Dependent Infinitives and Clauses Flashcards
What are the dependent infinitives?
hören, sehen, helfen, lassen
How do dependent infinitves work?
They can be used with another infinitive of another verb like a modal verb (same order too)
I let Robert come
Ich lasse Robert kommen
We heard (pret.) Anita sing
Wir hörten Anita singen
He sees me dance
Er sieht mich tanzen
Are you helping Peter write?
Hilfst du Peter schreiben?
How do you conduct the present perfect of dependent infinitves?
Put the form of haben/hatten with the subject and send the dependentive infinitive to the end and place the other infinitive beforehand with the object it relates to
I heard her scream (present perfect)
ich habe sie schreien hören
We saw Agnes paint
Wir haben Agnes malen sehen
Did you let Dad try?
Hast du Vater propieren lassen?
I will hear the child cry
Ich werde das Kind weinen hören
What happens to haben or werden in a double infinitive construction in a subordinating clause?
the conjugated form of the auxiliary precedes the double infinitive
He says that he was allowed to come
Er sagt, dass er hat kommen dürfen
i am happy because I will hear Ursel sing
Ich bin glücklich, weil ich Ursel werde singen hören
not to have to
brauchen nicht zu (+infinitive)