Deloitte Flashcards


Tell us about yourself


When I was 16 I wanted to become a doctor but soon realised I was far too squeamish so I decided pursue biology. During my first year, I was inspired by lectures on food security and sustainable agriculture, the question of how we feed the world in 2050. This pivotal moment ignited my commitment to addressing food security on multiple levels: local, national, and international.

I founded a community food and gardening project, bringing together homeless groups, asylum seekers, refugees and university students to grow and share food. Currently, I work part-time as a food systems consultant, collaborating with diverse stakeholders to shape a more sustainable food future. In addition, I volunteer with the World Food Forum, where I work with international partners to increase youth involvement in sustainable agrifood initiatives.

Looking ahead, I see myself playing a pivotal role in facilitating high-level interdisciplinary partnerships to build a more sustainable and resilient future. I believe that by bringing diverse perspectives together and working collaboratively, we can make a meaningful difference in the world.

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What do you think about collegiality in the workplace?


I believe that collegiality in the workplace is not only valuable but also indispensable, especially when considering Deloitte’s core values and commitments. It’s about more than just working well with others; it’s a reflection of our shared values and an embodiment of the way we operate.

In the Deloitte context, collegiality means embracing the principles of mutual respect, teamwork, and collaboration. It’s about looking out for one another, prioritizing fairness, development, and well-being. This is in perfect alignment with Deloitte’s commitment to ‘Take care of each other’ and ‘Foster inclusion.’

We know that we are at our best when we foster an inclusive culture and embrace diversity in all forms, which is an integral part of ‘Foster inclusion.’ By practicing collegiality, we ensure that everyone feels valued and included, which not only attracts top talent but also drives innovation and enables us to deliver holistic client solutions.

Furthermore, in the spirit of ‘Collaborate for measurable impact,’ collegiality allows us to approach our work with a collaborative mindset. By teaming across businesses, geographies, and skills, we can deliver tangible, measurable, and attributable impact. This collaborative approach to collegiality is how we achieve our mission to lead the profession and reinvent it for the future while creating a more sustainable world.

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What do you think about transparency in the workplace?


At Deloitte, transparency plays a central role in building trust, not only among colleagues but also with clients, regulators, and the public. Upholding this trust is our single most important responsibility, as outlined in our commitment to ‘Serve with integrity.’ It’s about acting ethically, consistently demonstrating integrity, and ensuring that our actions align with our words.

Transparency also goes hand in hand with our value of ‘Foster inclusion.’ It fosters a culture where everyone feels heard, valued, and respected. Open communication and the sharing of information enable us to embrace diversity in all its forms and work cohesively as a team.

Moreover, in the context of ‘Collaborate for measurable impact,’ transparency is a key enabler. It allows us to openly discuss challenges, share insights, and collectively work towards delivering tangible, measurable, and attributable impact. Transparent communication is vital for ensuring that we remain aligned with our goals and mission.

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Describe a situation where you had to meet a tight deadline. How did you prioritise your work, and what strategies did you use to ensure you met the deadline?


I assessed the situation with a level head, determining what could realistically be achieved within the given time frame. It was a moment of truth; the rest of the report was in good shape, and I had to focus primarily on revising a substantial section to incorporate the new information.

Rather than attempting to multitask, I opted for a well-structured task prioritization strategy. I set specific, achievable targets for each phase of the revision. For instance, I allocated an initial two-hour block for swift revisions and ensured that every milestone was attainable within the time allocated.

Recognizing the significance of self-care in high-pressure situations, I prioritized eight hours of sleep. Staying well-rested was crucial to maintaining alertness and productivity during this critical period. I also factored in extra time for meticulous review and editing, guaranteeing the quality and accuracy of the rewritten section.

Communication played a pivotal role in this endeavor. I promptly reached out to my supervisor, providing them with a detailed explanation of the unexpected changes. I assured them that the revised section would not only accommodate the new information but also enhance the overall quality of the report. This open and transparent communication helped manage expectations effectively.

Through these strategies, I successfully met the deadline while upholding the quality of my work, reinforcing the importance of adaptability, time management, and clear communication in such situations.

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In a client meeting, you realise there is a miscommunication between your team and the client’s expectations. How would you handle the situation to ensure everyone is on the same page and the client’s needs are met?


I have personal experience of this, which I’m happy to expand on later. In this situation

1) Stay Calm

2) acknowledge the miscommunication without placing blame, in line with Deloitte’s commitment to serving with integrity.

3) Actively listen to the client’s concerns and expectations, ensuring that all viewpoints are considered and respected.

4) Later convene a discussion with my internal team to discuss the miscommunication and the client’s expectations. This collaborative approach helps align everyone within our team and ensures a unified response.

5) If necessary, we would reevaluate our approach or deliverables to ensure they align with the client’s expectations. T

6) Maintain transparent and frequent communication with the client throughout the process. It’s crucial to keep them informed of our revised strategy, timelines, and any changes in the project’s direction.

7) After the situation is resolved, I would conduct a post-mortem analysis within our team to learn from the miscommunication and implement continuous improvement measures. To prevent future miscommunications, I would proactively work on enhancing our communication processes and documentation. This might include regular check-ins, clear project documentation, and more thorough requirements gathering.

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You receive a lengthy legal document to review. How would you approach this task, and what key details would you look for to provide a comprehensive analysis?


“At Deloitte, efficiency and precision are key, especially when reviewing lengthy legal documents. To approach this task and provide a comprehensive analysis, I would employ a methodical approach, drawing from both my academic background at the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research and the demands of the specific project.

