Dental Occlusion Flashcards
What is the horizontal overlap of maxillary incisors in relation to mandibular incisors?
What is the Vertical distance by which the maxillary incisors overlap the mandibular incisors?
How are maxillary posterior teeth positioned in centric occlusion?
- maxillary posterior teeth are slightly buccal to mandibular posterior teeth
- Maxillary posterior teeth are located slightly distal to mandibular teeth
Where do the lingual cusps of maxillary posterior teeth rest in centric occlusion?
The lingual cusps of max. posterior teeth rest in the occlusal fossae of mandibular teeth
Where do the Buccal cusps of the mandibular posterior teeth rest in centric occlusion?
Buccal cusps of mandibular teeth rest in the Occlusal fossae of max teeth in centric occlusion
Are the buccal cusps of maxillary posterior teeth buccal or lingual to those in the mandibular arch in Centric Occlusion?
the buccal cusps of max. posterior teeth are BUCCAL to those in the mandibular arch
What is Angle’s Classification?
the classification of occlusion and malocclusion based on the relationship of the maxillary 1st molar to mandibular teeth
What facial profile corresponds to Angle’s Class II Occlusion?
What Facial profile corresponds to Angle’s Class III Occlusion?
What is the Molar Occlusion in a Class I occlusion?
“Neutroclusion” the ideal relationship btwn the dental arches
-MB cusp of max. 1st molar occludes with MB groove of mandibular 1st molar
The MB cusp of the maxillary 1st molar occludes with the MB groove the mandibular 1st molar is what type of Angle’s classification?
Class 1 molar occlusion
What class of molar occlusion is characterized by Distocclusion?
Class II molar occlusion
What is Distocclusion?
the MB cusp of the maxillary 1st molar occludes mesially to the MB groove of the mandibular 1st molar
-referring to the mandibular teeth being more Distal to the maxillary teeth than ideal
What term is generally used to describe Class II occlusion?
Class II, Division 1 occlusion is characterized by what?
Deep overbite; maxillary anteriors Protrude facially from the mandibular anteriors
-Labioversion of maxillary incisors
Chin Retrudes (retrognathic profile)
What is a Class II, Division 2 occlusion?
maxillary Central incisors are Upright or retruded, and Lateral incisors are tipped labially or overlap the central incisors
- linguoversion (lingually tilted) of maxillary incisors
- Mesognathic (orthognathic) profile
What class of Molar occlusion is characterized by Mesiocclusion?
Class III molar occlusion
What is Mesiocclusion?
the MB cusp of the maxillary 1st molar occludes distal to the MB groove of the mandibular 1st molar
- so the MB groove of the mand. 1st molar is mesial to the MB cusp of the max 1st molar; mesiocclusion refers to mandibular tooth position
- Chin Protrudes
- Underbite
What Class of occlusion is an Underbite?
Class III
When The MB cusp of the maxillary 1st molar occludes distal to the MB groove of the mandibular 1st molar it is a a Class ____ molar occlusion?
Class III
What is the canine relationship in a Class I occlusal classification?
the maxillary canine occludes w/ the distal half of the mandibular canine and the mesial half of the mandibular 1st premolar
The distal surface of mandibular canine is distal to the mesial surface of the max. canine (by at least the width of a premolar) in what occlusal class?
Class II
When the distal surface of the mandibular canine is mesial to the mesial surface of the maxillary canine it is a Class ___ occlusion
Class III
What is it called when one or more mandibular teeth are facial to their maxillary components (can be anterior, posterior, or both)?
What is the Curve of Spee?
anteroposterior curve
What is the Curve of Wilson?
Lateral curve
What are the Supporting/Functional Cusps?
Lingual cusps of maxillary teeth
Buccal cusps of mandibular teeth
What are the 3 mandibular movements?
Elevation and Depression
Lateral excursions
Protrusive: mandible moves forward
What is the Working side?
the side to which the mandible moves during lateral excursions
What is the Non-working side?
opposite side from which the mandible is moving during lateral excursions (aka Balancing Side)
What is Canine Guidance and what mandible movements is it involved in?
In lateral and protrusive movements of the mandible
canines and anterior teeth provide discussion of the posterior teeth
What type of caries affect the proximal surfaces of molars and premolars (posterior teeth)?
Class II: proximal surfaces, posterior teeth
What type of caries affect the proximal surfaces of anterior teeth (centrals, laterals, and cuspids)?
Class III: proximal surfaces, anterior teeth
What class of caries are one surface cavities beginning in the pits and fissures that occurs in: occlusal or premolars and molars, buccal or lingual surfaces of molars, or the palatal of anterior teeth?
Class I: one surface restorations
What class of caries involves the proximal surfaces of incisors and canines and extends into the incisal angle?
Class IV
Caries that occur on the gingival 1/3 of the buccal or lingual surfaces of anterior and posterior teeth are a Class ___
Class V
What class of caries involves the cusp tips of molars, premolars and cuspids?
Class VI
What is the optimal position of the condyles of the temporomandibular joint in centric occlusion?
the most posterior, unstrained position in the glenoid fossa
What is Centric Occlusion?
the relationship when the jaw is closed in a position that produces maximum stable contact between the occluding surfaces of the max and mand. teeth
- maximizes the masticatory function of teeth
- widely distributes occlusal load