Dermatomes & Myotomes Flashcards
C2 Dermatome
Posterior half of skull
C3 Dermatome
Medial end of clavicle
C4 Dermatome
Medial acromion and below clavicle
C5 Dermatome
lateral elbow
C6 Dermatome
1st digit and 2nd digit
C7 Dermatome
3rd digit
C8 Dermatome
5th digit (and 4th digit)
T1 Dermatome
Medial elbow
T2 Dermatome
Anterior axilla
T4 Dermatome
Nipple Line
T6 or T7 Dermatome
Xiphoid process
T10 Dermatome
T12 Dermatome
Anterior iliac crest/pubic sympthesis
L1 Dermatome
Inguinal region (upper medial thigh)
L2 Dermatome
Medial thigh mid distance
L3 Dermatome
Medial knee
L4 Dermatome
Medial malleolus
L5 Dermatome
Base of great toe
S1 Dermatome
Lateral heel
S2 Dermatome
Posterior knee
S3 Dermatome
Ischial tuberosity
C5 Myotome
Elbow flexion, shoulder abduction
C6 Myotome
Wrist extension
C7 Myotome
Elbow extension
C8 Myotome
Finger flexion; distal phalanx of middle finger
T1 Myotome
Finger abduction; little finger
L2 Myotome
Hip flexion
L3 Myotome
Knee extension
L4 Myotome
Ankle dorsiflexion
L5 Myotome
Great toe extension; long toe extensors
S1 Myotome
Ankle plantar flexion