Establish a Hypothesis or Research Questions: The first step is to determine whether we have specific research questions or hypotheses to guide the document review. If we do, I would outline these questions and relevant themes based on the project’s objectives.

Initial Skim Reading: I would then start with an initial skim reading of the document to get a broad sense of its content and structure. This initial pass would help me identify key sections and any evident themes or areas of focus.

Theme Development: Based on the research questions or hypotheses, I would develop a set of thematic categories. These themes serve as a structured framework for the analysis and guide my focus during the review.

Thorough Review and Evidence Gathering: During the second, more in-depth review, I would analyze the document comprehensively. For each identified theme, I would meticulously seek and extract relevant information or evidence. This approach ensures that I leave no stone unturned and that all key details are considered.

Use of Software Tools (Nvivo): To streamline the process and maintain organization, I would leverage software tools such as Nvivo to assign relevant sections of the text to single or multiple themes. This not only eases the review process but also helps organize the information for future reference.

Note-taking for Future Reference: In addition to direct evidence for the themes, I would also take notes on any other interesting information that may be relevant for the project. These notes can serve as valuable context and additional insights.

Theme Summarization: Once the document has been thoroughly reviewed, I would proceed to summarize the findings for each theme. This step is essential for providing a comprehensive analysis, whether it’s for a written report or a verbal presentation.

In situations where we lack a hypothesis or predefined research questions, such as when exploring an entirely new area, I would adopt the Grounded Theory approach. This approach involves using inductive reasoning to develop themes based on the content of the documents, allowing for flexibility and adaptability as the analysis progresses.

This structured approach not only ensures a comprehensive analysis but also aligns with Deloitte’s commitment to accuracy, thoroughness, and providing valuable insights to clients. It reflects the combination of my academic background and Deloitte’s professional expectations in delivering high-quality work.”

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Imagine you receive an email from a client that is not satisfied with your team’s work. How would you respond to address their concerns and maintain a positive client relationship?


Acknowledge the client’s concerns with empathy and humility. Demonstrating our commitment to serving with integrity, I would express our genuine desire to understand and address their dissatisfaction. I’d emphasize that we value their feedback and perspective, fostering inclusion and open dialogue.

I would promptly reach out to the client to initiate a direct and transparent conversation. Open and honest communication is essential in such situations. This aligns with our value of collaborating for measurable impact. It’s crucial to listen actively to their concerns, allowing them to fully express their issues.

Understand the Concerns (Foster inclusion): I’d engage in a deep conversation to grasp the specific concerns and the root causes of their dissatisfaction, fostering inclusion by ensuring that all their perspectives are heard and respected. This may involve asking clarifying questions and seeking context.

Propose Solutions (Collaborate for measurable impact): With a comprehensive understanding of the client’s concerns, I would collaborate with our team to develop practical solutions. These solutions would not only address the immediate issues but also contribute to measurable impact, ensuring that such concerns do not arise in the future.

Regular Updates (Serve with integrity): During this process, it’s crucial to maintain ongoing communication with the client, providing regular updates on the progress made in addressing their concerns. This showcases our commitment to serving with integrity by keeping the client well-informed.

Continuous Improvement (Lead the way): As a final step, I’d initiate a post-project review within our team to learn from the client’s feedback and implement continuous improvement measures. This reflects our commitment to leading the way by actively seeking to enhance our processes and deliver even better results in the future.

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In a team environment, how do you typically handle conflicts or disagreements with colleagues or team members? Can you provide an example?


“In a team environment, I approach conflicts or disagreements with the intention of fostering collaboration and achieving the best possible outcome for the team and the client. Allow me to illustrate this approach with an example from my experience:

I was involved in designing and presenting a workshop on the climate-agrifood nexus for the Manchester Climate Change Agency (MCCA). During the creation of the presentation, my colleague and I encountered a situation where we had fundamentally different ideas about how the agrifood climate nexus interlinked and who should be held responsible. This divergence of views came to light during a team meeting.

Instead of allowing the disagreement to escalate, we both recognized the importance of addressing it constructively, which is in line with Deloitte’s value of fostering collaboration. We initiated a series of discussions to understand each other’s viewpoints more comprehensively. These discussions created an environment of open dialogue where we could share our insights and concerns.

As the discussions progressed, both my colleague and I learned a lot from each other. We discovered common ground in our perspectives and identified areas where our ideas could complement each other. Instead of focusing on our differences, we decided to emphasize what we could agree upon. This collaborative decision reflected our commitment to working together to deliver the best possible outcome for MCCA, aligning with Deloitte’s value of collaboration for measurable impact.

When it came time to present our workshop, our collaborative approach proved invaluable. By integrating our diverse perspectives and insights, we were able to offer the client a more comprehensive and well-rounded presentation. The contrasting viewpoints we had brought to the table enriched the workshop, providing a holistic view of the climate-agrifood nexus.

This experience underscores the importance of handling conflicts and disagreements in a constructive and collaborative manner. By focusing on common ground and open communication, we not only resolved our differences but also delivered a more impactful solution for our client. This aligns with Deloitte’s commitment to fostering collaboration and delivering excellence.”

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Describe a time when you had to work on a project with limited resources. How did you manage the constraints and still deliver a successful outcome?


I designed and executed a four-month research project, which I worked on part-time, focusing on analyzing the state of food retail in the city. Initially, I had ambitious plans for the project, including conducting surveys, creating poster boards, and organizing focus groups. However, due to budget constraints, I needed to rethink my approach.

