DELE Verbs 101117 Flashcards
Matar [context: Crime]
to kill [context: Crime]
Suscribir [context: Literature]
to subscribe to [context: Literature]
Llegar a un acuerdo [context: Work]
to reach an agreement [context: Work]
Ser despidido [context: Work]
to be fired [context: Work]
Suministrar [context: Education]
to provide / supply (e.g. books) [context: Education]
Dar rabia [context: Emotions, Thoughts and Feelings]
to infuriate [context: Emotions, Thoughts and Feelings]
Raptar [context: Crime]
to abduct / kidnap [context: Crime]
Alentar [context: Running]
to cheer on / encourage [context: Running]
Animar [context: Work]
to motivate [context: Work]
Encuestar [context: Education]
to survey [context: Education]
Estar pegado a la televisión [context: Movies and TV]
to be glued to the TV [context: Movies and TV]
Fusionar(se) [context: Work]
to merge [context: Work]
Secuestrar [context: Crime]
to kidnap [context: Crime]
Publicar / Editar [context: Literature]
to publish [context: Literature]
Hacer [context: Travel]
to pack (suitcase) [context: Travel]
Enojarse [context: Emotions, Thoughts and Feelings]
to get angry (Latin America) [context: Emotions, Thoughts and Feelings]
Creer [context: Emotions, Thoughts and Feelings]
to believe [context: Emotions, Thoughts and Feelings]
Ordenar [context: War]
to order [context: War]
Estar enfermo [context: Health]
to be ill [context: Health]
Arder [context: Nature]
to sting [context: Nature]
Tardar [context: Travel]
to take (time) [context: Travel]
Inventar [context: Technology and Inventions]
to invent [context: Technology and Inventions]
Gustarse [context: Emotions, Thoughts and Feelings]
to like [context: Emotions, Thoughts and Feelings]
Calcular [context: Analysis]
to calculate [context: Analysis]
Hacer escala [context: Travel]
to stop over [context: Travel]
Empalmar [context: Socialising]
to go out all night and in to work following day (without sleeping) [context: Socialising]
Estar ambientada en [context: Movies and TV]
to be set in [context: Movies and TV]
Juntar fondos [context: Finance]
to raise funds [context: Finance]
Chantajear [context: Crime]
to blackmail [context: Crime]
Mearse de la risa [context: Socialising]
to piss oneself laughing [context: Socialising]
Disfrutar [context: Socialising]
to enjoy [context: Socialising]
Ir de gira [context: Music]
to tour [context: Music]
Permitir [context: Society]
to allow / permit [context: Society]
Estar libre de culpa [context: Politics and Economics]
to be free from blam [context: Politics and Economics]
Distinguir [context: Arguments, Debates and Discussions]
to distinguish [context: Arguments, Debates and Discussions]
Estafar [context: Crime]
to defraud / swindle [context: Crime]
Tener ilusión [context: Emotions, Thoughts and Feelings]
to be excited about / looking forward to [context: Emotions, Thoughts and Feelings]
Saltear [context: Food and Cooking]
to sauté [context: Food and Cooking]
Abordar [context: Travel]
to board [context: Travel]
Tener cuidado [context: Health]
to take care [context: Health]
Subrayar [context: Arguments, Debates and Discussions]
to underline [context: Arguments, Debates and Discussions]
Comer [context: Food and Cooking]
to eat [context: Food and Cooking]
Aplacar [context: Food and Cooking]
to quench (thirst) [context: Food and Cooking]
Sacudir [context: Natural disasters]
to shake / strike [context: Natural disasters]
Marcar [context: Technology and Inventions]
to dial [context: Technology and Inventions]
Casar [context: Relationships]
to marry [context: Relationships]
Frustrarse [context: Emotions, Thoughts and Feelings]
to get frustrated [context: Emotions, Thoughts and Feelings]
Gobernar [context: Politics and Economics]
to govern [context: Politics and Economics]
Estar pendiente de [context: Emotions, Thoughts and Feelings]
to keep an eye on [context: Emotions, Thoughts and Feelings]
Divertirse [context: Socialising]
