Deforestation Flashcards
Land spanning more than ______ hectares with treestaller than ____ meters and a canopy cover of morethan _____ percent, or trees able to reach thesethresholds in situ.
0.5, 5, 10
Complex ecological systems and naturalresources in which trees are the dominant lifeform. ________ is a large area dominated by trees andother vegetation, characterized by a complexecosystem that includes various species of plants,animals, fungi, and microorganisms.
Clearing or thinning of forests by humans. __________ represents one of the largest issues in global land use.
Estimates of ___________ traditionallyare based on the area of forest cleared for human use,including removal of the trees for wood products andcroplands
______________ is clearing or removing forests or treesfrom a land area, resulting in the permanent or long term conversion of forested land to non-forest uses.
Deforestation 3x
What are 5 causes of deforestation:
Agricultural Expansion
Resource Extractionn ( Logging)
Urban Development (Urbanization, Infrastructure Development)
Econimic Activities
Social Factors ( Population Growth)
Large-scale farming for cash crops (e.g., soy, palm oil).
Commercial Agriculture
Cattle ranching, particularly in tropical regions.
Livestock farming
Small-scale farming forlocal food production.
Substinence Farming
CAUSES : Resouce Extraction
Legal and illegal logging fortimber and paper products.
CAUSES : Resouce Extraction
:Extraction of minerals and fossilfuels, leading to land clearing
Causes: Urban Development
Constructionof roads, highways, and energy facilities
Infrastructure Development
Causes: Urban Development
Expansion of cities and townsinto forested areas.
Causes of Deforestation: Economic Activities
___________________: Unsustainable practices in resource extraction, including logging and fuelwood collection.
__________________: Economic incentives drivingthe demand for agricultural products, timber,and minerals.
Over-exploitation of Resources
Market Demand
Consequences of Deforestation
Environmental Impacts
________________: Deforestation leads tohabitat destruction, threatening countlessspecies of plants and animals, many of whichmay become extinct.
__________: Trees help anchor the soil; theirremoval can lead to increased erosion, loss offertile topsoil, and degradation of land.
_________________: Forests play a crucialrole in maintaining the water cycle.Deforestation can alter rainfall patterns, reducegroundwater recharge, and increase the risk offloods and droughts.
Loss of Biodiversity
Soil Erosion
Water Cycle Disruption
Planting trees in areas where forests havebeen cut down to restore ecosystems andenhance biodiversity.
Planting trees in previously non-forestedareas to expand forest cover and increasecarbon sequestration.
Implementing practices that minimize damage to surrounding trees and the ecosystem.
Selective Logging
Promoting sustainable forestry through certification programs (e.g., Forest Stewardship Council - that ensure responsible practices.
Certification Systems