethan gray design?
High quality designer furniture
What are the types of modelling?
•Mock ups
•Computer modelling
How can Mock ups help with designing?
•Helps evaluate a design
•Allow dimensions and human factors to be examined
•Enable designers to test features such as final colours, finish etc
What are prototypes?
Models built early in design process to help designer find out how real product will look and work.
What are the advantages of using prototypes for modelling?
-Can be made quickly and simply
-Can be made as full size models
-Has some functioning to allow design to be tested
What is computer modelling? What softwares can be used to do this?
Computer simulations of designs. CAD and Solidworks are examples of software used to do this.
What is the main drawback of computer modelling for designing?
The model cannot be held or passed around designers to handle