Design Flashcards
Acceptable surfacing for playground design
Shock absorbing, either recycled rubber or fibre mix.
Locating utility corridors
When possible, site utilities corridors should be consolidated along previously disturbed areas or along new roads or walkway construction
Efficient sites layout used what infrastructure and strategies?
Existing transportation infrastructure and alternative transportation strategies (e.g. mass-transit, carpooling, telecommuting)
Gravity sewers
Should be included in layouts to avoid the need for pumping stations
diurnal air currents
Daily variations in air currents
Windward zone of a shelter belt
The area located on the shelter belt face towards the prevailing wind.
How can a windward zone of a shelter belt be calculated
6 x height of shelter belt
What siting should be considered for the windward zone of a shelter belt
Activities that do not require the benefit of cooling winds
What is the leeward zone of a shelter belt
The area on the face opposite the prevailing winds
How do you calculate a leeward zone of a shelterbelt
25 x height of shelterbelt
How should design elements be sited within the leeward zone of a shelterbelt
Maximum protection from cooling winds in the 4-6H zone.
Maximum winter calm in cold climates can be achieved a 2H from the shelterbelt
Where best to site parking and roads with a shelter belt and why
10-12H of the shelterbelt
Because at 15H the snowthrow turbulence is the most severe
Shelterbelts are an effective means of —
Controlling airflow
Most comfortable ratio of an enclosed space before it starts to to lack a sense of enclosure (vertical to horizontal)
Average comfortable walking distance between activities or from parking areas
220m (700 feet)
Which tends to recede into the landscape, light colours or dark
Dark colours recede
When creating emphasis, is it better to use a lighter or darker colour
Lighter, darker recedes
In what climate would you choose furniture elements that are nonmetallic or light in colour, and placed away from surfaces that reflect or radiate heat.
Hot climates
In what climate would you select furniture that is dark in colour and placed so to take advantage of natural sun traps and avoid areas where snow is stock piled
Cold climates
In what climate would you select a site furniture that drains well and is non-absorptive
Wet climates
Material selection for Humid climates should keep what factors in mind
Material should be naturally decay and fungus-resistant, or specially treated to minimize mildew, rot, and staining.
Exercise trails
Jogging trails with exercise stations located 135 - 180m apart
Uses for plant material
Affecting microclimates, provide screening, circulation control, wildlife habitat, mitigate erosive slopes
Generally speaking, each time the distance from a sound source is doubled, the sound does what?
Falls off 6dB(A)
5 main factors that influence the effectiveness of a noise barrier
Distance, height, continuity, length and mass
Generally, how can you characterize slopes
Steep, moderate, gradual, minimal and very slight
What slope would be considered a “steep slope” and what are the design considerations for this context
Greater than 15%
Slab construction not cost effective
May have negative environmental impact of grading for roads, large structures, etc
Aspect may be an issue
What slope would be considered “moderate” and what design considerations would be associated with this context?
Not good for recreational uses such as ball fields
Parking might have issues
Slab construction is difficult, can be good for split level or terraced structures
Unpaved trails may erode
What slope would be considered “gradual” and what are the design considerations associated with this context?
Minimal grading required for many uses
Minimal construction costs
Will require accessible ramps
What slope would be considered “minimal” and what design considerations are associated with this context?
Minimal environmental impacts for grading roads, slab construction, etc.
Minimal construction costs
Does not need extensive ramping to be ada compliant
What slope would be considered “very slight” and what are the design considerations associated with this context
3% or less
Good for sports fields
May have drainage issues
Key concerns when developing a design
High and low points
Ridges and valleys
Drainage and overland flow patterns
Viewsheds / visibility blocked or maintained
If a stream crossing is required where is the best place to locate it
Area of least impact (i.e. narrow woodlands or floodplain), NOT through a wetland
What is the greatest (ideal) slope for high density use
Describe the effect on slope orientation on microclimate in northern hemisphere
West slope: indirect exposure to morning sun, exposure to hot afternoon sun. Exposure to both summer and winter wind.
South slope: exposure to sun throughout the day in the winter. Direct exposure to midday sun in the summer. Exposure to summer wind but protection from cold NW winter wind.
North slope: no direct sun exposure in the winter (cold) early morning and later afternoon sun exposure in the summer. Exposure to cold NW winds.
East slope: ?
What are som design considerations of planting plans?
Cluster in uneven numbers
Draw at 75% of full mature scale
Group in masses
Draw with overlap of 1/4 - 1/3 dia of plant
One common species of plant material should dominate in quantity.
Choose visual character and environmental needs first
Main features of a grid layout
Efficient, monotonous
Ease of navigation, invite higher speeds
Main feature of deep narrow lots
Typically garage and front facing street
Typ. 3000-4800 sq. Ft
6-8.5 lots per acre
Typ. 40’ wide lot allows for 10’ side yard and 20’ garage and 25’ for house
Tends to create a view of all garage doors
Main feature of wide, shallow lots
More space in between units
Longest dimension along street frontage
6-7 units per acres with lots of 3500 sq ft
Less yard, less desireable