definitions Flashcards
someone who comes in to settle disputes that they can not settle themselves (they have the last say)
a system of government where one person holds all power
laws made in a municipality to control society
a general agreement
the common good
the benefit and interests of all
an elected member of municipal counsel ( a novel serving the king as chief officer)
a political theory advocating class war and leading to a society which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs ( it is good in theory) (bad in practice)
a system of ideas espeically ones that form political theory and policy
majority rule
the greater number, the greater power (used in elections)
intervention in a dispute in order to resolve it. in mediation, the complainants can usually come to a conclusion on their own with guidance
minority government
a gov in which the governing party’s most seats but still less than half the total
a small group of people who control a country
party platform
formal statement of its basic principles objectives and positions on major issues
a condition or system in which two or more states coexsistance of intrests (many grps with many beliefs)
a head of provincial gov : kathleen wynn