Definitions Flashcards
an amount included in a construction budget, normally 5 to 10 percent, to provie for unforeseen or unpredictable costs
contigency allowance
the maximum flood level with a 1% probability of occurring within a given year
100 year flood
a buttressing or supporting structure
building whose function is secondary to that of the main structure
Accessory building
the branch of physics that deals with sound. In architectural application, the sound qualities of a room or space.
In an ancient Greek city, a citadel, usually on a high plateau
tax based on the value of the property being taxed
ad Valorum Tax
a sun-dried brick of earth, used in the American Southwest
The branch of philosophy that deals with the quality, aspects, and perception of beauty
commits buyer to perform specific duty in the future.
affirmative covenant
the legal concept that one person, the agent, acts on behalf of another, the principal, in dealing with another, the third party. (architect = agent; client = principal; and contractor = 3rd party)
the rights to the use or control of space above a property, such as highways, railroad tracks, or buildings
Air rights
reflectivity measured as the relative permeability of a surface to radiant energy flowing in either direction
horizontal or vertical deviation from the straight or level centerline of the road.
determined by use group and type of construction. may be increased if fire-suppression system or adequate street frontage is provided. bylaws also restrict building height.
allowable building height
desireable features of or near a building that increases the property’s value
payment of a loan over the life of the loan using equal payments at equal intervals. Each payment provides for a portion to be applied to the principal and the remainder to be applied to the interest.
an arena encircled by tiers of seats
a major tenant in shopping mall such as department store that in theory serves to attract shoppers to the mall to benefit other smaller stores
Anchor tenant
an electromagnetc device that indicates the activation of cetain circuits; a device to signal the existence and location of a fire in a building.
giving human characteristics to nonhuman things
estimation of a property’s value made by a qualified appraiser
the eastern or altar end of a church, usually semi-circular in plan.
a natural, underground reservoir form which wells draw water
normally two lane per direction, no parking on street, traffic lights, sometimes with restaurants and shops. connects expressway to street serving residential area (collector-distributor). access to expressway is controlled.
masonry having a face of square or rectangular stones.
the value given to a property by local jurisdiction to be used to assess taxes on the property. It’s a percentage of the actual value (market value)
Assessed value
connects two major spaces with smaller branches on either side. common in shopping malls
axial organization
is the angle between the north vector and the perpendicular projection of the star down onto the horizon.
a glazed decorative tile ith the color blue most prominent.
earth or other fill material placed between an outside foundation wall and the excavation
a partial obstruction against flow, in a duct or pipe
the proportioning of components by offsetting or contrasting so as to produce an aesthetic equilibrium in the whole
show start and finish dates. for larger architectural projects.
bar/gantt chart
a style of european architecture developed in the late Renaissance in reaction to classical forms, containing elaborate curves, scrolls, and ornament
used as a background map for site analysis. Its shows the site’s legal boundaries, contours, roads, buildings, utilities, and other manmade key features
base map
parallel used as a primary starting point for the east-west layout of the US survey system
a part, usually half, of a broken brick; also a unit of flat insulation
a cleat-like member palced acreoss a series of boards to tie them together; also, a narrow strip covering the joint between two vertical boards
region or town that contains mainly housing and few employment opportunities
Bedroom community
roofed sturcture or pavilion located to command a view
an excavated level terrace in a slope used to collect running water
a relatively permanent surveyor’s mark of known location and elevation
bench mark
a bank of earth, often piled up against a wall
humna love of life and living systems; it is the attractions and positive feeling that people have toward certain habitats, activities, and objects in their natural surroundings.
grassy sloped ditch that filteres storm runoff as it is directed away from a building or paved area. allows water to seep into ground and recharge aquifers
bioswale/ swle
describing cement, mastic, or roofing material which contains asphalt as a prinicpal ingredient
area of city containing buildings/infrastructure in decay, needing improvement
Blighted area
a division of urban land, normally private property, that is surrounded by public streets, and which is officially established and recorded
The detailed standard wording of a contract, warranty, etc.