To navigate the limited resources, I adopted a resourceful and pragmatic strategy that aligned with Deloitte’s value of ‘Leading the way’ by redefining traditional approaches:

Efficient Use of Time: Recognizing that my time was a valuable resource, I decided to maximize it by engaging in highly effective, on-the-ground research.

Engaging the Community: Instead of costly surveys and focus groups, I walked around the city center, engaged with local residents, and gathered their insights. I also utilized online platforms like LinkedIn to connect with key stakeholders and gather their perspectives.

Observational Research: I observed and recorded key data points by walking around apartment buildings and food retail areas, all within the budget constraints.

Practical and Actionable Results: With limited resources, it was crucial to produce results that were not only insightful but also actionable. I distilled the data I collected into a clear and comprehensive report for Manchester City Council, our client. The report included practical recommendations that the client could take forward.

This resourceful approach allowed me to work within the constraints and still deliver a successful outcome, ultimately aligning with Deloitte’s commitment to delivering excellence.

The project’s results were well-received by the client, and several of the recommendations were implemented, making a positive impact on the city’s food retail landscape. This experience reinforced the value of resourcefulness, adaptability, and delivering value within constraints, all of which are integral to Deloitte’s culture.

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You receive a document with inconsistent data and unclear conclusions. How would you handle this situation to extract meaningful insights and make informed recommendations?

  1. Conduct an initial assessment of the document while upholding Deloitte’s commitment to serving with integrity. I carefully review the document to identify areas of inconsistency, data gaps, and any ambiguities in the conclusions presented. Are there any trends in the errors?

2) I reach out to colleagues or team members if they were involved in the document’s creation. Open and collaborative discussions can help clarify the source of inconsistencies and gain insights into the document’s context.

3) I cross-reference the information with reliable sources and validate its credibility.

4) I identify gaps in the data and information. Collaborating with colleagues and relevant subject matter experts can help pinpoint areas where further investigation or data collection is required.

5) Organise the available data and apply analytical techniques to extract meaningful insights.

Iterative Review (Lead the Way): If the document’s conclusions remain unclear or inconsistent, I adopt an iterative review process, reflecting Deloitte’s value of leading the way by continually seeking improvements and clarity. This may involve revisiting the data, conducting additional research, or seeking external expertise.

Recommendation Development (Collaborate for Measurable Impact): Once I’ve extracted meaningful insights, I work with the team to develop well-informed recommendations based on the available data. This collaborative process ensures that the recommendations are practical and actionable.

Communication (Serve with Integrity): I communicate the revised insights and recommendations clearly and transparently, adhering to Deloitte’s value of serving with integrity. This may involve presenting the findings to the client or relevant stakeholders

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In a hypothetical scenario, you are tasked with developing a strategy for a client facing a disruptive market change. What steps would you take to assess the situation and propose a viable strategy?

  1. Problem (Diagnosing the Situation):

Understand the Disruption: Start by thoroughly diagnosing the disruptive market change. What are the key drivers of this disruption, and what specific challenges does it pose to the client?
Client’s Current State: Assess the client’s current position, capabilities, and resources. What are their existing strengths and weaknesses in the context of the disruption?
2. Players (Identifying Key Stakeholders):

Internal Stakeholders: Identify all relevant internal stakeholders within the client’s organization who will play a role in the strategy’s development and implementation. These could include leadership, employees, and specific teams.
External Stakeholders: Identify key external stakeholders, such as customers, competitors, regulatory bodies, and partners, who will be impacted by or involved in the strategy.
3. Process (Developing the Strategy):

Strategy Development: Describe the process you would follow to develop the strategy. This should include conducting market research, competitive analysis, and scenario planning to evaluate different strategic options.
Collaborative Approach: Highlight how you would engage cross-functional teams within the client’s organization, promoting collaboration and diverse perspectives. Discuss how you would encourage open communication and idea sharing.
4. Payoff (Outcomes and Implementation):

Expected Outcomes: Define the specific outcomes and benefits the client can expect to achieve by implementing the recommended strategy. This could include increased market share, improved profitability, or enhanced customer satisfaction.
Implementation Plan: Provide a high-level overview of the implementation plan. Discuss key milestones, timelines, resource allocation, and potential challenges to overcome.
Measurement and Evaluation: Explain how you would measure the success of the strategy over time. Define key performance indicators (KPIs) and how they will be tracked. Discuss the frequency of progress assessments and potential adjustments.

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You are part of a global team working across different time zones. How would you ensure effective communication and coordination to meet project deadlines and objectives?


Experience of this at World Forum, times trying to coordinate 14 different time zones. Most challenging to coordinate with our friends in the pacific. is really helpful for suggesting meeting times across different time zones.

If meetings are not efficient, written feedback and reports would work well.

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Explain a situation where you had to learn a new industry or domain quickly to provide valuable insights or solutions. How did you go about acquiring the necessary knowledge?


During my internship at the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, I found myself in a situation that required a rapid acquisition of knowledge in a new industry or domain. I come from a plant science background, and this internship presented me with the challenge of delivering an 8-week project aimed at improving public food procurement. Here’s how I went about acquiring the necessary knowledge:

  1. Literature review, analysing government policies and legislation, particularly the Schools Act, to understand the regulatory framework for public food procurement.
  2. To gain insights into the food industry and supply chain, I conducted interviews with 20 stakeholders, ceo of vertical farms, leading public health professionals, ceo of bidfood. Collaborating with diverse perspectives enabled me to build a holistic view of the domain. These interviews helped me understand the experiences, challenges, and aspirations of stakeholders from across the food procurement system.

