It is empirical, statistical, and mathematical study of human population
It is the scientific study of human populations with respect to size, structure and development
Give the three foci in demography
- Population size
- Composition of the population
- Distribution of the population
It is the mathematical and statistical study of the size composition and spatial distribution of human populations and of changes over time in these aspects through the operation of five processes of:
- Fertility
- Marriage
- Mortality
- Social Mobility
- Migration
True or False:
Demography is used to determine the number and distribution of a
population in a certain area for planning, priority setting and for purposes of fund allocation
True or False:
Demography is used to determine growth (or decline) and dispersal of population in the past.
True or False:
Demography is used to establish a “causal relationship” between
population trends and various aspects of social organization.
True or False:
To predict future developments and their possible consequences. It also serves as denominators for health indicators
True or False:
Demography is used in setting up targets of coverage of activities and norms for assignment of health facilities/staff/funds.
Tools used in Demography
- Counts
- Ratio
- Proportion
- Rates
It is the absolute numbers of a population or any demographic event occurring over a specified period, area and time
An example of this tool is population size, number of males in the Philippines
It is a single number that represents the relative size of two numbers
It is a special type of ratio in which the numerator is part of the denominator
It measures the amount of change (no. of new events) in a given period of time.
Enumerate the sources of demographic data
- Census
- Sample surveys
- Vital registration systems
- Continuing population registers
It is the total process of collecting, compiling and publishing demographic, economic and social data pertaining to all persons in the country at specified time.
True or False:
There are two ways of allocating people during census-taking
A method in census allocation wherein it assigns the individuals to the place of their usual residence regardless of where they were actually enumerated during census
De jure method
A method in census allocation wherein people are allocated to the areas where they were physically present at the census date regardless of where they usually live.
De facto method
A source of demographic data wherein demographic information is obtained based on a sample of the population
Sample surveys