Depth Perception Flashcards
A depth cue when viewing a scene that includes objects whose sizes can be compared to each other
Relative size
Large ballon and small ballon on paper, which one is closest
Why do we think the larger balloon is closest?
- Because we have no reference, we assume the two balloons are the same size
- the object that produces the smaller retinal image size is perceived as farther away
The ______ cue tells us how far away differenceonjects are relative to each other, but it cant, on its own, tell us exactly how far away any of the objects are
Relative size
If we know how big an object really is, our brains can solve the distance-equals-object-size-divided-by-relative-size relationship to determine absolute distances. This this case we are using the ________ depth cue
Familiar depth
This cue is used when viewing objects of known size
Familiar size
When viewing the railroad, we experience a strong sense of depth because we ______ the width of the railroad track is the same through the scene
The retinal image size of the rail separation in the background, however, is _____ than in the foreground, creating an illusion of depth
Why is linear perspective an illusion
Because all aspects of the photograph are physically the same distance from your eyes
Texture gradient
- our brains consciously ignore the bricks because they are part of the background of the scene, and were usually more interested in objects in the foreground
- and unconsciously notices that some bricks are considerably smaller and higher in the VF than others, therefore the bricks form a texture gradient
The distance to any object sitting not he texture can be ________by comparing it to the part of the texture the objects happen to be sitting on
Accurately judged
Can occur when the view of a scene is partially obstructed
A form of interposition, _____ acts as a depth cue because unobscured objects in a picture or actual scene may be perceived as closer than those that are obscured, for example, haze
What are some examples of things that act as an inter posing element that obscures the view of objects, causing them to appear more distant
Fog, smoke, rain, smog
When light falls on an object, the object casts a shadow. This is interpreted as falling behind the object; consequently, a sense of depth is created
Lighting and shadow
A monocular observer, standing upright, views an object located on the floor at a distance. Despite the absence of pictorial depth cues, the observer is able to judge correctly the objects distance. How is this done?
- The object makes an angle with the horizaon: angular declination below the horizon.
- the visual system apparently uses this angle to determine object distance
A kinetic monocular depth cue that results when a moving observer fixates on object while noticing the relative motion of surrounding objects
Motion parallax
Brain areas that have cells that encode for parallax information and play a role in processing binocular disparity and motion
During ______, the dioptric power of the lens increases, allowing near objects to be focused clearly on the retina
A binocular depth cue that allows the visual system to determine that the ball is distant to the fixated object
Retinal disparity
Light rays emanating from the most distant ball strike the retina nasally to the fovea, ther etinal disparity is said to be _____
When light rays from the nearest ball strike the retina temporal to the fovea,ther etinal disparity is said to be _______
In bino, focusing on an object hits the retina
In bino, focusing on the nearest ball strikes the retina
Focusing on the middle ball, strikes the retina
On the fovea
The perception of depth production by retinal disparity in a normal binocular vision
Important contributor to depth perception at near distances
Why does stereopsis not affect far distances much
Because the threshold for the retinal disparity, which is a specified as an angle at the eye, requires such objects to be separates by great distances
Retinal disparity prioduces stereopsis only if it ______ enough to allow fusion
If the disparity is too larger the images fall on the retina positions that signal grossly different directions, result in
Physiological diplopia