Definitions Flashcards
Define ‘Illusion’
Misperceptions of real external stimuli
Define ‘Hallucination’
Perceptions occurring in the absence of external stimuli
Define ‘Hypnopompic/hypnogogic hallucinations’
Hallucinations that occur as the patient falls asleep/wakes up
Define ‘Reflex hallucination’
Sensory hallucination from an auditory stimulus
Define ‘extracampine hallucination’
Hallucination experienced beyond the realms of reality
What is an ‘auditory, 2nd person hallucination’?
When the hallucination is speaking directly to the patient using ‘you’
What is an ‘auditory 3rd person hallucination’?
When the hallucination speaks about the patient giving a running commentary eg. ‘she is..’
Define ‘overvalued idea’
False/exaggerated belief held without reason and with rigidity- but NOT delusion
Define ‘delusion’
Belief held outside cultural/social/religious norms with absolute conviction
What is a ‘persecutory delusion’?
Patient believes an external agent is going to harm them/loved one
What is a ‘grandiose delusion’?
Patient has an inflated self-worth
What is a ‘self-referential delusion’?
Patient believes what they see/hear is related to them (even when completely unrelated)
What is a ‘guilt delusion’?
Patient believes they have caused harm/death to others
What is a ‘nihilistic delusion’?
Patient believes they are dead, bowels rotten etc
What is a ‘misidentification delusion’?
Patient believes a close relative/friend has been replaced by an imposter
What is a ‘hypochondriacal delusion’?
Patient believes they have a condition/disease even when cleared by medical professionals
Define ‘delusional perception’
A delusional belief resulting from a true perception eg. lights went green and so I know MI5 is after me
Define ‘thought alienation’
Generic term to cover the types of thought phenomenon
Define ‘thought insertion’
Belief that patients thoughts are not their own and being put in their head by an external agent
Define ‘thought withdrawal’
Belief that thoughts have been stolen from patient’s head by an external agent
Define ‘thought broadcast’
Belief that patients thoughts are being broadcast out loud for everyone to hear
Define ‘thought echo’
From of auditory hallucination where patient hears thoughts spoken aloud either at the same time/after thinking them
Define ‘thought block’
Sudden interruption in the patient’s train of thought leaving them with a blank and cannot get back to it even with prompting
Define ‘concrete thinking’
Lack of abstract thinking. Patients will take expressions literally.
Define ‘loosening of association’
Lack of logical association between thoughts - severe schizo/mania
Define ‘circumstantiality’
Irrelevant wandering in a conversation- takes a long time to get to the point
Define ‘preservation’
Repetition of a word/theme/point until past the point it was relevant eg. replying to every answer with 2 weeks
Define ‘confabulation’
Making up stories to fill in blanks in memory- sound coherent but delusional
Define ‘Somatic passivity’
Belief that patient is passively receiving bodily sensations from an outside agent
Define ‘made act’
Act is carried out by patient but they believe it is considered alien/imposed. Patient may move arm but say ‘the devil is moving my arm for me and I can’t stop it’
Define ‘made feeling’
Feeling felt by patient but considered alien/imposed. ‘I am feeling miserable and low, MI5 is causing this as I’m actually fine’
Define ‘made drive’
Impulse is carried out by patient but considered alien/imposed. ‘MI5 is feeding messages into my head that’s making me run down the street’
Define ‘clouding of consciousness’
Lowered level of consciousness and decreased perception and response to external stimuli . Cx= DRUGS
Define ‘catatonia’
State of excited/inhibited motor activity in absence of mood disorder/neuro disease
Define catatonia- ‘wavy flexibility’
Patient’s limbs feel like wax/lead and kept in position when moved
Define catatonia- ‘echolalia’
Automatic repetition of words heard
Define catatonia- ‘echopraxia’
Automatic repetition of actions seen
Define catatonia- ‘legoclonia’
Automatic repetition of last syllable of word
Define catatonia- ‘Negativism’
Motiveless resistance to movement
Define catatonia - ‘palilalia’
Repetition of word with increasing frequency
Define catatonia- ‘verbigeration’
Repetition of sentences - in monotonous tone
Define ‘stupor’ or ‘akinetic autism’
Complete loss of activity with no response to stimuli
Define ‘psychomotor retardation’
Slowing of thoughts and movements
Define ‘flight of ideas’
Rapid skipping of thoughts with distant connections eg. puns
Define ‘pressure of speech’
Excess rate of speech with sentences that may/may not be linked and can wander off the point
Define ‘anhedonia’
Loss of interest in activities the patient previously enjoyed
Define ‘incongruity of affect’
Emotional responses out of sync with topic of conversation
Define ‘blunting of affect’
Absence of normal emotional responses
Define ‘belle indifference’
Feeling of indifference about disability/symptom
Define ‘depersonalisation’
Feeling of sense of detachment from one’s own body - spectator to life
Define ‘derealisation’
Feeling of surroundings not being real- dull, grey, lifeless
Define ‘dissocation’
Patient feels disconnected from themselves/surroundings
Define ‘conversion’
SYMPTOM FORMATION- translating psychological conflict into somatic sx - motor/sensory
Define ‘mannerism’
Bizarre elaboration of normal activities eg. twirling hair on toilet (not when nervous)
Define ‘stereotyped behaviour’
Uniform, repetitive, non-goal directed actions - can be random movements
Define ‘obsession’
Recurrent persistent thoughts that enter consciousness and cannot be resisted
Define ‘compulsion’
Repetitive, apparently purposeful behaviour performed without goal, despite patient knowing its senseless and can’t resist
Define ‘Akathitsia’
Motor restlessness - anxiety (inner restlessness) or can’t sit still/sleep