I synthesized the insights gathered from interviews, research, and policy analysis into a cohesive set of recommendations. These recommendations, 23 in total, were designed to address the specific needs of the Greater Manchester Combined Authority.

I had the opportunity to present my findings and recommendations at the Royal Geographic Society, where I shared the results of my work with a broader audience. This experience was instrumental in understanding how change happens and the significance of engaging key stakeholders.

This experience not only allowed me to acquire a deep understanding of a new industry quickly but also provided me with insights into the levers needed to drive change. It reinforced my belief in the power of collaboration, diverse perspectives, and the importance of taking the initiative to lead the way.

In a fast-paced and dynamic environment like Deloitte, the ability to learn rapidly and apply that knowledge to deliver valuable solutions is a core competency. I look forward to bringing this experience and mindset to my work at Deloitte.

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Imagine you’re in a meeting with a client, and they express concerns about the project’s cost. How would you address these concerns and potentially suggest cost-saving measures without compromising quality?


Begin by actively listening to the client’s concerns and empathizing with their perspective. Make it clear that you understand and appreciate their budgetary constraints.

Revisit the project scope and objectives. Ensure that you have a clear understanding of the client’s expectations. Discuss any changes or additional requirements that may have arisen during the project.

Conduct a detailed cost analysis to identify areas where cost-saving measures can be implemented. This should include an examination of project expenses, resource allocation, and potential cost overruns.

Work with the client to prioritise project components. Determine which aspects are critical to the project’s success and which could be scaled back or phased differently. This involves assessing the impact of each component on the project’s overall objectives.

  1. Explore Efficiency Improvements (Lead the Way):

Lead the discussion by suggesting efficiency improvements that can reduce costs without compromising quality. This could involve process optimization, resource reallocation, or the use of technology to streamline tasks.
6. Alternative Solutions (Collaborate for Measurable Impact):

Collaboratively explore alternative solutions that align with the client’s budget. For example, consider different approaches, technologies, or methodologies that may be more cost-effective while achieving the same outcomes.
7. Open Communication (Foster Inclusion):

Foster open and transparent communication with the client throughout the discussion. Encourage them to share their priorities and any specific cost-saving measures they have in mind.
8. Risk Assessment (Serve with Integrity):

Address the potential risks associated with cost-saving measures and clearly communicate these risks to the client. Provide recommendations on how to mitigate or manage these risks effectively.
9. Demonstrate Value (Collaborate for Measurable Impact):

Emphasize the value that Deloitte brings to the project, highlighting the expertise, experience, and the potential for long-term benefits. Make a strong case for the project’s overall return on investment.
10. Reevaluate the Budget (Serve with Integrity):

Collaboratively reevaluate the project budget based on the discussions. Ensure that the budget reflects the revised scope and cost-saving measures agreed upon during the meeting.
11. Document Agreements (Serve with Integrity):

Document all agreements, decisions, and action items resulting from the meeting. This ensures clarity and serves as a reference point for both parties.
12. Follow-Up (Collaborate for Measurable Impact):

After the meeting, follow up with the client to ensure that the cost-saving measures are effectively implemented and that the project remains on track.

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Discuss a time when you had to delegate tasks to team members. How did you ensure everyone’s responsibilities aligned with their strengths, and how did you monitor progress?


I found ‘Commit to Community,’ our communtity food orgnisation. Over time, I scaled the initiative from 0 to over 60 dedicated volunteers. However, its growth began to significantly impact my personal life, and I recognized the need to establish a more structured committee structure. Here’s how I ensured that everyone’s responsibilities aligned with their strengths and monitored progress:

I initiated the conversation about implementing a committee structure during volunteer sessions. This aligned with Deloitte’s principle of ‘Leading the Way’ by taking the lead in addressing organizational needs.

  1. Engaging Volunteers (Foster Inclusion):

I engaged with all the volunteers to gauge their interest and commitment to forming committees. Those who were keen were invited to a dedicated committee formation meeting. This ensured that the change was inclusive and involved those who were motivated.

During the committee formation meeting, we had a candid discussion about everyone’s strengths and weaknesses. This collaborative approach allowed us to allocate tasks and responsibilities that aligned with each committee member’s skills and expertise. This not only made the best use of each member’s abilities but also fostered a sense of ownership and accountability.The principle of ‘Collaborate for Measurable Impact’ was pivotal here, as it ensured that we maximised the collective capabilities of the team.

To monitor progress, we implemented a structured weekly check-in process. During these check-ins, committee members provided updates on their tasks and discussed any challenges or roadblocks. This ongoing collaboration was crucial for measuring impact and ensuring that the work was progressing effectively.

We made a group chat for committee members to communicate, ask questions, and seek assistance from their peers.

Each month we assessed the collaboration and how the committee members felt about their roles. This feedback loop allowed us to address any issues and continuously improve our collaborative efforts.

By adopting this approach, we successfully transitioned to a committee structure, which not only alleviated my workload but also empowered committee members to take ownership of their responsibilities and ultimately leads to the projects longevity. This experience reinforced my belief in the power of collaboration, leadership, and aligning tasks with strengths to achieve measurable impact, which closely aligns with Deloitte’s values.”

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You receive feedback from a colleague that your approach to a problem isn’t effective. How do you handle constructive criticism, and what steps do you take to improve your performance?


