Democrates VS Republicans Flashcards
campaign finance
D: believe they should take immediate action to curb the influence of lobbyists and special interests on our political institutions.
R: oppose the passage of the disclose act,support either raising or repealing contribution limits.
minimum wage
D: make minimum wage match up to inflation
R: nothing
Small business
D: tax cuts for small businesses that make new investments, hire more workers,or increase wages.
R:well reform the tax code to allow businesses generate enough capital to grow and create jobs.
R: insist on full parity in trade with China and ready to impose if China fails to amend its currency policies
D: to continue to fight un fair trade practices that disadvantage American producers.
D: believe that the right to organize and collectively bargain, oppose the right to work.
R: support the right to work laws
D: commuted to passing the paycheck fairness act.
R: nothing
D:enacted the fair sentencing act , reauthorizing the violence against women act, invest in community-based law enforcement programs
R: support mandatory prison sentencing, and national registry for convicted child murderers.oppose parole for dangerous or repeat felons
Native American sovereignty
D: support maximizing tribal self governance
R: oppose the creation of any new race-based governments within the us
D:Support the woman’s right to make decisions about her pregnancy.
R: Support a human life amendment, family values.