a stone guard to prevent damage to a wall; also, free-standing stone or metal post to divert vehicular traffic
Building Owners and managers Association. A professional organziation for commercial real estate professionals. These professonials monitor and lobby pertinent legislative, regulartory and codes/standards issues in relation to the commercial real estate industry
BOMA International
drilling into the earth to obtain soil samples in order to determine soil bearing capacity
temporary support for excavation walls consisiting of vertical sheeting (wood or steel) supported by diagonal bracing
in design-build, early fixed price. contractor has responsibility for details of construction. more cost effective than design-bid-build.
a sun break, an architectural shading device for blocking unwanted sun rays
British Thermal Unit; the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one pound of water 1*F
piece of land used to separate two incompatible uses
Buffer zone
it is the lot area minus the required setbacks. Structures are only allowed to be built in this area.
buildable area
the process of verifying in new const. that all the subsystems achieve the owner’s project requ’r as intended by the bldg owner and as designed
building commissioning
a defined limit within a property line beyond which a structure may not protrude
Building Line
is the portion of the horizontal piping of the sanitary sewer system outside of the bldg
building sewer
a bell tower
to set at a slant from the horizontal or vertical
amount of money used to make physical improvements to property to enhance the property’s value over extended period of time
Capital expenditure
A small room in a library
amount of money that is net income from a property after expenses are paid
Cash flow
an air chamber without a bottom, use din excavation through water or mud
a sieve-like device at the entrance to a storm sewer to trap debris that could block up the sewer
catch basin
a geographical area from which the participants in an activity are drawn, such as the customers of a shopping center, or the employees of a manufacturing plant
to fill joint with mastic, usually done with a pressure gun
covenants, conditions and restrictions; rules applying to property owner in subdivision, condominium, cooperative housing facility.
the inner enlcosed room of an ancient temple
wooden framework for constructing dome. brunelleschi’s florence cathedral was first to not use it (1420). pantheon built 120AD with centering. st peter’s basilica in rome 1500’s slightly pointed. us capitol dome 1800s, cast iron.
the separation of traffic lanes by use of islands or dividers
mass transit within walking distance. mixed use zoning. blend of housing types allowing people to stay in same neighborhood. independence from cars. narrower streets and more intersections. on street, small parking
Charter of New Urbanism
a valve in a pipe that permits water to flow only in one direction
check valve
1970’s timeless way of building, pattern language, oregon experiment, advocate environmentally sensitive, human focused approach to design. vernacular historical precedent, use of patterns allows nonprofessionals to influence design.
Christopher Alexander
the prevailing or average weather conditions of place as determined over a number of years
the flow or movement of people, goods, vehicles, etc., from place to place
tank for collecting and storing water. often for harvesting rainwater for irrigation or nonpotable building uses.
row house project - aesthetics. vandal resistant material bad. use more residential materials selected by residents. open spaces are dangerous. curbs and fences are barriers to define private and semi-private space. shorter and wider pedestrian walkways allow better supervision. allocation of common ground to each family.
Clason Point, NY
hot-humid: long east-west, with overhangs; hot-arid: square/compact with courtyard (islamic); cold: square/compact, dark colors, no north windows; temperate: rectangular
climate regions and forms
a brick that has been overburned by being near the fire in a kiln
a type of grade-separated interchange used in highway design. Named for its shape
type of housing development in which houses are placed close to each other and have access to nearby common open spaces
Cluster housing
a street to which minor streets connect and that, itself, leads to a mjor arterial
collector street
one lane per direction, parking permitted at certain times. traffic lights
portion of building available to all tenants. typically owned by the property owners in the association, who pay maintenance fees.
Common area
anchored by large supermarket, some variety store and specialty stores. serves 20,000-100,000 people. 100,000-300,000 sf on 10-30 acres.
Community center
hollow and curved inward
the legal process initiated by the public authority wishing to take the property in question to exercise the power of eminent domain to transfer to tansfer title to the property from its private owner to the government
states that if restrictions prescribed in deed are not followed, title reverts to original grantor or heirs
conditional covenant
permission from zoning board to use property for non-complying purpose in exchange for service to public good. (ex a street fair in a residential area)
conditional use permit
development in which residents own their own living units but share common areas which are maintained by the condo corp. also form of ownership where buyer obtains absolute title to portion of a structure
the speed with which energy (normally heat energy) passes through a given material after penetrating its surface
petraining to cone-bearing trees and shurbs, mostly evergeens, such as pine, spruce, fir, cedar, etc.