I actively seek out feedback from colleagues, managers, and others because I am committed to continuous improvement. It’s not just about addressing a specific issue; it’s about becoming a better professional overall.

I ask clarifying questions to fully understand the feedback and its context, and I express my commitment to making necessary improvements.”

In addition to seeking feedback, I regularly engage in self-reflection. This involves taking time to assess my own performance and actions. I ask myself questions like ‘What went well?’ and ‘What could have been done differently?’ This helps me identify areas for improvement independently.”

I take concrete steps to address the areas where improvement is needed. I set clear and measurable goals based on the feedback I receive and work towards achieving them.”

  1. Specific Examples:
    “For instance, in a previous project, a colleague provided feedback on my presentation skills, suggesting that I improve my ability to convey complex ideas clearly. I enrolled in a public speaking course to enhance this skill. As a result, my subsequent presentations received positive feedback, and I became more confident in my communication abilities.”

“In summary, I actively seek feedback, engage in self-reflection, take action to address areas of improvement, maintain open communication, and continuously work towards becoming a better professional. I believe that embracing constructive criticism is a key driver of personal and professional growth.”

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You’re tasked with analyzing a complex financial report. How would you approach this task, and what steps would you take to ensure accuracy and thorough understanding of the data?


First, I would start by seeking clarification from the task giver. It’s essential to understand the purpose of the analysis, any specific questions or objectives, and the intended audience. This initial step ensures that my analysis is aligned with the goals of the project.”

“Before diving into the report, I would do some pre-reading. This involves reviewing any background information, industry trends, and company-specific details that may be relevant to the report. This contextual knowledge is invaluable for interpreting the data accurately.”

Skim read first to gain a holistic understanding of the report’s structure and the story it tells

Reread thoroughly and I identify key figures, financial statements, graphs, and charts. These are the critical data points that will provide insights into the company’s financial performance and position. I also note any trends or anomalies.

“I would then verify the accuracy of the data. This involves cross-referencing the financial figures in the report with the source documents, such as income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements. Any discrepancies or inconsistencies need to be resolved.”

“Interpretation is a crucial step. I analyze the data to draw meaningful conclusions and insights. This may involve calculating financial ratios, comparing performance over time, and benchmarking against industry standards.”

Then I synthesize the information. I create an organized and coherent summary of the financial report, highlighting the most important findings, trends, and financial metrics.”

“To ensure accuracy, I would engage in peer review or seek a colleague’s perspective on my analysis. Fresh eyes can help identify any overlooked details or potential errors.”

“Depending on the project’s requirements, I would present my findings in a clear and concise manner, often using visual aids to enhance comprehension. The goal is to communicate complex financial information in an accessible way.”

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Tell us about a challenging project you’ve worked on. What were the key issues, and how did you address them?

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You’re assigned to a project with a client who has a different cultural background and working style. How would you adapt your approach to ensure effective collaboration and client satisfaction?


“Working with clients from diverse cultural backgrounds is a common occurrence in the professional services industry. To ensure effective collaboration and client satisfaction, I would adopt a well-considered approach that involves several key steps.”

  1. Cultural Sensitivity:
    “First and foremost, I would approach the situation with cultural sensitivity. I would recognize and respect the client’s cultural background and differences. I’d be open to learning about their culture and traditions to better understand their perspective.”
  2. Communication:
    “Effective communication is crucial. I would initiate an open and honest dialogue with the client. This would involve politely and respectfully asking clarifying questions about their expectations, communication preferences, and working style. I want to ensure that we are on the same page.”
  3. Research and Consultation:
    “I would conduct research on the client’s culture to gain insights into their values, customs, and communication norms. Additionally, I would consult with colleagues or team members who have experience working with clients from a similar cultural background. Their insights can be invaluable.”
  4. Adaptability:
    “I would remain adaptable in my approach. If the client prefers certain communication channels or formats, I would be willing to accommodate these preferences. For example, if they prefer face-to-face meetings over virtual communication, I’d make arrangements accordingly.”
  5. Regular Check-Ins:
    “Establishing regular check-ins is an excellent practice. These meetings can help ensure that the client remains satisfied and address any concerns or issues promptly. It’s an opportunity to gauge their level of satisfaction and make adjustments if necessary.”
  6. Clear Expectations:
    “I would ensure that expectations on both sides are crystal clear. This involves documenting project requirements, deliverables, timelines, and communication protocols in a transparent and agreed-upon manner. It helps prevent misunderstandings.”
  7. Respect and Inclusion:
    “I would foster a culture of respect and inclusion within the project team. Everyone’s perspectives and contributions should be valued, and the team should reflect the diversity of the client’s culture.”
  8. Conflict Resolution:
    “In case of any conflicts or misunderstandings, I would have a well-defined process for resolution in place. It’s important to address issues promptly and constructively.”
  9. Feedback Loop:
    “Finally, I would establish a feedback loop with the client. Regularly seeking feedback on their experience and areas for improvement can be highly valuable. It shows that we are committed to their satisfaction.”

“In summary, adapting to a client with a different cultural background and working style requires cultural sensitivity, open communication, adaptability, research, and respect. By following these steps and being proactive in understanding and accommodating the client’s needs, we can ensure effective collaboration and client satisfaction.”

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In a high-pressure situation, how do you manage stress and stay focused on achieving your goals? Can you provide an example from your past experience?

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Explain a situation where you had to make a difficult ethical decision at work. How did you navigate this situation, and what were the outcomes?