to have fun [context: Socialising]
Solucionar [context: Arguments, Debates and Discussions]
to solve / resolve [context: Arguments, Debates and Discussions]
Tronar [context: Weather]
to thunder [context: Weather]
Impartir [context: Education]
to impart [context: Education]
Solicitar un trabajo [context: Work]
to apply for a job [context: Work]
Alegrarse [context: Emotions, Thoughts and Feelings]
to be happy [context: Emotions, Thoughts and Feelings]
Sacar [context: Finance]
to take out (money) [context: Finance]
Transmitir [context: Movies and TV]
to broadcast / transmit [context: Movies and TV]
Mirar [context: Shopping]
to browse [context: Shopping]
Estrenar [context: Movies and TV]
to premiere [context: Movies and TV]
Presupuestar [context: Work]
to budget [context: Work]
Estrellar(se) [context: Transport]
to crash / smash [context: Transport]
Extrañarse [context: Emotions, Thoughts and Feelings]
to be surprised [context: Emotions, Thoughts and Feelings]
Promediar [context: Analysis]
to calculate the average of [context: Analysis]
Volar [context: Family]
to fly [context: Family]
Animarse [context: Emotions, Thoughts and Feelings]
to cheer up / liven up [context: Emotions, Thoughts and Feelings]
Agobiar [context: Emotions, Thoughts and Feelings]
to overwhelm [context: Emotions, Thoughts and Feelings]
Elegir [context: Politics and Economics]
to elect [context: Politics and Economics]
Acelerar [context: Transport]
to accelerate [context: Transport]
Fomentar (la sensibilización) [context: Society]
to promote (to raise awareness) [context: Society]
Estornudar [context: Health]
to sneeze [context: Health]
Respirar [context: The Human Body]
to breathe [context: The Human Body]
Derrocar [context: War]
to overthrow [context: War]
Contratar [context: Work]
to contract (hire) [context: Work]
Saber [context: Emotions, Thoughts and Feelings]
to know [context: Emotions, Thoughts and Feelings]
Despedir [context: Relationships]
to say goodbye to / Fire [context: Relationships]
Advertir [context: Natural disasters]
to warn [context: Natural disasters]
Ser consciente de [context: Emotions, Thoughts and Feelings]
to be aware of [context: Emotions, Thoughts and Feelings]
Sentir [context: Emotions, Thoughts and Feelings]
to feel [context: Emotions, Thoughts and Feelings]
Separar [context: Family]
to separate [context: Family]
Sospechar [context: Crime]
to suspect [context: Crime]
Existir [context: Emotions, Thoughts and Feelings]
to exist [context: Emotions, Thoughts and Feelings]
Relajarse [context: The House]
to relax [context: The House]
Restringir [context: Education]
to restrict [context: Education]
Detener / Arrestar [context: Crime]
to arrest / detain [context: Crime]
Frenar [context: Transport]
to brake [context: Transport]
Aconsejar [context: Arguments, Debates and Discussions]
to advise [context: Arguments, Debates and Discussions]
Ponerse [context: Emotions, Thoughts and Feelings]
to get / become [context: Emotions, Thoughts and Feelings]
Conocer [context: Relationships]
to know [context: Relationships]
Ir de fiesta [context: Society]
to party [context: Society]
Imprimir [context: Using the Computer]
to print [context: Using the Computer]
Atreverse [context: Emotions, Thoughts and Feelings]
to dare [context: Emotions, Thoughts and Feelings]
Destruir / Destrozar [context: War]
to destroy [context: War]
Inundarse [context: Natural disasters]
to become flooded [context: Natural disasters]
Trabajar por cuenta propia / ajena [context: Work]
to work for yourself / others [context: Work]
Acordar [context: Arguments, Debates and Discussions]
to agree [context: Arguments, Debates and Discussions]
Tener a (la) mano [context: Technology and Inventions]
to have to hand [context: Technology and Inventions]
Debatir [context: Arguments, Debates and Discussions]
to debate [context: Arguments, Debates and Discussions]
Quitar el polvo [context: The House]
to dust [context: The House]
