Couples Flashcards
Domestic division of labour is
The roles that men and women play in relation to housework childcare and paid work
Parsons view
Instrumental and expressive roles
Instrumental role
Achieve success at work
Provide family financially
Expressive role
Primary socialisation of children
Meet families emotional needs
Parson says about his division of labour
Based on biological differences
Beneficial to both men and women
2 people who criticise parsons view
Young and willmott - improvement in men
Elizabeth botts view
Joint and segregated conjugal roles
Segregated conjugal roles
Couples separate
Male breadwinner
Female homemaker
Leisure activities separate
Joint conjugal roles
Couples share tasks
Leisure time together
Bethnal Green London
Pattern of segregated conjugal roles
Men breadwinners and at pubs/ working men’s clubs
Women full time housewife’s
Young and willmott domestic division of labour view
March of progress Symmetrical family Roles between wife and husband much more similar Women go out to work Men help at home Younger couples
Symmetrical family is the result of 4 things
Changes in women’s positions
Geographical mobility
New technology
Higher standards of living
Feminists reject
March of progress
Ann Oakley
Men help only once a week
If women work and do housework they have a
Dual burden