Delayed Development Flashcards
Down Syndrome physical features
Flat face profile, Upward slant eyes, Small ears, Protruding tongue, Epicanthal folds
5 Oculo-Visual findings in Down Syndrome
Strabismus, Hyperopia/Myopia, Reduced accommodation, Below normal acuity, High refractive error, Amblyopia, Blepharitis, Iris hypoplasia, Optic disc hyperaemia, RPE disturbance at disc margin, Keratoconus, Contrast sensitivity anomalies, Nasolacrimal duct obstruction, Cataract, Nystagmus, Ptosis, Glaucoma
Oculo-Visual treatment for Down Syndrome
Prescribe for refractive error
Multifocal prescription in polycarbonate material
Initiate treatment for any sight-threatening anomalies
Cerebral Palsy features
Problem controlling body, difficulty talking, walking, eating, playing
5 Oculo-visual findings in Cerebral Palsy
Strabismus, Significant refractive error, Poor accommodation, Below normal acuity, Nystagmus, Amblyopia, ON atrophy, VF anomalies, Cataract, Fundus anomalies, Pursuit/saccade dysfunction
Oculo-visual treatment for Cerebral Palsy
Full prescription in polycarbonate material
Multifocal designs
Prisms to assume null point in nystagmus
Fragile X syndrome features
Large ears, Long narrow face, Prominent forehead and chin, High arched palate, Hyperextensible joints
5 Oculo-visual findings in Fragile X syndrome
Strabismus, Refractive error, Amblyopia, Possible accommodative disorders, Nystagmus, Poor oculomotor skills, Gaze avoidance
Oculo-visual treatment for Fragile X syndrome
Refractive correction in polycarbonate material
Consider bifocal or prism
Work with therapist to reduce tactile defensiveness
Active VT can be recommended
5 Oculo-visual findings in Ocular albinism
Iris transillumination, Foveal hypoplasia, Nystagmus, Photophobia, Strabismus, Moderate to high hyperopic or astig refractive error, Abnormal accommodation
Oculo-visual treatment for Albinism
Corrective lenses, Low vision aids, Surgery
5 Ways on interacting with Autism
Speak slowly and use simple words
Use concrete terms
Visually show or write
Pause and wait to allow time for response
Give lots of praise
Do not attempt to block self-stimulating behaviour
Each individual with autism is different from one another
Oculo visual findings in Autism
Refractive error, Strabismus, Oculomotor dysfunction
Oculo-visual treatment in Autism
Refractive correction in polycarbonate material, Bifocal or yoked prism, Active VT can be recommended