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In a hypothetical scenario, your team is facing unexpected budget constraints on a project. How would you adjust the project plan to accommodate these constraints without sacrificing quality?


Discuss a time when you had to mentor or train a junior team member. How did you ensure their professional growth and successful integration into the team?


As the chair of the student action society, I had the opportunity to mentor and train another student, Natasha who approached me with a vision to create a sustainable fashion project called ‘The Closet.’

Firstly, I think the most important thing is getting to know the team member. What drives them, where are their strengths and weaknesses?

Natasha initially lacked confidence and a clear understanding of how to execute her project. I took the time to work closely with her, providing guidance and support to build her confidence and establish a clear vision of what she wanted to achieve.

I firmly believe that people thrive when they have ownership of their projects. To ensure her professional growth, I secured grant funding and handled administrative paperwork while allowing her to take the lead in project planning and execution. This approach encourages a sense of ownership and responsibility.

Integration into the team is crucial for the success of any junior team member. In this case, I organised a relaxed coffee meeting with the other project leaders. This meeting allowed her to connect with her new colleagues, fostering a sense of inclusion and teamwork.

Recognising that she needed support with confidence, I provided ongoing encouragement and guidance, similar to how a mentor or trainer would support a junior team member. I ensured that she felt comfortable seeking advice and sharing her ideas.

Throughout the project, I identified opportunities for her to develop professionally. I encouraged her to take on responsibilities that would challenge her and help her acquire new skills, thereby contributing to her growth.

The project was a great success, hosting four events in three months including a sustainable fashion show that raised £5000 for charity. Natasha went on to launch her own sustainable fashion line, we’re still in contact.

This experience taught me the importance of mentorship and the value of empowering junior team members to take ownership of their projects. It also reinforced the significance of fostering inclusion and creating a supportive environment for their professional growth. I believe these principles are integral to the culture at Deloitte, where collaboration and mentorship are essential for success.


Imagine you’re leading a team and one of your team members is consistently underperforming. How would you address this issue and help the team member improve their performance?


Start with a one-on-one private discussion with the underperforming team member. Approach the conversation with empathy and understanding. Begin by asking open-ended questions to understand their perspective and any challenges they might be facing.

Collaboratively identify the root causes of their underperformance. This can include personal issues, lack of resources, unclear expectations, or skill gaps.

Clearly communicate the performance expectations and the impact of their underperformance on the team and project. Ensure that they understand what success looks like.

Support the team member to create a performance improvement plan. This plan should include specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals. Ensure they are actively involved in setting their goals.

Offer support, resources, and training to help the team member meet their goals.

Schedule regular check-in meetings to monitor progress. Provide constructive feedback and recognize improvements when they occur. Be open to adjustments in the plan if necessary, showing your commitment to leading the way and adapting to the situation.

Document the Process (Serve with Integrity): Maintain clear and organized documentation of the performance improvement plan, meetings, and any agreements. This documentation serves as evidence of the steps taken and aligns with serving with integrity.

Consider Further Actions (Lead the Way): If the team member’s performance does not improve despite support and effort, you may need to consider further actions, such as reassigning tasks, additional training, or, in extreme cases, performance reviews. Always approach these decisions with fairness and consideration.

Team Communication (Foster Inclusion): Keep the rest of the team informed about the situation without violating the underperforming team member’s privacy. Team communication fosters inclusion and ensures that everyone understands the steps being taken.

Positive Reinforcement (Take Care of Each Other): When the team member starts to improve, provide positive reinforcement and recognition. This encourages their progress and shows that you value their contributions and well-being.


Discuss a time when you had to adapt to a new software or technology quickly. How did you learn to use it, and how did it impact your work?


You’re responsible for presenting a complex proposal to a client. How would you prepare for the presentation, and what key points would you emphasize to win the client’s confidence?


Describe a situation where you had to work with a diverse team. How did you ensure effective communication and collaboration among team members with different backgrounds and perspectives?


Can you discuss your understanding of the current challenges and trends in the government and public services sector? How do you see Deloitte contributing to addressing these challenges?


Describe a project where you had to work with a government agency or public service organization. What were the key objectives, and how did your contributions make a positive impact?


Introduce yourself to team members


You have noticed errors in a report that has a deadline due tomorrow. What would you do?


Describe a time when you had to advise a government agency on implementing new technology or digital solutions. How did you approach the project, and what were the outcomes?


In the government and public services sector, diversity and inclusion are important. How do you foster an inclusive environment and promote diversity in your projects?


Explain a time when you had to help a government or public service client navigate a crisis or emergency situation. How did you assist, and what were the results?


Government and public services consulting often involve policy analysis. Can you provide an example of a project where you had to analyze and make recommendations on policy changes?


In the government sector, compliance and regulation are critical. How do you stay updated on changing regulations and ensure that your work aligns with them? Can you provide an example?


Government and public service projects often require handling sensitive and confidential information. How do you ensure the security and confidentiality of data in your work?


In a government consulting role, how would you balance the need for innovation and cost-effectiveness with strict budget constraints in projects?


Government projects often have long timelines. How do you stay motivated and maintain the quality of your work over an extended period?


Discuss a situation where you had to collaborate with multiple stakeholders in a government project. How did you manage conflicting interests and ensure the project’s success?


Government projects can be subject to public scrutiny and accountability. How do you ensure transparency and accountability in your work?


I maintain clear, well-organized documentation for all aspects of the project. This includes project plans, contracts, deliverables, and communication records.

