Derm Review Flashcards
layers of skin
describe what you see
describe me
-darrier’s sign- stroking lesion creates erythematous wheal associated with koebner phenomen
-auspitz- pin point bleeding when removing scale
-nicholsky - rub the skin off -> seen in steven johnson syndrome, scalded skin syndrome (staff) and pemphigus
-Raised, Pink, Scale, Silvery Plaques
-Extensor surfaces of elbows and knees but can be anywhere
-Variants- Vulgaris*, Pustular, Guttate (spares the palms and soles**)
-do you have aches, pain, swelling -> psoriatic arthritis
psoriasis treatment
-Mild- Topical Steroids
-Moderate- add UVB, Puva, descaler such as Retin A or Calcipotriene
-Severe- Methotrexate, Biologics
-When Psoriasis is diagnosed, look for signs of Psoriatic Arthritis and refer to Rheumatologist accordingly
pityriasis rosea
Unknown Cause
Possibly triggered by viral infection
Not Contagious
Herald Patch
Can be Itchy
Self limiting
Can last weeks to years!
lichen planus (not on exam)
4 Ps
Papular, Purple, Purulent, Polygonal
In mouth and mucal surfaces forms “lacy white patches”
Blisters that break to form scabs or crusts
Wickham Striae
Not Contageous
Precipitated by:
Hep C Infection
Flu Vaccine
Chemical exposure
Pain Relievers
Meds for Heart disease, HBP or arthritis
Increased risk of oral CA with oral or mucosal involvement
Scalp involvement can lead to scarring and hair loss
Hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil)
Metronidazole (Flagyl)
Immune response medicines (Cellcept, Cyclosporine, methotrexate)
Antihistamines relieve itching
Photothrerapy (UVB)
occasionallybyduskinessoftheerythemaand,infrequently,hyperpigmentation;oftenaccompaniedbysensationsof itchingandburning;thevesiclesformbyintraepidermalspongiosis;oftenhereditary andassociatedwithallergicrhinitisandasthma
eczema - atopic
Inflammatory Skin Condition
Dry itchy skin
Rashy patches
Skin infections
common types of eczema
-Contact Dermatitis
-Hand Eczema
-Seborrheic Dermatitis
-Stasis Dermatitis- thinning skin, shins, pale, blood vessels
different causes of eczema
-Interaction Between Genes and Environment
-Switches on the Immune system
-Genetic Component – Protein Filaggrin deficiency*
-Triggers -
-Dry air
-Emotional Stress!
eczema treatment
Topicals - Steroids, emollients
Bleach Baths
Imuno suppressants
seborrheic dermatitis (not on test)
Red, scaly, greasy, itchy and inflamed skin
In babies, when found in scalp, called cradle cap
Dandruff is a milder form of condition without the inflammatory component
Malassezia yeast is believed to play a role
Not contagious
-not on test
Antifungal cream –Ketoconazole
Salicyllic acid
Coal tar
Benzoyle Peroxide
Photo therapy
contact dermatitis
-Irritant and or Allergic
-What have you been doing?
-What do you do for a living?
-Find the cause, cure the disease.
-More than 15,000 things that touch the skin can cause a reaction
-With PI look for linear presentation
-lines of condition on body -> water drips down and spreads
-Figure out cause and STOP or avoid
-Steroid creams
-Oral steroids NOT short course
-Steroid shot (IM)
-Calamine lotion
-Oral antihistamines are not suggested for PI
drug eruptions
History Is SO important!*
Adverse drug eruption of the skin
Wheals or hives
Can form plaques
Sometimes skin biopsy is necessary
-Discontinuation of offending drug
-Steroids oral and topical
-Should be considered in any unexplained skin rash
-Base diagnosis on clinical observation
-Make sure to get a DETAILED history of prescription meds, OTC meds and supplements
Acne Vulgaris
Presence of open and closed comedones, pustules, nodules, papules, and cysts of the skin
Socially debilitating Acne Vulgaris
Presence of open and closed comedones, pustules, nodules, papules, and cysts of the skin
Socially debilitating
Association with teenage depression
Mild Moderate and Severe