Descent Below MDA Flashcards
Descent below the straight-in MDA or continuation of the approach below the DA during APVs, may only occur when?
- Visual reference can be maintained;
- All elements of meteorological minima are equal to or greater than those published for the aircraft performance category
- The aircraft is continuously in a position in which a descent to a landing on the intended runway can be made at a normal rate of descent using normal flight manoeuvres that will allow touch down to occur within the touchdown zone of the runway intended for landing
During visual circling, descent below the circling MDA May only occur when the pilot:
- Maintains the aircraft within the prescribed circling area
- Maintains a visibility along the intended flight path not less than the minimum prescribed on the chart; and
- Maintains visual contact with the landing runway environment (threshold/approach lighting/other markings idintifiable with the runway)
- BY DAY: descend in any position below MDA to an altitude that maintains obstacle clearance for performance category (400ft)
- BY NIGHT: from a position on the downwind / base or final leg complete a continuous descent from MDA to the THRESHOLD using rates of descent and manoeuvres normal to the aircraft type