A pattern of land use in which random clusters of development are connected to one another
constellation pattern
a procedure in which an owner contracts with a construction manager who is generally responsible for control of a project’s time, cost, and quality.
construction management (CM)
dashed represents existing contour. solid shows where earth is to be manipulated. elevation is noted on high side of contour.
contour lines
the distribution of energy (normally heat) by fluid movementj of air or water
a deed restriction that regulates land use, construction materials, appearance, and aesthetic qualities of an area
cured outward (the surface of a sphere)
act of transferring an interest in a property to another person, or the document written to formalize such a transfer
type of land ownership where residents own interest in the corporation that owns the entire property. they do not own their own units directly.
Cooperative (co-op)
good idea to tack on contingency for unforseen conditions. 5-20%.
cost opinion
shows complex interrelationships between tasks, scheduling method for extremely large architectural projects but more commonly used by contractors to coordinate construction
CPM critical path method
Came from defensible space ideas, relies on inhabitants to police own surroundings. encourage this by clearly defining public and private spaces, making streets, parking, entrances more visible to residents. regulating behavior is outside its scope.
CPTED Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design
to develop minut surface cracks in stucco, concrete, or glaze
a system of planning and scheduling construction operations that analyzes sequences and durations of time using network diagrams and identifies construction task that have great impact in schedule
criticial path method
dead-end street that only has one in and often features a large circular turnaround space at the end
a length of pipe, running under a road or other barrier, used to drain or carry water
permit given by a city or other zoning jursidiction for proposed use that otherwise would not be allowed in the zoning district. special conditions are imposed to ensure that development does not adversely affect the surrounding neighborhood.
CUP conditional use permit
a raised margin running along the edge of a street pavement, usually of concrete
earth that is removed and earth that is added in grading
cut and fill
a platform raised above floor level
a horizontal plane elevation used as a reference for other elevations in surveying and mapping
gated streets create mini-neighborhoods. but also require strict reinforcement of building coes, financial aid for property maintenance, community programs facilitating interaction among neighbors
Dayton, Ohio
cost to pay off a construction loan for a project. It is considered to be an ongoing cost over many years, it is not part of the original project cost.
debt service/ Cost of money
shedding leaves annually, as constrasted with evergreen
donation of a parcel of land by developer for public use, such as park or school
a written instrument that is used to transfer property title from one party to another
clause in deed restricting future use of parcel by buyer - includes conditions, covenants and restrictions.
deed restriction
restructure the physical layout of communities to allow residents to control the areas around their homes. less families per entrance/public indoor space the better - more ownership. number of units and floors. seeing street = neighbors looking out for one another.
Defensible Space - Oscar Newman
shared wall between two leased spaces or two residential units.
Demising wall (party wall)
a measure of the number of people, families, etc., that occupy a specified area
the avg temp that a mech system is designed for heating and cooling
design temperature
flat land excluding farmland. forest. steep slopes. aquifers. aquifer recharge area. floodplain. marsh. surface water.
design with nature categories of open space in order of buildability
to remove items of value from a site.
charged to developers to pay for public improvements necessary because of the development. eg road, utility, upgrades.
development impact fee
legal ability of a developer to develop a parcel of land
development rights
the temperature at which air becomes saturated with moisture and condensation occurs
dew point
sections of the city which the observer mentally enters inside of and which are recognizable as having some common identifying character
2 sheets of glass with an air space between, to insulate against the passage of heat or sound
double glazing
a change in zoning resulting in a decrease of allowable density
clay pipe, usually with open joints, to convey water ways froma footing or to disperse fluid in a septic tank field.
drain tile
the system by which excess water and wastes are controlled, collected, transported, and disposed
it is only used when needed for fire fighters. It is not filled with water and it is not connected to a constant public water supply
dry standpipe
a pit, usually filled with coarse stone, into which water is conducted for leaching out into surrounding soil
dry well
a dome, hence often a cathedral
what one person owes another in particular relationships, by applying the term duties to a set of requirments.