Mojarse [context: Weather]
to get wet [context: Weather]
Amainar [context: Weather]
to die down / abate / subside [context: Weather]
Estirar [context: Running]
to stretch [context: Running]
Pintar bien / mal [context: Arguments, Debates and Discussions]
to appear good / bad [context: Arguments, Debates and Discussions]
Compartir [context: Arguments, Debates and Discussions]
to share (an opinion) [context: Arguments, Debates and Discussions]
Argumentar [context: Arguments, Debates and Discussions]
to argue (a case) [context: Arguments, Debates and Discussions]
Tener éxito [context: Work]
to be successful [context: Work]
Grabar [context: Using the Computer]
to save / record [context: Using the Computer]
Jurar [context: Crime]
to swear [context: Crime]
Alucinar [context: Health]
to hallucinate [context: Health]
Viajar [context: Weather]
to travel [context: Weather]
Encontrar una ganga [context: Shopping]
to find a bargain [context: Shopping]
Comparar [context: Analysis]
to compare [context: Analysis]
Inquietar [context: Emotions, Thoughts and Feelings]
to worry [context: Emotions, Thoughts and Feelings]
Negociar un contrato [context: Work]
to negotiate a contract [context: Work]
Tragar [context: Food and Cooking]
to swallow [context: Food and Cooking]
Tener sentido [context: Emotions, Thoughts and Feelings]
to make sense [context: Emotions, Thoughts and Feelings]
Murmurar [context: The Human Body]
to whisper / murmur [context: The Human Body]
Abocarse [context: Education]
to apply oneself [context: Education]
Enfadarse [context: Emotions, Thoughts and Feelings]
to get angry (Spain) [context: Emotions, Thoughts and Feelings]
Valorar [context: Emotions, Thoughts and Feelings]
to appreciate / value [context: Emotions, Thoughts and Feelings]
Despegar [context: Travel]
to take off [context: Travel]
Hacer ejercicio [context: Fitness]
to workout [context: Fitness]
Proveer [context: Work]
to provide [context: Work]
Redactar [context: Education]
to write [context: Education]
Transcurrir [context: Movies and TV]
to take place [context: Movies and TV]
Beber [context: Food and Cooking]
to drink [context: Food and Cooking]
Estudiar [context: Education]
to study [context: Education]
Requerir [context: Emotions, Thoughts and Feelings]
to require [context: Emotions, Thoughts and Feelings]
Relacionar [context: Family]
to relate [context: Family]
Oler [context: The Senses]
to smell [context: The Senses]
Programar [context: Using the Computer]
to program [context: Using the Computer]
Interrogar [context: Crime]
to interrogate [context: Crime]
Calentarse [context: Running]
to warm up [context: Running]
Pensar [context: Emotions, Thoughts and Feelings]
to think / to plan [context: Emotions, Thoughts and Feelings]
Cocinar [context: Food and Cooking]
to cook [context: Food and Cooking]
Saborear [context: The Senses]
to taste / savour / enjoy [context: The Senses]
Investigar [context: Work]
to research [context: Work]
Permitirse [context: Finance]
to afford [context: Finance]
Cansarse [context: Emotions, Thoughts and Feelings]
to get tired [context: Emotions, Thoughts and Feelings]
Destacarse [context: Describing People]
to stand out / be conspicuous [context: Describing People]
Vivir juntos / Convivir [context: The Neighbourhood]
to live together [context: The Neighbourhood]
Echar de menos [context: Relationships]
to miss [context: Relationships]
Llegar [context: Travel]
to arrive [context: Travel]
Protagonizar [context: Movies and TV]
to star in [context: Movies and TV]
Ver [context: The Senses]
to see / watch [context: The Senses]
Acusar [context: Crime]
to charge / acuse [context: Crime]
Tapear [context: Socialising]
to have some tapas [context: Socialising]
Sitiar [context: War]
to besiege [context: War]
Inhalar [context: The Human Body]
to inhale [context: The Human Body]
Olvidar [context: Emotions, Thoughts and Feelings]
to forget [context: Emotions, Thoughts and Feelings]
