Desensitisation/Disinhibition/Cognitive Priming Flashcards
What is desensitisation
Reduced sensitivity to violence after viewing repeatedly in media
-Can be psychological/physiological
Psychological effects of desensitisation
-Belief that using aggression to resolve conflict is socially acceptable
-Less negative attitude to violence
-Less empathy for victims
Physiological effects of desensitisation
Lower arousal of the sympathetic nervous system/less emotional response
Lab study on desensitisation
Weisz/Earls (1995) had pps watch graphic rape scene from film Straw Dogs then re-enactment of rape trial
Results of Weisz/Earls study
-Male viewers showed + acceptance of rape myths/sexual aggression
- Less sympathy for rape victim
-Less likely to find defendant guilty
What is disinhibition
Lack of restraint
-Usual social/psychological inhibitions against aggression are loosened when exposed to violent media where violence is seen as acceptable/rewarded
=New social norms for viewer
Cognitive priming
Repeated viewing of aggressive media= script about how violent situations play out
-Huesmann said script stored in memory and we become primed to be aggressive
What is the cognitive priming script triggered by
Cues in a situation that we perceive as aggressive
Is cognitive priming automatic
YES- Directs our behaviour without our awareness
Study into cognitive priming
Peter Fischer/Greitemeyer
-Men listened to songs with derogatory women lyrics/neutral lyrics= derogatory recalled more negative qualities about women/behaved aggressively towards female confederate
Strength of desensitisation
Research support
-Krahe et al had pps watch violent films
-Habitual viewers of violent media showed lower levels of arousal/blasted more white noise at confederate without provocation
-Lower arousal reflects desensitisation to effects of violence/linked to greater willingness to be aggressive
Weakness of desensitisation
Cannot explain some aggression e.g catharsis
-Psychodynamic theory suggests viewing violent media is safety valve to release aggressive impulses without violence
=Not all aggression result of desensitisation/alternative explanations may be more valid
Strength of disinhibition
Research support
-e.g Berkowitz/Alioto: pps watched film depicting aggression as vengeance= gave more fake electric shocks to confederate
-Media violence may disinhibit aggression if shown as justified/socially acceptable
Demonstrates link between removal of social constraints/aggression
Strength 2 of disinhibition (explaining cartoon violence)
Children no learn specific aggressive behaviours from cartoons (often physically impossible), instead learn aggression is socially acceptable, especially if character not punished= disinhibition
So explains how observing cartoon violence can lead to aggression
Strength of cognitive priming
Aggression often depends on interpretation of environmental cues and this depends on cognitive scripts
-Bushman/Anderson said habitual viewers access stored scripts quicker so more likely to interpret cues as aggressive without considering alternatives
Suggests interventions could - aggression by challenging hostile cognitive biases
Weakness of cognitive priming
Confounding variables in research
-e.g Research found playing violent video games= + aggression HOWEVER violent games more complex than non-violent
-Zendle removes complexity= priming effects disappeared
=Supportive findings of priming studies may be due to confounding variables