Demographic transition model stages Flashcards
Stage 1
High CBR
High CDR
Stage 2
High CBR
NIR rises because CDR declines
Stage 3
CBR Declining
CDR low
NIR moderates bc the CBR starts to decline
Stage 4
Stage 5
Lower CBR
Increasing CDR (more elderly people than young)
0 to negative NIR
Characterized as a decline in population bc CDR exceeds CBR
-Over Ike fewer women in child bearing years (more CBR falls)
Stage 1 migration
High daily or seasonal mobility in search of food
-little migration
Stage 2 migration
High international emigration and inter regional migrants on from rural to urban areas
-International migration
Stage 3 migration
High international immigration and intraregional migration from cities to suburbs
-Internal migration
Stage 4 migration
High international immigration and intraregiinak migration from cities to suburbs
-internal migration
Epidemiologic transition stage 1
Pestilence and Famine (High CDR)
- Infectious and parasitic diseases main cause of death
- Black plague
- Shift to agriculture mean more contact with infected animals and human waste
Epidemiologic transition
Focuses on distinct health threats in each stage of the demographic transition
Epidemiologic transition stage 2
Receding Pandemic (rapidly declining CDR)
- Factors that reduced the spread of disease during industrial revolution (improved: sanitation, nutrition, medicine)
- Cholera pandemic in London
- Typically happens in wealthy or developed nations
- Developing nations still suffer from infectious diseases more than chronic diseases
Epidemiologic transition stage 3
Degenerative diseases (Moderately declining CDR)
- Decrease in deaths from infectious diseases
- Increase in chronic disorders associated with agent
- Cardiovascular disease
- Cancer
- Human created disease (pollution)
Epidemiologic transition stage 4
Delayed Degenerative diseases (Low but Increasing CDR)
- Deaths caused by cardiovascular disease and cancer delayed because of modern medical treatments
- Life expectancy of older people is higher through medical advances
Transistor to stage two cause
Aka Epidemiologic transition
- Agricultural technology (more food)
- Medical technology (better treatments)
- Public sanitation technology (safer and cleaner living conditions)
Transition to Stage three in classic DTM
AKA fertility transition
- Societies become less rural and more urban (decline in childhood death, change traditional values about having children, city living raises cost of dependents)
- Women more influential in child bearing decisions (women enter work force and increasing female literacy)
- Improved contraceptive technology, availability of birth control
Epidemiologic transition stage 5
Poverty (Unsanitary and people too poor to buy medication)
Increased connections (people can travel easily and quickly and so can diseases)