Deontological Ethics Flashcards
Name Aquinas’ Key propositions
- God gave people the ability to reason so they can discover the way to live and their God given purpose
- Everyone can reason even if they don’t believe in God
- Since natural law comes from God it is universal and unchangeable like him
Name the 3 Theological Virtues
Love / Charity
Name the 4 cardinal virtues
What are the hierarchy of laws in order?
Eternal -> Biblical -> Natural -> Human
What are the primary precepts (POWER)?
Preservation of life Ordering society for the benefit of its members Worship God Education Reproduction of the human species
What are the two ways in which God reveals himself (Revelations)?
Natural Revelation and Biblical Revelation
What did Aquinas mean by Biblical Law?
Laws that were found in the bible and / or through Jesus
What did Aquinas mean by Eternal Law (Hierarchy) ?
Laws that are only known to God
What did Aquinas mean by Human Law (Hierarchy )?
When humans put the above into practice in society, e.g laws regarding property, driving laws and so on
What did Aquinas mean by Natural Law (Hierarchy) ?
Revealed through human nature and the world when we use our reason correctly
What does Aquinas define an external act as?
The action of a person
What does Aquinas define an internal act as?
The intention of a person when they carry out an action
What does Telos translate to?
What is meant by Absolutist?
Certain actions are always right or always wrong regardless of circumstances
What is meant by Deontological?
We have a duty to preform / avoid certain actions because of their intrinsic worth (good or bad) regardless of circumstances
What is meant by Teleological?
When something focuses on the purpose of the one implementing the theory
What is syndersis?
Syndersis is the innate or built in sense of morality that everyone posses
What is the beatific vision?
Being in God’s presence is the ultimate final purpose for humans
What is the meaning of the cardinal virtue of fortitude?
Also called courage, this virtue helps us overcome fear and remain steady in our will to face obstacles but it is always reasoned and reasonable
What is the meaning of the cardinal virtue of justice?
What is though of a particular person is irrelevant, if we owe something we must repay what is owed
What is the meaning of the cardinal virute of prudence?
The virtue that allows us to reason and know right from wrong in a situation
What is the meaning of the cardinal virtue for temperance?
The restraint of our desires or passions. Food, drink and sex are necessary to survival but disordered desire of any of these can become bad quickly
What is the meaning of the theological virtue of faith?
People that believe in God, involves a whole person and reflects total submission to God as the divine power
What is the meaning of the theological virtue of hope?
The constant and consistent trust in achieving the beatific vision
What is the meaning of the theological virtue of love / charity?
The love that someone has for God and how it is projected onto others around them
What type of theory is Aquinas’ Natural Law?
Absolutist, Deontological and Teleological