Description of the Bible Flashcards
What is the difference between General and Special Revelation?
General Revelation is what God makes known about himself through natural elements, human processes, or intuition. What can humanity draw from creation and logical about God? Special Revelation is how God makes himself known through some means of direction communications, including the Bible, prophetic utterances, visions, etc. the Bible is the primary source of Special Revelation, and the highest expression of revelation is the incarnation.
Does the Bible give us a theory of inspiration?
The short answer is ‘no.’ The theories of inspiration differ on the degree in which the Holy Spirit guided the author. The Bible affirms this was how the Bible was written, but it does not give us the specifics. The theories vary from no divine involvement (intuition), illumination, dynamic, plenary verbal to no human involvement (dictation).
What are the differences between the traditional and flexible views of inerrancy?
The traditional view holds that because God cannot err and because the Bible is God’s Word, the Bible cannot err. God cannot err but humans can. It is safe to say the original manuscripts were without err, but as they have been passed down through the generations, humans have made transcription mistakes. On the other hand, the flexible view argues that the overall message of the Bible is trustworthy and reliable. The message of the Bible is infallible.
What is the threefold division of the Hebrew Old Testament?
The divisions are the Law (Torah), the Prophets (Nevi’im), and the Writings (Kethuvim). Also known as the TaNaK.
What is the Pentateuch?
The Pentateuch (greek word for Torah) is the first five books of the Bible (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy). These 5 books were probably intended to be one work but had to be split apart because of scroll sizes.
How many books are in the Hebrew OT vs. the English OT?
The Hebrew OT has 22 books while the English OT has 39. However, the same books are in each. The division of the books is what differs.
Are there variations in the order of OT books among the MSS?
Yes. For example, Codex Vaticanus puts the Prophets last and is generally followed by modern publications. In Codex Sinaiticus and Codex Alexandrinus, the Prophets appear after the history books and before the poetical books.
What version of the OT does the English order and English titles follow?
The English order and titles both derive from the Latin Vulgate, which was drawn mostly from the Septuagint.
What is the fivefold division of the New Testament?
The Gospels, Acts, Pauline Epistles, General (Catholic) Epistles, and Apocalypse (Revelation)
What are the major variations in the order of NT books among the the MSS?
- Vaticanus places the General Epistles before the Pauline Epistles and Hebrews in between the Thessalonians and the Timothys
- Sinaiticus puts Acts after Paul’s Epistles but before the General Epistles and Hebrews between the Thessalonians and the Timothys
- Alexandrinus follows the Vaticanus but adds apocryphal books
What is the common, western, and coptic orders of the Gospels?
Common- Matthew, Mark, Luke, John
Western- Matthew, John, Luke, Mark
Coptic- John, Matthew, Mark, Luke
How are the Pauline Epistles arranged?
They are arranged by length from longest to shortest.
When were the titles added to New Testament books?
The titles were added in the 2nd century to distinguish from each other when circulated together as collections.
What did Scribes generally do to the titles over time?
The scribes expanded them.
What is one way to describe the relationship between the Old and New Testaments?
God’s plan to reestablish a relationship with His people was revealed throughout the Old Testament and fulfilled in the New Testament. Another example is thematic unity. Themes and ideas set forth in the OT are further developed and advanced in the New Testament. This is weak in my opinion because what is the point of an advanced promise? I want a kept/fulfilled promise.
What languages were the OT and NT written in?
The OT was originally written in Hebrew with some Aramaic sections. The NT was written in Greek.
What are the two types of Hebrew Script? Which is older?
The first and oldest script was paleo-Hebrew (paleo means old). The second script was Square script also known as Assyrian Script.
What is the Septuagint? Why is it significant to Christians?
The Septuagint was a Greek translation of the Old Testament. It is significant because 80% of the New Testament quotations from the OT come from the LXX.
What is vellum?
Vellum was the finest quality of extra-thin parchment, sometimes obtain by animals not yet born.
What is a colophon?
Colophons were notes at the end of a manuscript made by the scribe that usually denoted feelings of relief and joy over completing the copy or drudgery of work. Colophons help to date manuscripts.