Definitions Flashcards
The land upon which a settlement is build on
A place where people live it can be a hamlet,village, city or town.
Describes where a settlement is located in relation to other surrounding features
A building to live in
E.g- a flat
The direction towards a settlement faces
Range of a good
The max distance a person is prepared to travel to buy an item
Threshold population
The number of people needed to support a good or service
Carrying capacity
Number of people that can be supported by a given environment the worlds is 8 to 10bjllion
Zero population growth
The number of people being born and dying
Birth rate
Number of people born per year pre- thousand of the current population
Death rate
The number of people that die per year per thousand of the current population
Natural change
Difference between birth rate and death rate
Natural increase
The birthrate exceeds the death rate
Over- Population
When the number of people living in an area is greater than the resources and technology available to maintain an adequate standard of living
Under population
When the number of people living in an area is less than is needed to make full use of the resources available
Optimum population
When population and resources are matched
Mortality rate
The number of deaths in a given area in a particular area or time
Brain drain
The migration of highly qualified people from the country
Pro natalist
Encourage birth rates
Decrease birth rates
Push factor
Factors that encourage the population to leave its home
Pull factors
The two that are currently population to go to an area
The movement of people
We are going to live permanently in another country
To leave one country or region to settle in another
Asylum seeker
A person who leaves their country or origin for fear of persecution they have asked for permission to stay in another country and are waiting for an answer
Internal migration
Migration within a country
Volountary migration
The movement undertaken for choice like for economic reasons
Involuntary migration
Movement of refugees and internationally displaced people as well as those from natural disasters or development project or conflict
People fleeing from conflict or persecution
International migration
Movement from one country to another
Dependency ratio
Dependency ratio is a measure of the number of dependents 0 to 14 and over 65 for the total population aged 15 to 64
Urban sprawl
The spread or growth of an urban area into the rural-urban fringe. It provides mostly middle order goods.
The state of the atmosphere describing if its hot,cold,wet,dry,calm,or stormy
Atmospheric conditions over a long period of time
Drainage basin
The area of land drained by a river
The edge of highland surrounding a drainage basin, marking the boundary between two drainage basins
The beginning or star of a river
The point at which two rivers or streams join
A stream smaller river which joins a larger stream or river
Point she the river comes to an end usually when entering the sea
Wetted perimeter
Length of bed and banks in contact with the river
The wearing away of rock and soil found along the river bed and banks
The movement of eroded material downstream by the river
The process by which water on the ground surface enters the soil
Water travels downwards through tiny spaces between rocks and soil particles
Evaporation of water from plant leaves
Ground water flow
The flow of water underground
The processes of converting materials or components or parts into finished goods that meet costumers expectations
Perform a series of mechanical by chemical operations on something in order to change or preserve it
Arrangement of workers and machines in a factory where each worker deals with only one part of the product
High Technology
Advanced technological development specially in electronics
3D printed houses
Foot loose industry
Industry that can be placed and located in any location without affecting factors of production
Secondary industry
Industry that converts the materials provided by the primary industry into products and commodities for the consumer . manufacturing industry
Resources such as people raw materials energy information or finance that are put into the system to obtain a desired output
Production of goods by combining supplies ingredients or raw substances
The product that has been produced
Nonrenewable energy
A resource that does not renew itself at a sufficient rate for sustainable economic extraction in meaningful human timeframes
NOn renewable energy
Energy from a source that is not deployed when used
Leisure time
Free time used for enjoyment
Travel away from the home environment for leisure, recreation, to visit friends and relations or for business reasons.
Disposable income
Money that people have left over after paying for basics such as mortgages and other bills that they can spend on luxuries such as holidays.