an independent living area which includes its own private cooking and bathing facilities
Dwelling unit
the modification involved in altering existing topography. Excavating for foundations, water and swer lines, and other bured items.
portion of land that another party has the right to use for a specific purpose. noted on deed and legal descriptiom, can be granted for utility ROW, access to adjacent property, party walls, joint driveways or conservation purposes
linear elements not used or considered paths by the observer
sensation produced by the combined effects of absolute temperature, relative humidity, and air movement
effective temperature
right of a governmental jurisdiction to take ownership of private property for the public good while paying fair market value compensation to the owner. power can be transferred to for-profit company if it serves public interest and promotes economy. process or compensation is called condemnation. condemnor must first make offer to buy property. if no agreement, eminent domain proceedings may initiate.
eminent domain
intrusion into one property by the improvement to an adjoining property
the slight convexity of a column, used to give an impression of vertical strength
amount of money an owner keeps after selling the property and paying off any mortgages (difference between fair market value and amount of debt on the property)
the gradual wearing away or disintegration of land caused by water running over its surface, wind, etc.
a preliminary sketch or plan
a concept where a condition for development is imposed on a parcel of land that requires part of the land to be dedicated to public use
a semi-circular open area, with or without a roof, providing a continuous seat
the program that considers scope, area minimums, area adjacencies, ballpark costs and site analysis based on a functional program
facilities program
enameled clay products
is is a law that prohibits housing discrimination of the basis of race, color, religion, sex, disability, familial status, and national origin.
Fair Housing Act
value that a buyer would pay a seller in free transaction
fair market value
Floor Area Ratio, the ratio between the gross floor area of a building and its site area
a construction technique in which construction on each phase of a project is begun when its design is completed, without waiting for overall project design completion
fast track
owner has absolute title to property and may sell to another person if desired
fee simple
Federal Housing Administration founded in 1934 to provide mortgage insurance
the final moving o the soil prior to landscaping or paving
finish grading
brick composed of clay not containing any fusible material, which can resist high temperatures
fire brick
geographic districts generally classified as high, moderate, or low hazard based on pop density, bldg height, street access, and congestion that affect fire department respone time, and the fire department’s equip and competence
fire zone
item attached to the building, typically included in the sale of the building
Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) an agency whose function is to stabilize the housing market by purchasing mortgages or providing mortgage money directly
a high speed, multiple-lane highway deesigned to move traffic smoothly and without interruption
a horizontal band on a vertical surface, located beneath a cornice, sometimes decorated with relief sculpture
the limit of penetration of soil by frost
frost line
it is information or data provided by the owner for the analysis and creation of a facilities program
functional program
attaching wood or metal strips to a rough wall, to provide a flat plane for the finish or to provide an air space
fund public projects that will not produce revenue such as schools, libraries, municipal buildings. bond is repaid by property (ad valorem) taxes. must be approved by voters in the jurisdiction
general obligation bond
a specfic residential area in which people of a particular ethnic identity are concentrated
extreme contrast between light and dark in the visual field, which can cause discomfort
Government National Mortgage Association (Ginnie Mae) an agency that functions in the secondary martgage market
the degree of rise of descent of a sloping surface. Alsom the act of altering or finsihed existing topography
Concrete used for paving which uses crushed granite as the coarse aggregate.
based on grids with city center containing public buildings and commerce. surrounded by irregular wall, size determined by available food
greek town
a belt-like area around a city, reserved by ordinance for parkland, farms, open space, etc.
a pattern of land divison for devlopment as well as circulation, so named for its shape
Grid Pattern
long term lease of a property that allows the tenant to use and improve the land but that reverts to the owner at the end of the lease
ground lease
phenomenon of “decision by deference” results in mediocre product, no one challenges leader
an amount established in an agreement between an owner and a contactor as the maximum cost of performing specified work
guaranteed Maximum Cost
meridian between the principal meridians
guide meridian
restrictions on the heights of buildings and structures established by local laws
height zoning
a race course bordered by tiered seating
cassed by Congress when a large amount of public land was transferred to private ownership. Allowed 160 acres of land to be given free to anyone who built a house and lived on the land for a min of 5 years.
