Depression --> WW2 (transition) Flashcards
In 1933, 66 nations attended this event to fix global depression:
London Economic Conference
What was the plan for the London Economic Conference?
fix global depression by stabilizing currencies
Who opposed the London Economic Conference and why?
Roosevelt opposed it because he wanted to fix the US economy himself.
What happened to the London Economic Conference without US support?
It collapsed.
Congress passed the Tydings-McDuffie Act in 1934 which pulled the US out of which country?
Why did the US leave the Philippines?
They did not want to support them incase of a Japanese attack.
Roosevelt formally recognized this country and opened a relationship to counterbalance German threat in Europe and Japan threat in Asia:
Soviet Union
Roosevelt passed this policy in which the US would not interfere with Latin American countries:
Good Neighbor Policy
In 1938, the Mexican government stole this:
US oil properties
How did Roosevelt deal with the Mexican Government stealing oil properties?
unarmed intervention policy
This act stated that the US would lower tariff if the other country did so as well, and 21 countries established negotiation pacts.
Reciprocal Trade Agreements 1934
Sec. of State that established negotiation pacts with 21 countries.
Cordell Hull
This form of government spread throughout Europe following the depression.
German Leader
Adolf Hitler
Italy Leader
Benito Mussolini
Soviet Leader
Joseph Stalin
German-Italy relationship
Rome-Berlin Axis
Japan terminated this policy by building more battleships:
Washington Naval Treaty
Mussolini attacked this country for power and glory in Africa:
Congress passed this act to prevent debt dodging nations from borrowing more money from the US.
Johnson Debt Default Act