Demand side policies Flashcards
What is demand management?
The use of fiscal and monetary policy to influence the level of aggregate demand
what is fiscal policy?
The use of government spending and taxation to influence the economy.
what is monetary policy?
The use of interest rates or QE to influence the economy
What is expansionary demand management?
This attempts to increase AD in order to increase economic growth and reduce cyclical unemployment
What is contractionary demand management?
This attempts to reduce AD in order to reduce inflation
What are some ways fiscal policy can be used to influence AD?
Any increase in government spending on infrastructure, health care, education etc will boost AD -> multiplier effect leading to an even larger rise in aggregate demand and national income (real GDP)
- A cut in income tax -> increase in disposable income -> increase consumer spending -> increase AD
- A cut in corporation tax rates-> increase profits after tax -> more investment -> increase in AD
What is the difference between a rise in income tax and a rise in VAT and diagrams?
A rise in direct tax such as income tax would reduce AD shifting the AD curve to the left.
a rise in an indirect tax such as VAT would affect business costs This means a rise in VAT decreases SRAS
What are ways that lower interest rates can boost consume spending?
Lower interest rates -> lower incentive to save -> increase AD -> Increase in economic growth
Lower interest rates -> lower cost of borrowing -> more households can be taking on loans to buy goods
Lower interest rates -> lower mortgage costs -> more disposable income leading to more spending -> AD
What are ways that lower interest rates affect investment?
Lower interest rates -> Lower cost of borrowing / loan payments -> increased investment by firms
Less incentive to save retained profits so they can be invested
How can lower interest rates affect imports and exports?
Lower interest rates can lead to a depreciation of the pound -> imports decrease and exports increase leading to increase in AD
Disadvantages of demand management?
- time lags
- unintended consequences
- incomplete information
- can be ineffective without other policies like supply side policies
Is demand management on its own enough?
No, supply side policies should be used with demand side policies to be effective
What is quantitative easing?
When the Bank of England increases the money supply and uses this to buy bonds (mainly government debt) from the banking sector.
What impact does QE have on AD?
increases value of wealth -> increased consumer confidence -> increased consumer spending. This combined with any investment -> Increased AD -> more economic growth and a fall in cyclical unemployment
What are 3 limitations of QE?
- May increase inequality
- QE may be ineffective at boosting AD
- Could lead to inflation
What is a budget deficit?
when government spending is greater than tax revenue
Why should we be concerned about the national debt?
-High government debt can impose a burden on future generations