democracy and participation Flashcards
What reforms to the franchise were introduced in the 19th century?
The Reform Acts of 1832 and 1867 extended the vote to more men, laying the foundation for broader democratic participation.
What other electoral systems are used in the UK, apart from FPTP?
Additional Member System (AMS) – Used in Scotland, Wales, and the Greater London Assembly.
Single Transferable Vote (STV) – Used in Northern Ireland.
Supplementary Vote (SV) – Used for mayoral elections in England.
What role do elections play in a democracy?
Elections allow citizens to hold their representatives accountable, choose governments, and participate in shaping policies. They also legitimize those in power.
What are the two main purposes of elections in the UK?
Choosing Representatives and Government: Voters elect representatives to make decisions on their behalf.
Holding Representatives to Account: Elections judge the performance of those in office.
What is a mandate, and how does it differ from legitimacy?
mandate other ght ofan government to implement policies from its manifesto after an election
legitimacy the rightful authority to govern gained through winning an electiom