Design for Quality Exam Questions Flashcards


October 28, 2015 / 08:30-13.30

In Quality Management there is a strong focus on the customers as the ones that organisations provide value for. This focus is supported by a number of practices and tools. An organisation that is new to applying such practices and tools asks you to:

a) Explain and draw the Kano model and explain at least two benefits and challenges of using it. (5p)
b) Explain and draw the House of Quality and explain at least two benefits and challenges of using it. (5p)


Correction guidelines
a) Correct Kano model and description of the dimensions (0,255 dimensions (I, A, O, M, R) + 0,25 if axis are correct).
Overall explanation of the function, what you can see in it etc. 1,5p
Benefits 2
0,5p Challenges 2*0,5p

b) Parts of the HoQ correct and with explanation 1,5p
Overall explanation e.g. function of HoQ, translation process, part of QFD. 1,5p
Benefits 20,5p Challenges 20,5p

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October 23, 2013 / 08:30-13.30
Pencils Inc. is a company that has developed pencils for many decades based on a design by their founder. They have lately realized the need to work closer with their customers to identify their needs and wants. Having heard about the Kano model and the Pugh matrix they have become interested in applying these tools in their product development work. Before starting they have some questions:

a. Can you describe the Kano model – draw the model and explain – and give examples on what benefits the company can get from using it? (5 points)
b. Coming to Pugh concept selection, can you explain to the company how it works and also exemplify ideas on how it can be linked to the Kano model? (5 points)


Correction guidelines
Correct drawing of the Kano-model (types of attributes and correct name of axis) 1 credit. Description of the types of attributes  2 credits. Account for possible benefits e.g. pointing to the need of direct and indirect methods, insights on what attributes to compete on  2 credits
Account for the “outline” of Pugh concept selection matrix  3 credits. Relate to Kano in a sound way plus exemplify e.g. attributes can be used as evaluation criteria 2 credits

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October 23, 2009 / 14.00-18.00

a) Provide an overall description of Quality Function Deployment (QFD) including a definition and an explanation of the key steps in a QFD process. (4 points)
b) In Lengnick-Hall (1996) five distinct roles of a customer are identified; choose three of those roles and explain their meaning. For each of the three roles provide arguments for how QFD can be a way of increasing companies’ awareness and use of customers in this specific role (6 points)


The key steps in QFD can be described either as the four houses (HoQ, parts deployment, process planning, production planning) or the steps – market analysis, examination of competitors, identification of key factors and translation of key factors into product/process characteristics. (2 credits; 0.5 credits per element)
b) For each of the three roles 0,5 credits are given for an explanation of the role and 1,5 credits for argumentations of how QFD support that role. Examples:
Customer as resource  provides input for the left side of the house (requirements)
Customer as co-producer  can be a part of the QFD team, which facilitates identification of areas where customers can do active work
Customer as a user  one important way to gain knowledge of customer requirements (input to QFD) is to observe actual customers using the product to gain insights on implicit needs

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January 14, 2010 / 14.00-18.00

You are asked by a company selling ski vacations to explain the Kano model, as they want to expand their knowledge about their customers’ needs. Today their approach to understand their customer is limited to collecting and analyzing data from surveys distributed to current customers after their stay at the ski resort. Your assignment has been decomposed to three sub questions:

a) Draw and describe the Kano‐model by using a one-week ski vacation as an example. (2p)
b) Explain a minimum of three key things the company can learn by starting to use the Kano-model as a basis for understanding their customers as compared to their current approach. (3 points)
c) Explain to the management team of the company how the understanding of the Kano model can support their work on quality management. You should base your answer on a model of quality management – anyone that you can explain in a sound way. (5 points)


) Correct drawing of the Kano-model (at least three types of attributes and correct name of axis) =1 credit. A sound use of the example covering the attribute types described in the model = 1 point.

b) Examples: explicit and implicit needs, the need of using direct as well as indirect data collection tools, and the dynamics of attributes over time (3 points, one for each key thing to learn)
c) Answers can vary a lot but has to include a model of quality management e.g. cornerstone model (1 point) and a minimum of two areas where the use of the Kano model can be supportive (4 points). Examples are of course Kano as a support of customer focus, its dynamic dimension can be a support of proactive continuous improvement, collecting data in this way (direct and indirect methods) is supportive of basing decision on fact.

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October 22, 2010 / 14.00-18.00

a) Describe a company that would strongly benefit from using Quality Function Deployment (QFD). Factors to include can e.g. be problems that the company has encountered or conditions on their market. Further you should give some pieces of advice to the company on important aspects to consider when starting using QFD, e.g. how to organise and plan the QFD work. (4 points)
b) The figure below displays the House of Quality. Describe the numbered parts of the house and their purpose. Moreover, state and motivate one advantage and one possible difficulty in applying QFD. (6 points)


a) Examples of characteristics of a company that would benefit from QFD: problems in integration R&D – marketing, entering a new market with unknown customer needs. New competitor has entered the market (how well do we do in comparison). Minimum 2 factors that are well described – 2 points, not full point if only a bullet list).
Examples of advice: establish a cross-functional team, assign a sponsor to ensure resources, collect needs by indirect and direct methods. Minimum 2 factors that are well described – 2 points, not full point if only a bullet list).
b) 0.5 point per described area (total 4 points). Well described benefit and difficulty/challenge – 1 point each.

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