I ensure that all project activities adhere to relevant regulations, laws, and compliance standards.

I establish a reporting cadence to share project progress and outcomes with stakeholders. This could include weekly, monthly, or quarterly reports. Regular reporting fosters collaboration and ensures that project status is communicated effectively.

I actively engage with all relevant stakeholders, including government officials, project team members, and the public, as appropriate. I value diverse perspectives and encourage open dialogue to foster inclusion and transparency.
Public Disclosure (Foster Inclusion): When required, I support public disclosure of project information and findings. This aligns with the principle of fostering inclusion by ensuring that the public has access to relevant project details.

Data Security (Take Care of Each Other): Protecting sensitive information is a critical aspect of accountability. I take care of each other by implementing robust data security measures to safeguard data from unauthorized access or breaches.

Internal Audits and Reviews (Collaborate for Measurable Impact): Periodic internal audits and reviews are conducted to assess project progress and compliance. Collaboration within the team ensures that any discrepancies are identified and addressed promptly.

Ethical Decision-Making (Serve with Integrity): I prioritize ethical decision-making in all aspects of the project. This includes addressing conflicts of interest, maintaining impartiality, and ensuring that ethical guidelines are followed.

Continuous Improvement (Lead the Way): I believe in continuous improvement. Even if the project is running smoothly, I seek ways to enhance transparency and accountability. This involves staying up-to-date with best practices and emerging technologies to lead the way in improving project oversight.

By implementing these practices, I aim to ensure transparency and accountability in government projects. This commitment not only aligns with Deloitte’s values but also upholds the integrity and trust that the public places in government initiatives.”


Tell me about a time you had to work as a team?


In my role as a member of the youth policy board for the World Food Forum, I had the opportunity to collaborate as part of a dynamic team. Our primary project involved co-organizing two global youth consultations this year, specifically focusing on the Europe and Central Asia region.

Our team was composed of five members, with three core members and two supporting members. To ensure the success of our project, we recognized the importance of understanding each team member’s strengths, weaknesses, available resources, and connections. In this context, I took on responsibilities related to designing a survey, engaging young people through my network, and structuring the assembly.

To foster effective teamwork, I prioritized meeting deadlines and ensured that there was ample time for my peers to review my contributions. This open and collaborative approach allowed us to work seamlessly together to achieve our common goal.

Our collective efforts yielded positive outcomes. The results of our work will be published in the Global Youth Action Statement for Agrifood Systems, marking a significant contribution to the World Food Forum’s mission. Personally, this experience taught me valuable lessons about working in international and interdisciplinary teams, accommodating different working styles, and successfully uniting towards a shared objective


Tell us a time that you have been resilient?


“While working at RBG Kew, I designed and executed an 8 month project to assess the climatic resilience of palm and yam species. The project would bring together several different methods that had never been combined.

The core challenge of the project was to delve into the existing literature, extract methods, and then rigorously test them on our selected species. However, what I encountered was a significant roadblock – nearly 80% of the methods failed right out of the gate.

At first, I questioned whether I might be the one causing these setbacks. I decided to retest each method meticulously to eliminate any doubts. However, even after that, the failure rate remained high.

With a strong commitment to seeing the project through, I went back to the literature and reached out to established researchers, seeking their insights and protocols. This collaborative approach paid off. In the end, I created eight entirely new scientific protocols that not only addressed the issues we were facing but also significantly contributed to the success of the project.

This experience taught me the immense value of resilience and perseverance in the face of adversity. It reinforced my dedication to problem-solving and my willingness to seek out expertise and support when needed to achieve our goals. It’s an example of how I’ve approached challenges, both personal and professional, throughout my career.”


Why have you chosen Deloitte over the other ‘Big Four’?


I am particularly drawn to Deloitte because of the specificity of the role in the government and public services division. My background as a consultant at foodSync and as a researcher at the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change has provided me with valuable insights into effective multi-sectoral collaboration. Specifically, I have come to appreciate the crucial role of government in facilitating such collaboration. The work of professionals like Beth Mcgrath and Irena Pichola in government strategy and climate change solutions greatly inspires me. I am eager to learn from these leaders and believe that this position at Deloitte will significantly enhance my skills and understanding of opportunities and challenges in the public sector at local, national, and international levels.

My second reason is the international dimension that Deloitte offers. I had the privilege of working in an international team at the World Food Forum, and I found it to be a profoundly enriching experience. I am genuinely excited about the prospect of collaborating across timezones and cultures, fostering inclusion, and embracing diversity. I believe that such international exposure will not only contribute to my personal and professional growth but also allow me to bring a global perspective to the table, aligning with Deloitte’s commitment to fostering inclusion and collaborating for measurable impact.

Thirdly, Deloitte’s commitment to diversity and fostering inclusion aligns with my personal values and aspirations. I see deloitte hiring professionals from a wide range of backgrounds and perspectives and firmly believe that diverse teams are the bedrock of creative and innovative solutions for measurable impact.

Lastly, as a scientist, I am advocate for data-driven and evidence-based solutions, a principle that Deloitte strongly champions. I have observed Deloitte’s impactful work in the climate and ESG space, and I am convinced that there is immense potential for further contributions. I am eager to be part of a team that leads the way in driving real change in these critical areas, serving with integrity and maintaining trust by adhering to ethical principles.