Llamar la atención [context: Analysis]
to call attention to [context: Analysis]
Tener ganas de [context: Emotions, Thoughts and Feelings]
to feel like [context: Emotions, Thoughts and Feelings]
Tener [context: Describing People]
to have [context: Describing People]
Vincularse [context: Arguments, Debates and Discussions]
to be linked [context: Arguments, Debates and Discussions]
Oscurecerse [context: Weather]
to go dark [context: Weather]
Lloviznar [context: Weather]
to drizzle [context: Weather]
Escribir [context: Literature]
to write [context: Literature]
Matricular(se) [context: Education]
to register / sign up (get signed up) [context: Education]
Corroer [context: Emotions, Thoughts and Feelings]
to eat away [context: Emotions, Thoughts and Feelings]
Atropellar [context: Transport]
to run over [context: Transport]
Licenciarse [context: Education]
to graduate [context: Education]
Apretar [context: Technology and Inventions]
to press (a button) [context: Technology and Inventions]
Tomar parte / participar en una carrera [context: Running]
to run in a race [context: Running]
Cumplir un plazo [context: Work]
to meet a deadline [context: Work]
Asar a la parrilla [context: Food and Cooking]
to cook on the grill [context: Food and Cooking]
Estar en contra de [context: Arguments, Debates and Discussions]
to be against [context: Arguments, Debates and Discussions]
Salpimentar [context: Food and Cooking]
to season [context: Food and Cooking]
Quedar en ruinas [context: Natural disasters]
to leave in ruins [context: Natural disasters]
Disponer [context: Food and Cooking]
to prepare [context: Food and Cooking]
Romper con [context: Relationships]
to split up with [context: Relationships]
Velar [context: Religion]
to hold vigil over / to hold a wake for [context: Religion]
Analizar [context: Analysis]
to analyse [context: Analysis]
Apagar [context: Using the Computer]
to shut down / turn off [context: Using the Computer]
Vivir al lado de [context: The House]
to live next door to [context: The House]
Sacar fotos [context: Travel]
to take photos [context: Travel]
Aplicarse [context: Education]
to apply oneself [context: Education]
Chocar [context: Transport]
to crash [context: Transport]
Encarcelar / Meter en la carcel [context: Crime]
to imprison [context: Crime]
Interpretar / Hacer (un papel) [context: Movies and TV]
to play / perform (a role) [context: Movies and TV]
Ir(se) de juerga [context: Socialising]
to go out for a good time [context: Socialising]
Juzgar [context: Crime]
to judge / try (in court) [context: Crime]
Cenar [context: Food and Cooking]
to dine [context: Food and Cooking]
Descansar [context: Health]
to rest [context: Health]
Enamorarse [context: Relationships]
to fall in love [context: Relationships]
Estar de rebajas [context: Shopping]
to be on sale [context: Shopping]
Ser candidato a [context: Politics and Economics]
to run for [context: Politics and Economics]
Enfermarse [context: Health]
to get sick [context: Health]
Comentar [context: Analysis]
to comment [context: Analysis]
Devolver [context: Shopping]
to return / take back [context: Shopping]
Bostezar [context: Health]
to yawn [context: Health]
Enamorar [context: Relationships]
to win the heart of [context: Relationships]
Pasarlo bien [context: Socialising]
to have a good time / have fun [context: Socialising]
Bombardear [context: War]
to bomb [context: War]
Hacer novillos [context: Education]
to play truant [context: Education]
Herirse [context: Health]
to get hurt [context: Health]
Aprender [context: Education]
to learn [context: Education]
Repartir [context: Society]
to give out / distribute [context: Society]
Batallar [context: War]
to battle [context: War]
Hacer (doble) clic en [context: Using the Computer]
to (double) click on [context: Using the Computer]
Discutir [context: Arguments, Debates and Discussions]
to argue [context: Arguments, Debates and Discussions]