Dental Materials, Oral Environ., Tissues Flashcards
Classifications of Materials
Preventative materials, Restorative materials, Auxiliary materials, Biomaterials
Preventative dental materials
Slow or prevent the onset and progression of disease. Ex.) Pit and fissure sealants,cements, fluoride, etc.
Restorative dental materials
Repair or replace damaged or missing tooth structure. Direct, indirect, or temporary (provisional)
Direct restorative dental materials
Placed, formed, contoured, finished intraorally. Ex.) Dental amalgam and dental composite
Indirect restorative dental materials
Fabricated extraorally. Ex.) Crowns, ceramic veneers, etc.
Temporary (provisional) materials
Restore teeth for a short period of time while definitive restoration is fabricated
Auxiliary dental materials
Everything else. Stone, wax, impression, finishing abrasives, etc.
Material that interacts with biological systems
Tissue engineering
Repairs tissues. Injection of cells, guided tissue regeneration, cell induction, scaffolds
Ideal Dental Materials
Biocompatible, bond permanently, match natural appearance, exhibit similar properties to natural tissues, capable of initiating tissue repair
Research Trends
People are living longer, want lifelike replacement options, want esthetic outcomes, shorter treatment times
Calcified tissues
Enamel, dentin, cementum, formed from Collagen type 1 reinforced with Hydroxyapatite (HA), a calcium phosphate mineral
Forms anatomic crown, joins dentin at dentinoenamel junction, formed by ameloblasts, made of hexagonal crystals, most highly calcified tissue in the body
Enamel structure
Prisms surrounded with inter-rod enamel that allows flow of water and ions
Phosphoric acid used to expose enamel prisms, produces a bondable surface area and cleans area of debris
Fluoride binds in place of OH on HA and become stronger material
Complex hydrated composite structure, forms majority of tooth. Modified by aging, disease, etc. Peritubular (intertubular) dentin surrounds tubules, intratubular dentin is in between tubules. Primary dentin formed by odontoblasts before eruption, secondary dentin formed by obs after eruption. Tertiary dentin formed as localized repair, transparent dentin formed after trauma, often occludes tubules
Development of teeth and supporting structures from embryonic tissues
Cells that form dentin, moves downward from DEJ, forming tubules. Odontoblastic processes project into tubules of dentin in fully formed teeth. Respond to stimuli as pain
Oral biofilm on teeth and restorative materials
Biofilm formation
Salivary pellicle deposited on teeth, becomes acquired pellicle. Pellicle contains glycoproteins and receptors that bind to planktonic bacteria (streptococci). Other bacteria bind to strep, forming a living film.