Deploy, Manage, and Maintain Servers Flashcards
What does the following PowerShell DISM cmdlet do?
Adds an app package (.appx) that will install for each new user to a Windows image.
What does the following PowerShell DISM cmdlet do?
Installs a Windows capability package on the specified operating system image.
What does the following PowerShell DISM cmdlet do?
Adds a driver to an offline Windows image.
What does the following PowerShell DISM cmdlet do?
Adds an additional image to an existing image (.wim) file.
What does the following PowerShell DISM cmdlet do?
Adds a single .cab or .msu file to a Windows image.
What does the following PowerShell DISM cmdlet do?
Deletes all of the resources associated with a mounted image that has been corrupted.
What does the following PowerShell DISM cmdlet do?
Disables a feature in a Windows image.
What does the following PowerShell DISM cmdlet do?
Dismounts a Windows image from the directory it is mapped to.
What does the following PowerShell DISM cmdlet do?
Enables a feature in a Windows image.
What does the following PowerShell DISM cmdlet do?
Expands a custom data image.
What does the following PowerShell DISM cmdlet do?
Applies an image to a specified location.
What does the following PowerShell DISM cmdlet do?
Exports all third-party drivers from a Windows image to a destination folder.
What does the following PowerShell DISM cmdlet do?
Exports a copy of the specified image to another image file.
What does the following PowerShell DISM cmdlet do?
Gets information about app packages (.appx) in an image that will be installed for each new user.
What does the following PowerShell DISM cmdlet do?
Displays the Windows image file boot (WIMBoot) configuration entries for a specified disk volume.
What does the following PowerShell DISM cmdlet do?
Gets Windows capabilities for an image or a running operating system.
What does the following PowerShell DISM cmdlet do?
Displays information about drivers in a Windows image.
What does the following PowerShell DISM cmdlet do?
Gets edition information about a Windows image.
What does the following PowerShell DISM cmdlet do?
Gets information about a Windows image in a WIM or VHD file.
What does the following PowerShell DISM cmdlet do?
Displays a list of the files and folders in a specified image.
What does the following PowerShell DISM cmdlet do?
Gets information about optional features in a Windows image.
What does the following PowerShell DISM cmdlet do?
Gets information about packages in a Windows image.
What does the following PowerShell DISM cmdlet do?
Mounts a Windows image in a WIM or VHD file to a directory on the local computer.
What does the following PowerShell DISM cmdlet do?
Captures an image of customized or serviced Windows components on a Windows Image File Boot (WIMBoot) configured device.
What does the following PowerShell DISM cmdlet do?
Captures an image of a drive to a new WIM file.
What does the following PowerShell DISM cmdlet do?
Configures a Windows image with specified optimizations.
What does the following PowerShell DISM cmdlet do?
Removes an app package (.appx) from a Windows image.
What does the following PowerShell DISM cmdlet do?
Uninstalls a Windows capability package from an image.
What does the following PowerShell DISM cmdlet do?
Removes a driver from an offline Windows image.
What does the following PowerShell DISM cmdlet do?
Deletes the specified volume image from a WIM file that has multiple volume images.
What does the following PowerShell DISM cmdlet do?
Removes a package from a Windows image.
What does the following PowerShell DISM cmdlet do?
Repairs a Windows image in a WIM or VHD file.
What does the following PowerShell DISM cmdlet do?
Applies changes made to a mounted image to its WIM or VHD file.
What does the following PowerShell DISM cmdlet do?
Adds custom data into the specified app (.appx) package that has been provisioned in a Windows image.
What does the following PowerShell DISM cmdlet do?
Changes a Windows image to a higher edition.
What does the following PowerShell DISM cmdlet do?
Sets the product key for the Windows image.
What does the following PowerShell DISM cmdlet do?
Splits an existing .wim file into multiple read-only split .wim files.
What does the following PowerShell DISM cmdlet do?
Updates the Windows image file boot (WIMBoot) configuration entry, associated with either the specified data source ID, the renamed image file path or the moved image file path.
What does the following PowerShell DISM cmdlet do?
Applies an unattended answer file to a Windows image.
What does the following PowerShell DISM cmdlet do?
Adds a client computer to a target group.
What does the following PowerShell DISM cmdlet do?
Adds a dynamic category to a WSUS server.
What does the following PowerShell DISM cmdlet do?
Approves an update to be applied to clients.
What does the following PowerShell DISM cmdlet do?
Declines the update for deployment.
What does the following PowerShell DISM cmdlet do?
Gets the list of all WSUS classifications currently available in the system.
What does the following PowerShell DISM cmdlet do?
Gets the WSUS computer object that represents the client computer.
What does the following PowerShell DISM cmdlet do?
Gets dynamic categories on a WSUS server.
What does the following PowerShell DISM cmdlet do?
Gets the list of all products currently available on WSUS.
What does the following PowerShell DISM cmdlet do?
Gets the WSUS update server object.
What does the following PowerShell DISM cmdlet do?
Gets the WSUS update object with details about the update.
What does the following PowerShell DISM cmdlet do?
