Definitions Flashcards
things seem bigger than they are
binocular vision
extreme views and opposite, always good or always bad
black and white
only see negative aspect
dark glasses
predict future without fact or knowledge
fortune teller
blame others instead of taking responsibility
blame game
clear, accurate and respective communication with clients or families including language that is accessible and understanding
CASLPO definition of communication
fully concentrating understanding and remembering what patient is saying
active listening
brief involuntary facial expressions that reveal genuine emotions (occur in fraction of seconds)
practice of creating a space that is non judgemental where patient can express thoughts & feelings
holding space
focus on providing information rather than the emotional & psychological needs of patient
content trap
characterized by trust respect and clear boundaries
therapeutic relationship
primary goal of facilitating patient well being, healing and growth
therapeutic relationship
patients who feel supported and understood are more likely to engage in treatment plan, adhere to recommendations and follow up
patient engagement
therapists practice of accepting and respecting client without judgement or conditions
unconditional positive regard coined by carls rogers (PCC)
a complex multifaceted experience that typically involves a state of distress, hardship or pain
tangible acts intended to alleviate actual or perceived threats to a persons emotional, physical or social well being
ameliorating suffering
trust and positive perception that patients have towards a HCP, institution or practice
involves being open with our patients and working together to explore differences and negotiate to achieve desired goals of patient promoting overall wellbeing
common ground
emotional arousal about health behaviour positive or negative
dramatic relief
self-reappraisal to realize that healthy behaviour is part of who they want to be
self re-evaluation
social reappraisal to realize how unhealthy behaviours affects others
environmental reevaluation
environmental opportunities that exist to show society is supportive of health behaviours
social liberation
commitment to change based on belief that achievement of health behaviour is possible
self liberation
finding supportive relationships that encourage desired change
helping relationships
substituting healthy behaviours and thoughts for unhealthy behaviours
counter conditioning
rewarding positive behaviour and decreasing rewards that come from negative behaviours
reinforcement management