Definitions Flashcards
Food Citizenship
Involves individuals participating in, and making informed choices about issues such as sustainability, ethics or health in any stage of the food system
Food Sovereignty
Relates to
Farmers rather than corporations having the power when it comes to decisions around food production
Ensuring everyone’s right to culturally appropriate food
ensuring our food system supports the health of people and the planet
The science or practice of farming, including the cultivation of the soil for growing crops and domesticating animals to provide food, wool and other products
The cultivation and management of a garden or orchard
Cultivation of Crops
Crops deliberately sown and tended to on nearby land. Trial and error was used to find what produced the best harvest
Domestication of Animals
The process of using selective breeding to make animals more useful to humans.
People who get their food from nature via different methods such as hunting and foraging
Food System
The process of how food gets to the plate it consists of primary production, processing, packaging, distribution, access, marketing, consumption and waste management.
Food system- Primary production
The growth and harvesting of crops/the breeding and killing or getting animal products
Food system- Processing
Processing the crops/ animal products, eg. milling flour, pasteurizing milk, ensuring food safety, creating ultra processed goods.
Food system-packaging
packaging food, could also be apart of processing
Food system-distribution
transport of products to stores or other retailers
Food system-marketing
involves the advertisement of the product.
Food system- consumption
Eating of food
Food system- waste management
how the food is disposed (compost, general waste, etc)
a philosophy based on equality, namely that all people are equal and deserve equal treatment in all things