Homestead Act of 1862
Department of Housing and Urban Development. Federal agency concerned with all phases of housing activities.
the cap of a pier or pilaster that supports the spring of an arch
ratio of the value of improvements on a property to the value of the property alone. When calculating, the improvement must show the highest and the best use of the land.
improvement ratio
attempts to hold harmless both the owner and architect for any damages, claims, or losses resulting from the performance of any work on the project whether by the contractor or others with whom the architect has no contractual relations
indemnification clause
pond that temporarily collects water and allows it to be released through absorption into earth. helps recharge water onsite rather than into storm sewer, which is what a catch basin does.
infiltration basin
the sections of a large city in or near its center, espcially when crowded or blighted
inner city
a surface decoration formed by a slightly depressed plane of lines and patterns
an access and egress point on a freeway that permits traffic to enter, exit, or change direction
remedy by a court for a private land owner whose land has been taken away by a governmental body (see eminent domain)
inverse condemnation
a situation, generally the reverse of normal, in which cold air is close to the ground and layer of warm air is above it
the elevation of the lowest inside surface of a pipe or sewer
invert elevation
a window or door blind made of movable horizontal slats
agreement between firms collaborating on specific project. a type of partnership. profits and taxes passed on to the partners. can be individually insured or purchase project specific policy. C801 Joint Venture Agreement for Professional Services may be used.
joint venture
A hawaiian terrace or veranda
legal arrangement in which the owner of a property sells the property to someone else but then immediately leases it from the purchaser
land sale leaseback
descriptive of a parcel of land that does not border any public road
another type of point reference but observer can not enter
a superstructure on a roof, dome, or tower, glazed along its sides, that admits light to the area below
the legal responsibility for injury or damage to another person or property
a right to keep possession of property belonging to another person until a debt owed by that person is discharged.
evaluates the environment impact from intial raw material extraction to final recycling, reuse, or disposal.
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
used to evaluate the economic performance of a material or bldg system over the service life of the material or system. Includes all cost assciated w/ purchasing, installing, maintaining, and disposing of an item from the time the item is installed in a bldg thru the duration of the LCC study period.
Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCC)
a pattern of land use that develops along a line, such as highway or river
linear pattern
a structural member placed over an opening and supporting construction above
path, edge, district, node, landmark. image of the city
list kevin lynch’s 5 terms
rights concerning properties abutting an ocean, sea or lake rather than a river or stream (riparian). Littoral rights are usually concerned with the use and enjoyment of the shore
littoral rights
neighborhood roads. one lane each or one way, controlled by stop signs. loops and cul-de-sacs. generally on-street parking is unrestricted.
local access roads
a street that starts at a major street, extends in curvilinear fashion for a short distance, and then returns to the major street
loop street
one of several horizontal slats, slanted to exclude rain but allow the passage of air
paving using crushed stone
the general climate over a large geographical area
a hole through which a person can enter a sewer, pipe, conduit, etc., in order to inspect, repair, or service a utility
long range, overal concept of an area’s development
master plan
calking that remains elastic
claim placed against a property’s deed by someone who provided work or materials to improve the property but was not paid for it
mechanic’s/materialman’s lein
walled, often built on/around roman ruins. less gridlike, adapted to site conditions. clustered around cathedral. late medieval featured star-shaped defensive wall
medieval town
a stone of great size
a term referrng to a group of large cities or metropolitan areas that merge
north-south lines that follow the longitudes of the earth and that are used as the basis for the US survey system
verbal description of land that begins at a point and describes the bearing and length of each side of the property, in turn, until the point of beginning is reached
metes-and-bounds property description
the characteristic form of large scale American urbanization; a city form with an operating radius of 30 miles or more
metropolitan area (or region)
the general climate characteristics that are peculiar to a very small area.
appropriate for small project and small team. list of deadlines and assignment of responsibility for each task.
milestone chart
minimum standards for residential building required by the Fed Housing Admin. for construction or for underwriting a mortgage
minimum property standards
a repetitive dimension used in architectural design and planning
an agreement to pay for the cost of a property over a long period of time, in which the property is pledged as security
the vertical divison member between windows or doors
a wood or metal member used to hold the panes within a window
an inner chamber of a classical temple
the entrance vestibuile of a church
the main longitudinal portion of a church interior
provide daily convenience goods and serviecs. grocery and pharmacy. serving 7,500-20,000 people within 6 minute driving radius. 30,000-70,000 sf building on 4-10 acres.
