Deployed Disaster Relief Flashcards
What disease caused 60,000 casualties in 1942 during the war campaign in Guadalcanal?
What two major diseases led to the disbanding of Merrill’s Marauders?
Malaria and Dysentery
What problem incapacitated the Allied and American units when they moved into an abandoned German war camp in the North African desert?
Overpopulation of flies flying around that caused sickness (dysentery)
What were the causes for losing over 13,000 people during the invasion of Sicily before and after the attack?
Malaria and Sand Fly Fever
What are OOTWs?
Operations Other Than War
What are some of the conditions that lead to OOTWs?
Peacekeeping, peacebuilding, peace enforcement, and humanitarian efforts
What system is DOD-directed?
Joint Operation Planning & Execution System (JOPES)
When resources are planned to be sent to the theater of operations in a transportation-feasible flow, what is the collection of information called?
Time-Phased Force & Deployment Data (TPFDD)
What is the WMP?
USAF War & Mobilization Plan: A classified document which provides commanders current policies, planning factors, and forces conducting and supporting wartime operations
Define medical intelligence.
Provides info about location like climate, environment, people, medical capabilities
In the absence of an officer in the public health office, who may be appointed as the MIO?
Experienced NCO
At what times should an MIO either recommend measures or report findings when a unit is scheduled for deployment?
Before, upon arrival, and all throughout the deployment.
What is the twofold purpose of the medical mission in wartime?
Return sick and injured personnel back to duty.
Contingency to transport for further care.
What is UTC?
Unit Type Codes
How can we effectively use the historical information from nuclear, biological, and chemical events?
Give education and limit repeating history.
The nuclear accident at Three Mile Island caused no immediate danger to radiation, but what concerns do experts have about the accident?
Longterm effects and effects on the food chain
In 1995, it was revealed that Iraq had sophisticated biological warfare agents. What were they?
Botulinum toxin, anthrax, and aflatoxin
When was the first recorded use of chemical weapons?
423 BC, during the Peloponnesian War
What accident occurred in Russia on 26 April 1986?
The Chernobyl factory accident
What NBC agents were used by Iraq in 1986?
Chemical agents, specifically mustard and nerve agents
What causes most of the destruction during a nuclear weapon detonation?
Which two blast components are caused by blast injuries?
Wind and wave
What type of fires would be caused by a nuclear weapon detonation?
What are the biological hazards from “fallout”?
Whole-body irradiation from the ground; beta particles on the skin; internal damage from inhaled alpha and beta particles
What type of radiation presents the greatest inhalation hazard?
Alpha and beta particles
How much of an immediate radiological hazard would an air blast produce on the ground?
How does a nuclear burst result in radioactive contamination?
By attaching to rain droplets that fall to the ground and contaminate the food chain
What type of nuclear detonation occurs where the fireball contacts the ground?
Surface blast
Which type of burst is the most hazardous nuclear detonation?
Surface blast
Why is the use of biological warfare agents advantageous?
Produces death, disease, or toxicity to all living things
How many biological agents can be released into the environment?
Three; bacteria, virueses, and toxins
What are the characteristics of biological warfare agents?
Incubation period, difficult identification, and unlike any other
What determines the effectiveness of biological agents?
The ability to overcome the resistance of the target host and the environment
What chemical agent was developed from dye fixatives in the textile industry?
Pulmonary agents
How do cyanogens affect the body?
They stop tissue respiration
In what type of weather are vesicants most effective?
Hot weather
What are the three examples of vesicants?
Mustards, phosgene oxime, and lewisite
What is probably the first effect you will notice in a person exposed to nerve agents?
Begins with pinpointing of the pupils
What are the effects of incapacitating agents?
Visual, mental, and physical disability.
What are high-yield explosives?
Any conventional weapon or devise that is capable of a high order of destruction and/or of being used in such a manner as to kill or injure a large number of people
What are the two categories of high-yield explosives?
High explosive (HE)
Low-order explosive (LE)
What are some examples of high explosives?
Trinitritiluene (TNT), semtex, nitroglycerin, dynamite, and ammonium nitrate fuel oil (ANFO)
What are some examples of low-order explosives?
Pipe bombs, gunpowder, Molotov cocktails, and missiles
Why did two Allied units withdraw from positions previously occupied by Germans in the North African Desert during WWII?
Flies spread disease from the exposed feces
Operations other than war (OOTW) are defined as
military actions conducted which are not associated with large-scale combat operations
Recent operations other than war (OOTW) have been seen in Bosnia,
Rwanda, Iraq, and Haiti.
The allowance standard (AS) that lists equipment to support the FFPM4 (PAM) team mission is
AS 916E
Medical intelligence (MI) is information about diseases,
climatic conditions and other health-related environmental factors.
How is most medical intelligence (MI) obtained?
Directly from people
When must medical intelligence (MI) be used as a preventative measure to be effective?
Prior to a unit’s deployment
Who appoints the base medical intelligence officer?
MTF commander
In the absence of the public health officer, who is normally appointed as the medical intelligence officer?
4E0X1 NCO with appropriate experience
The first country to use a nuclear weapon in warfare was
the USA.
According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), which nuclear accident resulted in more radioactive material being released into the atmosphere than from all nuclear tests conducted throughout history?
Chernobyl, Union of Soviet Socialist Republican (USSR)
What nerve agent was unleashed on a subway station in Tokyo by a Japanese cult?
If the wind velocity exceeds how many miles per hour (mph) in the vicinity of a nuclear blast, a person will be displaced.
What is the most likely reason that many military members suffer or die as a result of a biological attack?
Too much time between agent identification and cure/treatment recommendations
What is NOT a characteristic of a biological agent?
All agents are rapid in action from tie of exposure to symptoms
What is NOT one of the three primary substances comprising chemical warfare agents?
Antidote kits, such as antidote treatment, nerve agent autoinjector (ATNAA), and convulsant antidote for ner agent (CANA), treat symptoms of which type of chemical warfare agent exposure?
Nerve agents
Trinitrotoluene (TNT), C-4, and nitroglycerin are all examples of what category of explosives?
High explosives (HE)
What does a low-order explosive lack compare to high explosives?
Over-pressurization shock wave