Multiplier effect
Impact of spending in a community from tourist which is reallyspent and recycled in the community and a car just new businesses
Long hawl
Holidays to destinations over 3000 miles or five hours flight away
Short hawl
Holidays to destinations which are less than 3000 miles or five hour flight away
International tourism
When people go from one country to another
Grey pound
Money spent by the retired or over 60s population
Niche market
Specialist market or holiday for example birdwatching
Tourism resort
A settlement which has the main function of tourism and therefore provides for the needs of tourists with accommodation entertainment attractions
Suistainable tourism
A process which meets the needs of the present tourists and helps communities while protecting them for the needs of future generations
A form of tourism in which the environmental impact is minimized and benefits are brought to the local area and it’s community often visitors get to experience the natural vitamins while knowing the impact of visitors is being minimized locals are benefiting from the tourism
Tour operator
Tourists can book directly with a tour operator to put together a package holiday
Travel agent
Will sell holidays and holiday products on behalf of tour operators and other travel companies
All inclusive
Package holidays which also include food drink and entertainment cultural tourism specially designed for tourist to experience the culture of a place or finding out more about the culture or history of a place
Package holiday
Where transport an accommodation are booked together through tour operator or travel agent
Adventure holiday
Popular with the younger market and those over 50 who have taken early retirement may involve some kind of risk usually for the purpose of challenge expiration or skill development
Cultural tourism
Specially designed for tourist to experience the culture of a place or finding out more about it or its history
Water atoned underground. Water can be held in pours rocks called aquifers. With increasing demand for water, groundwater is being demanded more and more
Rocks that can hold water
Water table
The boundary between saturated and unsaturated water
This is the collapsing of ground. Ground may collapse if water has been abstracted removed from an acquirer underground. Parts of Mexico City are subsiding because of over extraction.
Salt water intrusion
When aquifers near the coast are depleted and saltwater leaks into the aquifer changing its salinity.
An increase in the salinity of water. Salinisation may happen if more water is being removed from an aquifer than is being replaced causing the concentration of salt to increase.
Economic Water Scarcity
This is when water is available but is inaccessible or unusable due to lack of investment. Lack of infrastructure, lack of investment in groundwater extraction or transport costs are too expensive.
Physical water scarcity
This is when there is not enough water available to meet demands. The most common reason is low precipitation rates.
Water stress
Thus is when the demand for water exceeds the supply of water causing water shortages. Water shortages are known as droughts.
Water stress basically happens when demand exceeds supply.
Commercial farming
The growing of crops/ rearing of animals to make profit
Subsistence farming
Where there is just sufficient food produced to provide for the farmers own family
Arable farming
Involves the growing of crops
Pastoral farming
Involves the rearing of animals
Intensive farming
Where the farm size is small in comparison with the large amount of labour, and inputs of capital, fertiliser, etc. Which are required
Mixed farming
A type of farming which involves both the growing of crops as well as the raising of livestock
Extensive farming
Where the size of a farm is very large in comparison to the inputs of money, labour, etc..
animals that are domesticated and reared on a farm
shifting cultivation
farming that moves from one location to another every couple of years.
types of plants that are grown on a farm
slash and burn
he process of cutting down areas of forest and then burning the stubbble roots in order to farm. As land will become infertile in a couple of years slash and burn farmers will move land very quickly.
Amount of crops that are harvested
A large structure normally made from wood or corrugated steel used to store machinery, harvested crops or to protect animals.
acid rain:
This is largely caused by human pollution and can alter the ph of the soil and damage crops forcing to adapt their farming techniques
watering the land
drainage ditches:
improved drainage may allow previously flooded land to be farmed and drain flood water away quicker.
Financial help which may allow a farmer to increase its inputs, which will allow them to produce more crops
this is the growing of only one type of crop
cash crops:
crops that are normally grown in large plantations for the purpose of selling (making profit
moving from place to place
organic farming
farming that uses natural varieties and natural farming techniques. There is only very limited use of fertilisers
GM crops
crops that have their genes altered to improve in quality or quantity
When the demand for food exceeds the supply of it leading to undernourishment. Prolonged undernourishment can damage `peoples health and eventually lead to starvation.
when the demand for water exceeds the supply of it causing water stress.
soil degradation:
A reduction in the quality of the soil making it harder to grow things
the process of soil becoming degraded and turning to desert.
Soil erosion
the removal of top soil (most fertile layer) usuallky by wind and water. Soil is much more vulnerable to erosion when no vegetation is growing on it.