Dermatology Flashcards
What are the 2 word parts to the word Integumentary and what are the means
integument/o- : skin
-ary: pretaining to
What are the 2 word parts to the word cutaneous and what do they mean
cutane/o-: skin
-ous: pertaining to
What layer has the protein keratin
What layer has melanocytes
What layer has the protein collagen
What layer has the protein elastin
Define Diaphoresis
excessive sweating or perspiration that is not due to physical exertion or warm temp
Define piloerection
occurs when skin is cold aka goosebumps
What are the 3 word parts to piloerection and what are the meaning
pil/o-: hair
erect/o: stand up
ion: action or condition
What are the 6 physiology purpose of skin
1) protection
2) repair
3) sensation
4) vitamin D synthesis
5) thermoregulation
6) homeostatsis
Define dermatitis and the word parts
infection or inflammation of the skin
dermat/o- : skin
-itis: infection of; inflammation of
Define hematoma and the word parts
elevated localized collection of blood under the skin
-oma: mass or tumor
hemat/o: blood
Define edema
swelling from excessive amounts of fluid that move from the blood into the dermis and subQ
Define hemorrhage
injury to the blood vessels that release blood into the skin
Define lesion
any area of visible damage on the skin or a variation from normal skin
What are 8 types of skin lesions
Define neoplasm and the word parts
new growth on the skin, benign or malignant
neo- = new
-plasm= growth
Define pruritus
the condition of itching; may be associated with many diseases, especially allergic reactions on the skin
Define rash
a red or pink skin lesion that is flat or raised, itchy or not itchy
Define xeroderma and the word parts
excessively dry skin
xer/o- : dry
-derma: skin
Define albinism
genetic mutation in which melanocytes do not produce melanin;
Define cyanosis and the word parts
a bluish-purple discoloration of the skin and nails
cyan/o : blue
-osis: condition; process
Define Erythema
reddiscoloration of the skin; may be local or over large areas of skin
Define jaundice
yellowish discoloration of the skin,mucous membranes, and sclera due to inability of the liver to process bilirubin
what is another term for jaundice
Define necrosis and define the word parts
gray to black discoloration of skin due to skin death from a burn,ulcer,wound, or poor blood supply
necr/o: dead tissue
-osis: condition, process
Define vitiligo
autoimmune diseases in which melanocytes are slowly destroyed and patches of depigmentation appear
Define abrasion
sliding or scraping injury that mechanically removes the epidermis
define blister
fluid-filled sac with a thin,transparent covering of epidermal cells; caused by repetitive rubbing injury
define burns
caused by heat, hot objects,steam,boiling water, electricity,chemicals and radiation
Define superficial burns
epidermis,redness,pain, and blisters
Define partial thickness burns
epidermis and upper part of dermis
Define full thickness burn
epidermis, entire dermis, subcutaneous tissue
Define a corn
callus wuth a hard,central pointed area that cause pain
Define callus
thickened,elevated pad on the dermis caused by the repetitive rubbing
Define cicatrix
collagen that forms as an injury heals; a scar
Define excoriation
superficial injury with a sharp object that creates a linear scratch on the skin
Define keloid
firm abnormally large scar that grows larger than the original injury due to the overproduction of collagen
Define laceration
linear penetrating wound, may have clean out edges or torn,ragged edges
Define pressure injury
ulcer in the skin caused by epidermal and dermal breakdown; associated with constant pressure on the skin that decreases blood flow over bony area
Define abscess
localized pus-containing pockets under the skin caused by a bacterial infection ( s.aureus)