Descriptors of performance Flashcards
What is included in the structuring phase?
Value trees
Discriptors of performance
What is the structuring phase?
A process to make the vaue system of actors explicit, to evaluate the options or to generate better options.
What are the main steps of structuring?
- Indentify fundmental concerns
- Making each criterion operational for evaluating alternatives
- Designing a performance profile for each alternative.
What is PV?
Point of view. It is the explicitation of a VALUE which actors consider relevant to the evaluation of the options.
What is a FPV?
A Criterion. (fundamental point of view) - It is an end in itself, reflecting a fundamental value. - It could be a common end for which several elementary points of view (concerns) are contributed to. - Respect four conditions: Be intelligible Be consensual Be isolable Be operational
What is a value tree used for?
The criteria can be grouped in Cencern areas.
What are the desired properties of a family of criteria?
i. Complete (exhaustive)
ii. Non Redundant and Concise (minimalty)
iii. Decomposable ( from the independence propriety of each criterion)
iv. Consensual (from the intelligibility and consensuality properties of each criterion)
What is a quantitative descriptor?
Use of numbers
What is a qualitative descriptor?
Use of semantic expressions and numbers.
What is pictorial discriptors?
Use of visual representations
What is a continuous descriptor?
Represented by a continuous function
Discrete discriptor?
Represented by a finite set of impact levels.
Direct discriptor?
Related to the criterion in a natural way. Directly reflects effets
Indirect decriptor?
Indicates causes more than effects
Constructed descriptor
Describes characteristics underlying the criterion.
What type of descriptor is:
Criterion: Apartment size
Descriptor: Area in m^2
What type of descriptor?
Criterion: Urban centrality of the rail station.
L5 Good access. All located in the center
L4 good access. Most located in the center
L3 Ok access. Not always central
L2 Bad access. Not central.
What type of descripror?
Criterion: Damage to stone statues caused by acid rain
Descriptor: Sulfur dioxide concentration measured by part per million in the vicinity of the statues
Type of descriptor?
Criteria: breathing difficulties when doing efforts.
Descriptor: Pictures from best to worst.
What descriptors should we choose?
Quantitative better than qualitative
Continuous better than discrete
If there is a direct descriptor, choose it.
In case of indirect descriptors the use of indicators simplify the task of defining descriptors but also raises the risk of redundancies and the loss of the meaning of the descriptors.
Why should we use descriptors of performance?
- to help understand the decision context.
- Turn the criterion more intelligible
- help find obvious solutions
- allow the construction of local preference scales.
- Ideal to measure the degree to which the objectives are satisfied.