Performs the process of cleanup on a WSUS server.
What does the following PowerShell DISM cmdlet do?
Removes a dynamic category from a WSUS server.
What does the following PowerShell DISM cmdlet do?
Sets whether the classifications of updates that WSUS synchronizes are enabled.
What does the following PowerShell DISM cmdlet do?
Sets the synchronization status of a dynamic category.
What does the following PowerShell DISM cmdlet do?
Sets whether the product representing the category of updates to synchronize is enabled.
What does the following PowerShell DISM cmdlet do?
Sets whether the WSUS server synchronizes from Microsoft Update or an upstream server.
What is a Performance Monitor Alert DCS?
Allows you to monitor selected resources (CPU, memory, etc.), set an alert threshold and take action when the threshold is reached
How would you add a driver (that is avalible on the Microsoft Update Site) but not download any additional drivers that are not needed?
Run Import Updates and add the driver. Once you have imported the Updates you can search the Microsoft Update Catalog for the drive and add it to the WSUS server.
The WSUS server has been configured to manually synchronize updates from Microsoft
You deploy Office 2013 to all client computers in your network. Updates for Microsoft Office are avalible on the update server but do not show up in the products and classifications on the WSUS server.
What should you do?
You need to synchronize the WSUS server. Once this is done you can approve updates for the new product
What does the following command do?
wdsutil /add
Adds devices, images, or image groups.
What does the following command do?
wdsutil /approve-AutoAddDevices
Approves pending Auto-Add devices and allows you to set configuration information for them.
What does the following command do?
wdsutil /convert-RiprepImage
Converts a legacy RIPrep image to a WIM image.
What does the following command do?
wdsutil /copy-Image
Duplicates an image within an image store.
What does the following command do?
wdsutil /delete-AutoAddDevices
Deletes all or specific pending Auto-Add devices.
What does the following command do?
wdsutil /disable
Disables a WDS Server or Transport Server.
What does the following command do?
wdsutil /disconnect-Client
Disconnects a client from a multicast transmission or namespace.
What does the following command do?
wdsutil /enable
Enables a WDS Server or Transport Server.
What does the following command do?
wdsutil /export-Image
As with wdsutil /export in ImageX, this exports an existing image from the image store to a WIM image.
What does the following command do?
wdsutil /get
Gets properties and attributes for a device, image, image group, WDS server, or transport server.
What does the following command do?
wdsutil /initialize-Server
Configures a WDS Server for use after first installation.
What does the following command do?
wdsutil wdsutil /new
Creates capture or discover images, multicast transmissions, and namespaces.
What does the following command do?
wdsutil wdsutil /progress
Displays progress while a given command is being executed.
What does the following command do?
wdsutil /reject-AutoAddDevices
Rejects all or specific pending Auto-Add devices.
What does the following command do?
wdsutil /remove
Removes images, images groups, multicast transmissions, and namespaces.
What does the following command do?
wdsutil /replace-Image
Replaces (overwrites) an image with a new image.
What does the following command do?
wdsutil /set
Sets properties and attributes for a device, image, image group, WDS server, or transport server.
What does the following command do?
wdsutil /start
Starts a WDS Server or Transport Server.
What does the following command do?
wdsutil /stop
Stops a WDS Server or Transport Server.
What does the following command do?
wdsutil /uninitialize-Server
Reverts the changes made to the server during server initialization (reverts it to an unconfigured state).
What does the following command do?
wdsutil /update-ServerFiles
Updates the files in the server’s REMINST share with the latest versions from the server’s System32\RemInst directory.
What does the following command do?
wdsutil /verbose
Displays verbose output while a given command is being executed.
What does the PowerShell CmdLet Do?
Adds an existing driver package to a driver group or injects it into a boot image.
What does the PowerShell CmdLet Do?
Approves clients.
What does the PowerShell CmdLet Do?
Copies install images within an image group.
What does the PowerShell CmdLet Do?
Denies approval for clients.
What does the PowerShell CmdLet Do?
Disables a boot image.
What does the PowerShell CmdLet Do?
Disables a driver package in the Windows Deployment Services driver store.
What does the PowerShell CmdLet Do?
Disables an install image.
What does the PowerShell CmdLet Do?
Disconnects a multicast client from a transmission or namespace.
This does not allow you to stop additional clients from joining a broadcast
What does the PowerShell CmdLet Do?
Enables a boot image.
What does the PowerShell CmdLet Do?
Enables a driver package in the Windows Deployment Services driver store.
What does the PowerShell CmdLet Do?
Enables an install image.
What does the PowerShell CmdLet Do?
Exports an existing boot image from an image store.
What does the PowerShell CmdLet Do?
Exports an existing install image from an image store.
What does the PowerShell CmdLet Do?
Gets properties of boot images from the image store.
What does the PowerShell CmdLet Do?
Gets client devices from the pending device database, or pre-staged devices from Active Directory or the standalone server device database.
What does the PowerShell CmdLet Do?
Gets properties of driver packages from the Windows Deployment Services driver store.
What does the PowerShell CmdLet Do?
Gets properties of install images from an image store.
