Definitions Flashcards
What is bias
systematic error (rather than a random error or chance) leading to a difference between the comparison groups which leads to an incorrect estimate of the association between the exposure and the risk of disease
Need to be minimised in study design and analysis - more difficult to adjust for in analysis so design of the study is key
What is selection bias
systematic differences between the groups
Construct validity
Does the test measure the concept that it’s intended to measure?
Content validity
Is the test fully representative of what it aims to measure?
Face validity
Does the content of the test appear to be suitable to its aims?
Criterion validity
Do the results accurately measure the concrete outcome they are designed to measure?
Sampling error
In an unbiased study the difference between the sample values and the population value occur due to chance.
How do you control confounding
In the design stage: restrictions, matching and randomisation.
In the analysis stage: multivariate analysis, stratification.
What are the features of a case in case control study
● A case definition is used
○preferable to use newly diagnosed cases (incident cases) than existing cases (prevalent cases)
○ Risk factors identified may be related to survival of the prevalent cases (which may be related to the degree of exposure) than development of the disease.
○ easier to establish the temporal sequence.
○ all included cases to be based on the same case definition.
○ Case definition should include time, place, person or be based on an existing classification
● Selection of cases is either population based, or hospital based
○ Hospital-based cases may not be representative of the whole population
What are the features of a control in case control study
Controls should be from the same population as cases and matched for certain characteristics that aren’t tested
○ Population-based
■ May not recall events as well as patients who are ill
■ Less motivated to participate and less likely to be available in the day
■ Costly and time consuming
○ Hospital-based
■ More likely to recall events before being admitted
■ More cooperative
■ If in the same hospital likely to have similar backgrounds (like area) although this may different depending on catchment areas for different specialties.
■ Ill people are likely to be different to the healthy population e.g. more likely to smoke.
■ Have to ensure not in hospital because of a condition that could be related to the exposure being studied.
○ can have more than 1:1 ratio but after 1:4 no additional power to study
what are the advantages of case control study
● Rapid and cheap
● Ideal for rare diseases
● Useful for diseases with long latent periods
● Can examine a large range of exposures
● Good for populations where follow-up is difficult
● Don’t need as many participants and existing records can be used
● Can examine multiple exposures simultaneously
what are the disadvantages of case control study
● Selection bias - the disease and exposure has already occurred, need to ensure the groups are representative of the wider population and that controls are taken from the same population as the cases
● Temporal relationships difficult to establish → reverse causality
● Recall bias of the exposure or disease
● Observer bias - if no which participants are cases
● Can only look at one outcome
● Poor for rare exposures
● Can’t compare incidence rates
● Risk of misclassification of disease or exposure status
how to mitigate bias in a case control study
Use standardized and objective diagnostic criteria for identifying cases.
Ensure that those assessing disease status are blinded to exposure status.
Minimize recall bias by collecting exposure information in a uniform and systematic manner from both cases and controls.
Use standardized questionnaires and clear definitions of exposures.
Ensure that interviewers are blinded to the case or control status during data collection.
Use objective measures of exposure whenever possible (e.g., biomarkers).
what is a case -crossover study?
Cases and controls are the same people - but two time periods are compared, one where the disease is about to occur, and another long before the disease (to see if the exposures differed)
Here each case is its own control, but recall bias still present
why are case-crossover studies used?
used to investigate the association between transient exposures (events or exposures that are brief and not sustained) and the occurrence of acute outcomes or events, especially when those outcomes are rare