Defintions Flashcards
ESSA- Every student succeeds act signed into law in 2015
NCLB- No child left behind act of 2001 (ESSA updated law)
*Individual family service plan
1. Levels of development in all areas
2. Family’s resources, priorities, and needs
3. Measurable outcomes
4. Statement of measurable results or outcomes expected to be achieved for the infant or toddler and the family
5. Early intervention services and environments
6. Steps to preschool transition
IEP includes…
*Individualized education program
1. Present level of performance
2. measurable annual goals
3. How progress with be measured
4. Services needed
5. Level of participation in regular education
6. Accommodations for state wide assessments
7. Date services will begin and length of services
8. transition supports (age 16 and up)
Exceptional children
Children who differ from the norm either below or above who need personalized special education and related services to fully benefit from their education
A loss or reduced function of a particular body part or organ
Exists when impairment limits ability to perform certain tasks
Problem/disadvantage from a disability encountered when interacting with environment
At risk
Greater than usual chance of developing a disability
Person first
Put the person before the disability/ label
EX: A child with a learning disability