Depletion Anemia Flashcards
what are the two main types of depletion anemia
abnormal loss of RBCs
abnormal destruction of RBC’s
abnormal loss of RBCs
abnormal destruction of RBC’s
hemaglobinopathies/ hemolytic anemia
classification of hemolytic anemia
intracorpuscular defects
extracorpuscular defects
results in free hemoglobin in circulation and starts a potential cascade of events
____ will damage tissues esp. renal
free Hb
the protein ____ binds with Hb for elimation
once haptoglobin is saturated it binds with the protein albumin to form ______ (indicating there has been considerable hemolysis)
continue free ___ is serum will result in hemoglobinuria
extrinsic agents:
anemias due to iso or auto antibodies are hemolytic such as…
IMHA - immune mediated hemolytic anemia
MAHA - microangiopathic hemolytic anemia
fetal Rh incompatibility
intrinsic defects (-opathies):
in normal adults…
Hb is:
Hb A is:
Hb: 98%+
Hb A: <2%
intrinsic defects (-opathies): newborns have >50% \_\_\_\_ but it is normally replaced by 6 months of age
Hb F
intrinsic defects (-opathies): \_\_\_ is compromised by Hb A1 (95-98%) and Hb A2 (1-2%), a minor component
Hb A
Hb structural abnormalities:
mostly african americans; trait about 8%, dz about 1%
sickle cell dz
Hb structural abnormalities:
Hb S levels at >80% is the dz
sickle cell dz