Neighborhood center
area of a building that is available for rent, not including common areas, structure, stairs etc.
net leaseable area
a system of circulation channels that covers a large area
advocates more diverse housing opportunities and less dependence on automobile. reaction to suburban sprawl. aka smart growth. Congress of New Urbanism - Charter of New Urbanism.
new urbanism
points, strategic spots in a city into which an observer can enter, and which are intensive foci to and from which he is traveling
a use that is no longer permitted by a zoning ordinance. If a new zoning ordiance is being applied to an exist development there may be properties that contain nonconforming uses. It concern uses that do not comply with current zoning regulation but that were permitted by the zoning ordinances in effect when the structure was built.
nonconforming use
a commemorative shaft, square in section, with a small pyramid on top
document issued by the city’s building department giving permission for building to be occupied. aka C-of-O. The permit is part of the bldge permit process, and its cost is included in building permit fee paid by the contractor.
occupancy permit
parking spaces within property lines as required by a city ordinance and often expressd as parking spaces per dwelling unit or per commerical space
off-street requirements
ogranic matter that mold can eat. Mold cant eat inorganic material like concrete
organic feedstock
usually 5-20% of project costs. includes rent, utilities, advertising, office supplies, general legal expense, staff wages, bonds, insurance, facilities, permits, transportation, other expenses incurred by contractor during course of work. does not include labor, materials and equiptment.
separate location for development of retail space near but not in a shopping center
Pad site
in Far Eastern architecture, a towerlike structure
a palace
a building planned so that a person at the center can observe converging corridors
east-west lines that follow the latitudes of the earth
a level and patterned garden
the general scheme of a design
a wall built astride a property line (or between residential units that share plumbing)
party wall
channels along which the observer customarily, occasionally or potentially moves
an open court enclosed by the walls of a building
a triangular face of a roof gable
establishes the functional requ’r that a structure must satisfy under specific conditions. It promotes innovation in building design, but it may be difficult to administer
performance building code
a plan of a lnad area, lots, streets, etc
plat is legan definition of subdivision. streets, row, location and purpose of easements, lot/bldg sites, min setback and special purpose sites such as public use. when approved becomes part of public land records. survey includes all this as well as utilities, natural features, topography, flood plain. deed describes bondaries and owner and party from whom property was purchased.
plat vs survey vs deed
good for buildings with dispersed activities. eg office building with different companies. advantages are flexibility, efficiency, economy.?!
precinctual pattern
constructed off-site in standarized sections for shipment and quick assembly, such as a prefacbricated house
in cost evaluation, something that will add cost to a project in comparison to the model. eg short construction period, unusual contract conditions, challenging site conditions, nonstandard program elements, union labor.
specifies contruction method, and materials in detail. It is simple to administer but discourages innovation, most codees follow this method.
prescriptive building code
most historically accurate approach. maintains additions made over time and chronicles the history of the building through the modifications
group of persons with whom one has the most intimate and hence greatest variety of social interactions (ex. Family)
primary Social Group
this classification deals with the production or collection of resoruces (ex. Miners, farmers, fisherman, etc.)
primary work group
is the right, by law or custom, of the firstborn to inherit the entire estate, to the exclusion of younger siblings; land was passed from father to eldest son.
a meridian that serves as the basis for the north-south grid layout of the US survey system
principal meridian
this concept theoretically protects the architect from claims by parties with whom he or she has no direct contractual relationships
financial projection for a development project meant to determine if the project is feasible, given estimates on potential income and the cost of developing the project.
pro forma
used to fund public enterprise that will produce revenue such as airport, hospital, stadium. bond is repaid by money generate by facility
public enterprise bond
Planned Unit Development, a zoning designation that allows greater freddom in site planning. While usually maintaing the same density. Similar to cluster developments but larger in scale, including commercial and industrial developments, in addition to housing.
