Definitions Flashcards
Dead Ball
Ball not in play
Loose Ball
Live ball not in player possession during a running play; scrimmage or free kick before possession is gained or regained or dead by rule; interval after a legal forward pass is touched and before it becomes complete, incomplete, or intercepted
Live Ball
Ball in play - pass, kick, or fumble that has not touched the ground is a live ball in flight
Below the Waist
Force of the initial contact is below the waist of an opponent who has one or both feet on the ground - when in question the contact is below.
Blocker may contact above and slide low. If the blocker first contacts the opposing player’s hands at the waist or above, it is a legal “above the waist” block
Chop Block
high-low or low-high combo - “low” component is a the opponents thigh or below
Block in the Back
Force of the initial contact is from behind and above the waist.
Blocking Zone
Rectangle centered on the middle lineman - 5yds laterally and 3 yds longitudinally.
Low-Blocking Zone
Extends 7 yds in each direction of the snapper, 5 yds beyond the neutral zone and back to Team A’s end line
Player Possession
Player has the ball firmly in his grasp while contacting the ground inbounds
Team Possession
A) one of its players has possession (including when he is attempting a punt or place kick), B) while forward pass thrown by a player of that team is in flight, C) during a loose ball if a player of that team last had player possession, D) when the team is next to snap or free kick the ball
Secures control of a live ball in flight with his hands or arms before the ball touches the ground and the player touches the ground in bounds with any part of his body, and then maintains control of the ball long enough to enable him to pitch/hand the ball off, advance the ball or avoid/ward off an opponent.
Player must maintain complete and continuous control of the ball throughout the process of contacting the ground.
Slight movement of the ball is not considered loss of possession - must lose control of the ball for there to be loss of possession.
Force of the initial contact is from behind and at or below the waist
To lose player possession by any act other than passing, kicking, or successful handing
Unsuccessful attempt to catch or recover a ball that is touched in the attempt - muffing the ball does not change its status
Scrimmage Kick Formation
Formation with at least one player 7 yds or more behind the NZ, no player in position to receive a hand-to-hand snap, and it is obvious that a kick may be attempted.
If Team A is in scrimmage kick formation at the snap, any action by Team A is deemed to be from scrimmage kick formation