What does the PowerShell CmdLet Do?
Gets properties of install image groups.
What does the PowerShell CmdLet Do?
Gets a list of clients connected to a multicast transmission or namespace.
What does the PowerShell CmdLet Do?
Imports a boot image to the image store.
What does the PowerShell CmdLet Do?
Imports a driver package into the Windows Deployment Services driver store.
What does the PowerShell CmdLet Do?
Imports an install image to an image store.
What does the PowerShell CmdLet Do?
Creates a pre-staged client.
What does the PowerShell CmdLet Do?
Creates an install image group.
What does the PowerShell CmdLet Do?
Removes a boot image from the image store.
What does the PowerShell CmdLet Do?
Removes a pre-staged client from AD DS or the stand-alone server device database, or clears the Pending Devices database.
What does the PowerShell CmdLet Do?
Removes a driver package from a driver group or removes it from all driver groups and deletes it.
What does the PowerShell CmdLet Do?
Removes an install image from an image store.
What does the PowerShell CmdLet Do?
Removes an install image group.
What does the PowerShell CmdLet Do?
Modifies settings of a boot image.
What does the PowerShell CmdLet Do?
Modifies a pre-staged client device.
What does the PowerShell CmdLet Do?
Modifies the properties of an install image.
What does the PowerShell CmdLet Do?
Modifies the name and access permissions of an install image group.
Can you use Active Directory Security Groups to help Manage WSUS updates?
What is a Managed Computer?
- Linked objects in Active Directory to the correct location.
- This allows you to assign permissions for who can join each computer to the domain
What is express installation?
Anwser: It only downloads the differences between the new version and the old version to install the update.
The express installation files feature is an update distribution mechanism. You can use express installation files to limit the bandwidth consumed on your local network, but at the cost of bandwidth consumption on your Internet connection. By default, WSUS does not use express installation files. To better understand the tradeoff, you first have to understand how WSUS updates client computers.
Updates typically consist of new versions of files that already exist on the computer being updated. On a binary level these existing files might not differ very much from updated versions. The express installation files feature is a way of identifying the exact bytes that change between different versions of files, creating and distributing updates that include just these differences, and then merging the original file with the update on the client computer. Sometimes this is called delta delivery because it downloads only the difference, or delta, between two versions of a file.

What is deferred installation?
Answer: Only downloads Metadata for updates, once approved it downloads the update
In depth description:
You can approve updates, and download the update metadata before you download the update files, this method is called deferred downloads. When you defer downloads, an update is downloaded only after it is approved. We recommend that you defer downloads because it optimizes network bandwidth and disk space.
What do you need to do before you can set up an event subscription that collects events from computers over the network?
Enable this machine for remote management. This allows logs to be collected by the Centeral Computer
What command do you use to create and manage subscriptions to events that are forwarded from remote computers?
After you have configured WINRM.
What does the following CMD do?
creates and manages Event Trace Session and Performance logs and supports many functions of Performance Monitor from the command line.
DCS - Data Collector Set
if you need a log size to be no bigger than 100MB and a new log to be started what should you do?
Configure DSC Stop Condition properties
- this allows you to set a limit on the log file and to restart
When would you use performance Monitor?
When you want to gather live performance data from one or more computers. Does not colled event logs
When would you use Event viewer?
When you want to view, collect or view event logs
What are the two types of WSUS Configurations for multiple WSUS servers (when you want them to be connected)?
- Replica Mode
- Autonomous Mode
What does Autonomous Mode set up for WSUS?
Autonomous Mode - Each WSUS server is able to select its own options and configurations
update languages, creates computer groups, assigns computers to groups, tests and approves updates, and makes sure that the correct updates are installed to the appropriate computer groups
What does replica mode set up for WSUS?
Answer: Recieve all updates and settings from an Upstream sever
The Replica mode, also called centralized administration, works by having an upstream WSUS server that shares updates, approval status, and computer groups with downstream servers. Replica servers inherit update approvals and are not administered separately from the upstream WSUS server.
What is the GPO Client Side Targeting?
What does it allow you to do?
- You specify a WSUS Group and the policy can be placed at a location in the OU Structure - it then moves thoses PCs into the WSUS Group
- It allows you to automate WSUS Groups
What does the following CMD do?
- What does the switch /ResetAuthorization do?
- What does the switch /ReportNow do?
- What does the switch /DetectNow do?
Windows Update Agent
- /a or /ResetAuthorization
- Initiate an asynchronous background search for applicable updates. If Automatic Updates are disabled, this has no effect.
- /r or /ReportNow
- Send all queued reporting events to the server asynchronously.
- /DetectNow
- Initiate detection right away, Query the WSUS server immediately to see if any new updates are needed.
What do you need to specifiy when you enter the WSUS intranet server location?
The port being used which is 8530
What do you need to install in order to view the WSUS Reports?
The Microsoft Report Viewer 2008 Redistributed
How do you allow WDS clients currently installing to continue but not let any additional client join the broadcast?
Wdsutil /remove
Can you configure a GPO to only target a few machines in an OU for a WSUS Group?