Clarence Stein and Henry Wright. cohesive neighborhoods ped and vehicular separated. over/underpasses were used. superblock.
Radburn, New Jersey
facilitates social interaction because everyone passes through central core. eg secondary schools. disciplines branch off from central library
radial organization
a slope or incline, as on a roof
the row of townships running north and south from a principal meridian, given a number to describe where it is located north and south of a baseline
rebuilding a lost structure based on historical documentation. eg colonial williamsburg
typical shopping mall. cluster of big box retailers. serve 100,000-250,000 people. building area 40,000 actual sf 300,000-1m sf on 20-50 acres.
Regional center
used when the property is being converted to another use. allows more flexibility in materials and methods of construction as long as the historic character is maintained. repair rather than replace.
refer to greek model of central public buildings, roman classic forum. comprehensive design considering gardens piazzas buildings etc. style heavily influenced by classical architecture
renaissance town
can include exterior stair with solid treads. covered to protect from snow. same fire-resistance as interior stair. escalators, elevators, fire escapes are not permitted as required exits.
required exit
focuses on the most important time period. additions not pertinent to that period are removed. materials and character should be repaired.
limit on how the owner of a property or building can use or improve the property. aka restrictive covenant, usually contained in the deed to the property
the application of the commissioning process to existing blgds and seeks to improve how bldg equipement and systems work together
retro commissioning
a path of circulation conveying persons, vehicles, service, etc.
a land use pattern that is developed in a circular or doughnut form, the center being relatively unused
ring pattern
a circumferential or loop road way around an urban area or development
ring road
related to a body of water
rights of landowner to use or control all or portion of water in a body of water bordering his property. The owner does not own the water itself. Depends upon “reasonable use” as it relates to other riparian owners to ensure that the rights of one repairin owner are weighed fairly and equitably w/ the rights of adjacent owners
riparian rights
tool to limit exposure to liability, ex quality control
risk management
more regular and symmetrical than greek, also based on grid with cardo and decumanus. central fora, grand buildings rather than markets. symmetry, axial connection between points and heirarchy or areas. introduction of curves. size dependent on food supply and defense locations
roman town
a device used at an intersection of street in which all vehicles merge and then diverge at relatively low speeds
a circular space covered by a dome
involves the moving of the soil prior to construction to approximate levels of the final grades
rough grading
(housing development pattern) allows the developer to integrate residential, commericial, and indutrial uses and to divide the land into differ density areas, based on the village-neighborhood-town concept.
RPC (Residential Planned Communities)
the fraction of total rainfall that is not absorbed in the ground. It must be collected in a system of surface and subsurface drains
runoff coefficient
it measures the thermal resistance in a bldg component.
minor or smaller tenant in a shopping center
satellite tenant
group of persons with whom one has less intimate and more secialized interactions (ex. Classmates in the case of school children)
secondary social group
this classification takes the raw materials collected or produced by the primary work group and converts them into usable products (ex. Construction workers, factory workers)
secondary work group
a legally defined distance from the property line into which a structure may not project
an underground pipe or drain used to carry off rain water (storm sewer) or waste matter (sanitary sewer)
temporary support for excavation walls consisiting of vertical beams and horizontal timbers
revising written document over and over until parties agree
shuttle diplomacy
designing the external physical environment in which buildings and structures are placed
site planning
sheet drainage: 0.5-1% adj to building falling away: 2% min parking area: 1.5-5% ditches: 2-10% ramps 5-8.3% streets up to 10% plant grass
an urban area that is overcrowded and whose buildings may be unsafe and unhealthful to inhabit
porus silts and clays allow water to migrate above water table. fine grained soils more likely to be affected by freeze-thaw than course-grained. organic soil never good for foundation. footings should be placed below frost line to prevent free-thaw heaving.