In summary, I am genuinely enthusiastic about the opportunity to contribute to Deloitte’s mission. I believe that my background, values, and aspirations closely align with the values and goals of Deloitte. I look forward to leveraging my experience and expertise to facilitate interdisciplinary partnerships and develop effective solutions, serving both clients and society at large in accordance with Deloitte’s core values.


Describe an instance where you failed. How did you overcome that situation?


Tell me about a time you let your intuition guide you


Can you give me an example of where resilience helped you overcome adversity?


How do you turn your career aspirations into reality?

  1. Where do you draw the line between resilience and coping skills?
    Interviewers ask this to ascertain your knowledge of resilience and how you apply and relate it to your career and life. Since they want to know how you cope with stress, work under pressure and maintain flexibility in your role, describe a situation where you took control of a problem and handled it effectively. Use examples from past positions to demonstrate the coping mechanisms you’ve adopted to overcome any challenges, your successes with being resilient and how these skills have been vital to achieving goals.

Example answer: ‘Resilience skills involve the thinking patterns I employ when facing and overcoming challenges. Coping abilities are behaviours and approaches I use whenever a task, activity or situation overwhelms me. Coping skills are also techniques, methods and strategies that I use to manage temporal stress, anxiety or pressure effectively.

  1. How can organisations build resilience in their employees?

want to know the depth of understanding you have regarding resilience. They also want to discover how you apply this skill and how you can help them develop it in others. In your answer, explain the steps they can take to help their employees build resilience. While doing that, include techniques you have previously used to succeed.


Why Deloitte?


“I believe that Deloitte is the ideal company for me because my educational background, work experiences, and leadership roles align with Deloitte’s core values and the professional opportunities it offers. Deloitte’s commitment to innovation, sustainability, and community engagement resonates with my own values and aspirations.”

  1. Educational Background:
    “My academic journey at the University of Manchester and as an Amgen Scholar at the University of Cambridge has equipped me with a strong foundation in data science, sustainability, and biotechnology. Deloitte’s emphasis on cutting-edge technology and sustainable solutions makes it a perfect fit for someone with my educational background.”
  2. Work Experience:
    “My diverse work experiences reflect my commitment to tackling complex challenges. Working as a Consultant at Fork, I developed business and communication strategies, conducted data-driven analyses, and influenced policy decisions. My role with the Youth Policy Board at the Food and Agricultural Organization allowed me to engage on a global level, driving impactful initiatives to reduce food waste and presenting to high-level stakeholders.”
  3. Leadership and Achievements:
    “My leadership experience as Chair of Student Action at the University of Manchester showcases my ability to manage budgets, lead teams, secure funding, and make a significant impact in the community. Moreover, as the Co-Founder of Manchester Food Partners, I’ve successfully grown an organization focused on community and sustainability.”
  4. Values Alignment:
    “I am drawn to Deloitte’s values, which include innovation, sustainability, and community engagement. These values align with my own commitment to making a positive impact through innovation, environmental responsibility, and community empowerment.”
  5. Problem-Solving and Analytical Skills:
    “My roles as a researcher at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, and as a consultant required problem-solving and analytical skills. Deloitte’s reputation for solving complex client challenges resonates with my desire to use my skills to provide solutions to real-world problems.”

“In summary, my educational background, diverse work experiences, leadership roles, and values align with Deloitte’s commitment to innovation, sustainability, and community engagement. I believe that joining Deloitte would provide me with the platform and opportunities to continue making a positive impact and contribute to meaningful projects.”


Why the role?


This department plays a crucial role in addressing complex public challenges and making a positive impact on society, and my qualifications align well with its goals and values.”

  1. Relevant Educational Background:
    “I hold a BSc in Plant Science with a focus on sustainability and data science, along with a strong academic track record. This educational foundation equips me with analytical and problem-solving skills that are essential in addressing public sector challenges.”
  2. Proven Analytical and Problem-Solving Skills:
    “Throughout my academic journey, I’ve consistently demonstrated my ability to analyze complex data and draw meaningful insights. My work as an Amgen Scholar at the University of Cambridge, where I built an AI-based image processing pipeline to improve agricultural yield estimates, is a testament to my analytical prowess.”
  3. Real-World Policy Experience:
    “My experience as a consultant at Fork, where I executed projects that involved data analysis, policy recommendations, and strategic planning, has provided me with hands-on experience in addressing real-world public policy issues.”
  4. Leadership and Community Engagement:
    “My leadership roles as Chair of Student Action and Co-Founder of Manchester Food Partners demonstrate my commitment to community engagement and social impact. The Government and Public Sector department at Deloitte often requires individuals who can engage with and understand the needs of local communities.”
  5. Values Alignment:
    “Deloitte’s Government and Public Sector department emphasizes values such as integrity, innovation, and community engagement. These values align closely with my own principles, particularly my commitment to making a positive impact on society through sustainable and data-driven solutions.”
  6. Commitment to Sustainability:
    “My background in plant science and my experience at the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change and the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, have deepened my commitment to sustainability. I am passionate about addressing environmental and social challenges, which is a core focus of the public sector.”
  7. Communication and Presentation Skills:
    “My experience in presenting to high-level stakeholders, such as at the Food and Agricultural Organization, demonstrates my ability to effectively communicate complex topics, a skill that is invaluable in the public sector.”

“In conclusion, my educational background, analytical skills, real-world policy experience, leadership, values alignment, and commitment to sustainability make me an ideal fit for Deloitte’s Government and Public Sector department. I am enthusiastic about contributing to projects that address pressing societal challenges and am ready to use my skills and experiences to drive positive change.”