Dermatology Flashcards
Cellulitis complications-
Persistent leg ulcers
Recurrent cellulitis
Necrotising fasciitis
Admit for cellulitis if…
Lymphoedema <1yrs Facial cellulitis Immunocompromised Rapidly deteriorating
Cellulitis treatment-
1st- Flucloxacillin
If penicillin allergy then macrolide or doxycycline in pregnancy.
If severe then ceftriaxone
Hand, Foot and Mouth-
Initial fever, lethargy, fatigue.
Then mouth ulcers
Then macules/papules on palms/soles of hand and feet.
Treat symptoms, contagious, good hygeine.
Sunlight exposure
Main- actinic keratosis- precursor for SCC
SCC Management-
<20mm then 4mm excision border
>20mm then 6mm excision border
Malignant melanoma RF-
Short bursts of sun exposure (holiday)
Malignant melanoma 2ww referral-
If scoring 3 points-
2 points for-
Change in size
Irregular in colour
Irregular in shape
1 point for- Inflammation Oozing >7mm Change in sensation
Malignant melanoma ABCDE
Asymmetry Borders irregular Colour irregular Diameter Evolution/Elevation
Malignant melanoma management-
Excise the entire lesion for biopsy
+ve for cancer then excise the borders
Look for any mets, lymph node involvement
See telangiectasia and known as rodent ulcer
Blue eyes, fair skin
Previous BCC
Elderly male
BCC management
Curettage (scraping)
Cryotherapy (freeze with NO)
Topical cream
Increase in fibrous tissue over skin.
Due to foreign object, I.e. ingrown hair
Cafe au lait macule
Birth mark
Can be light brown to darker brown pigment
Urticaria management
1st Non sedative antihistamine- cetirizine QDS.
If severe-oral corticosteroids.
Sedative antihistamine if problems sleeping- chloramphenicol.
Dermatology referral if painful and persistent urticaria, widespread acute, chronic (>6wks)