the right of a site or bldg to have access to solar radiation
solar rights
exemption from zoning regulations given to a jurisdiction
special use permit
application of specific zoning regulations to specific properties when nearby land is under different zoning (favor a particular owner)
spot zoning
a type of rigid water piping which is built into multi-story blgs in a vertical position, to which fire hoses can be connected, allowing manual application of water to the fire (fire hydrants for bldgs)
a pattern of land use devleoped in the shape of a star
star pattern
a portico used in Greek architecture, often as a covered shopping way
a sewer for carrying away surface rain water, as opposed to sanitary sewage
storm sewer
the devision of vacant land into smaller parcels to be used as sites for individual buildings, together with public rights-of-way affecting these sites
the soil layer beneath the topsoil
the rights to oil and minerals under property that can be sold or leased
subsurface rights
an outlying portion of a city, which is largely residential
a very large area of land in which all through traffic is eliminated, but which may be penetrated by cul-de-sacs or minor loop roads
the process of determining location, form, and boundaries of a parcel of land by measurement, computation, and drawings
surface textures on interior or exterior, applied to walking surfaces, door handles, stair treads, or edges of reflecting pools. purpose to warn the blind
tactile warning devices
a dark sticky oil, dry distilled from resinous woods, coal, or peat; used in roofing and road surfaces
the ability of a material to store heat.
thermal inertia
this classification manages and services society and its industries (ex. Professionals, architects, engineers)
third work group
1901-1917 influenced by Ebenezer Howard’s Garden City plan. Buildings mainly reinforced concrete softened by planted tree lined pedestrian paths complementing other transportation modes. transportation and hygenic hubs but no religious facilities.
Tony Garnier’s Cite Industrielle
the row of townships running east and west from a baseline, given a number to describe where it is located east or west of a principal meridian
In general, each person in catchment area supports 3-5 ft of retail space.
Types of Shopping Centers as defined by the ULI
how well a bldg transfers heat. Low U-value = slow heat loss or gain (brick wall); high U-Value = high heat loss or gain (window)
property that is not producing the maximum income it is capable of producing given its site, zoning, etc
underimproved land
a road that crosses under another road
its is a method to temporarily suppprt exist. Foundations while they are being repaired or strengthened or when they are extended to a lower level.
used to calculate annual value of a present value (future PMT based on PV)
uniform capital recovery
expresses series of uniform annual amounts in today dollars (PV of PMTs)
uniform present worth
amount that would have to be invested today at certain rate to have specified amount at some point in the future (PMT to get FV)
uniform sinking fund
proposed in bid, agreed upon in A101
unit prices
a process of public intervention in the devlopment of an existing urban area, in which the public acquires ownership of property and administers its resale and development to mainly private owners
urban renewal
its is a physical pattern of places that are used by individuals for residence, work, recreation, and cultivations, all accessible by systems of convenient transporation, in a city or rural area.
use network
the illegal practive of charging exorbitant interest rates on a loan
a review process of proposed systems and materials used to explore less expensive options that will achieve a similar result
value engineering
permission granted by local jurisdiction to deviate from the literal provisions of a zoning ordinance where strict adherence would cause undue hardship because of conditions unique to an individual property
a bridge across a valley
an entrance or exit passage in a large amphitheater
a guarantee that the property title will be transferred to a buyer free of liens, claims, or other debts
warrenty deed
buildings should not penetrate the water table. sites where the water table is less than 6ft below surface may require special techniques during excavation.
water table
it if filled with water from a public supply and is pressurized at all times and they can used by bldg occupants
wet Standpipe
land that has developed restrictions placed on it because it is commonly flooded and may be environmentally sensitive
1987 Problem Seeking, classic text on architectural programming.
William Pena
structures or plants that because of their form, and location, reduce wind velocities
an area of land not built upon, which may be used for exterior activities
scatter factory-built row houses on multiple sites rather than clustering in highrise.
Yonkers, NY
part of a zoning regulation’s setback requirements that allows a building to be constructed up to the property line with no setback
zero lot line
the legal means whereby land use is regulated and controlled for the welfare of the community
set of zoning regulations established by local jurisdiction that regulates certain building practices within the jurisdiction
zoning by-law
spaces, buildings, rooms, and furniture that bring people together
the conditions that discourage interaction or social contact