Demography Flashcards
Birth rate is
Number of live births per thousand of the population per year
Total fertility rate is
Average number of children women wil, have during fertile years
1.83 in 2014
2 reasons for Changes in fertility and birth rate
More women remain childless
Women postpone having children
4 reasons for decline in birth rates
Changes in women’s positions - persue career
Decline in infant mortality rate
Children are now an economic liability - less children
Child centredness (quality rather than quantity)
Infant mortality rate is
Number of infants who does before there first birthday per thousand babies born alive per year
Better IMR because of 3 things
Improved housing
Better nutrition
Better kowledge of hygiene
5 reasons for decline in death rate
Improved nutrition Medical improvements Smoking and diet Public health measures Decline of jobs like mining
Life expectancy for men and women in 1900 and 2013
50, 57
90, 94
Ageing population caused by 3 factors
Increasing life expectancy
Declining infant mortality
Declining fertility